Oh Heck no, no, no. Get the paperwork in place for legal accommodations. Written materials and a review of the buildings exits and safe(r) rooms is more than sufficient. Weve talked about where to run to and how to get the heck away from our building as fast as possible more than once. You are attending a religious event 4. (Funny how this rarely happens when the rental office is open; some hapless security guard has to try to decode the alarm system fault codes and tell the fire department what happened.). I cannot fathom how it has happened that even young children are expected to learn to react to someone with a gun. Unfortunately, many of our politicians (and the people who elect them) would rather our children live in danger than lose lobbying and stockholders money. The good news is that shameless excuses exist. See also so many links and comments above on why these do not work. Boo yeah! Many would not even know to run if we told them; they cannot comprehend the danger. BS on that one! And if you have a top in a color that washes you out, that will help if youre younger or have naturally fabulous eyelashes, or if you normally wear no or minimal makeup. But what on earth could take 7 hours for active shooter training alone that would actually be useful? The younger ones did. Nope, apparently were supposed to magically ignore our actual needs as well as whether you can actually do any of this running and hiding in the building/area we work in. . what about people who cannot lift a chair? It can be a good time to start getting migraines I genuinely get them and I cant even look at a screen to email / call in. Best case, that employee will now have even more inside information about strategies, hiding places, and escape routes. I started a new job recently, one where I wanted to impress and have significant imposter syndrome. For example, you can offer to work when others would rather the time off such as during the school holidays, on public holidays, and days when people would like to be away from work such as New Years Eve and Christmas Eve. It gives me hives. I would not be able to control my instinctual reaction to a fake shooter. Having your dog eat chocolate means youre stressed, youre worried, you gotta take it to the vet, you gotta figure out if its OK. Theres so much going on! This scenario sounds like the boss just wants to live out some of his first-person shooter video games and wants to drag everyone along with him, regardless as to their comfort level with shooting games. Creating an outer impression of niceness is not that hard if a person has halfway decent social skills. as a manager, should I not wear a childless shirt in my off-hours? No. Yelling about justice on the Internet and casting anemic votes isnt going to work. (Even those who havent had personal connections to any of the many, many mass shootings in recent decades.). So. Im worried that would get her fired. They told the older members what to do. Ive never done a training myself, but my children have since preschool (note: they are intentionally vague at that age, calling it bad guy training). How to Get Out of Drill Weekend - icci.science You dont know how you will react until you are in a situation, but a one-time seven hour LARPing of a horrible situation will not help you and certainly can traumatize you. In my city, people would probably worry (justifiably) that the helicopter was there to shoot and/or deport them. the vast majority of these trainings rely on terrorizing people and teaching absolutely nothing of practical value other than you sure might get shot at work! My 1st grader and her classmates knew all the hiding spots in their school and when they built a model school classroom as a project, insisted they put several into their creation. Culture Call in sick, OP. Have a good gaming night! Call out sick. 2. Again her choice is individual and different, but I am glad her workplace is partnering with them so that others who many never have had such drills (me included, 7 workplaces over 30+ years and I have at most had video training) have that opportunity. But I was wondering how can reasonable accomodations include opting out of mandatory safety related training? Wishing you all the best with this difficult situation. You should not have to traumatize yourself at work. OP, pick whichever option works for you, but I would think explaining yourself in a firm, unwavering way would not only be empowering to you, but also eye-opening to your boss. They used to kind of joke about the fire alarm being pulled and then a school shooting happened where a fire alarm was pulled and kids were shot leaving their classrooms/building. And I absolutely think you should do the same. something to consider! As the first step in run-hide-fight, you totally should call in sick, say you are running. All of these take about ten minutes. The fact that we landed on lets continually traumatize victims as a preventative measure enrages me. Laughing about that is wrong on so many levels, regardless of whether youre in hearing distance of someone or not. And the ironic part: stress can lead to a higher frequency of migraines, even in people taking a preventative medication, so it would actually be quite possible I might actually wake up with one if I were in OPs situation. I was when I first went to this unit 5.5 years ago. Make up a story of how your roommate needs your special attention since they are suffering from a. fever. ****WARNING FOR SENTENCES BELOW*****. Apologize for not making it upto them,but you cant do anything about it? Oh, I just had a horrible thought. However, there will be times when we would rather not work weekends and have the weekend free to pursue other interests. Also, your boss is a horses ass. A SEVEN HOUR drill would definitely be too much for me, too, and Id seriously consider quitting if I was forced to do that (especially if there were pellet guns like another commenter said, thats horrific.). Her eyelids dont SPARKLE today! We all know how hard it gets to pull off financially at the last dates of the month. Active shooter, hurricane (southeastern state), chemical spill, fire. If your employment requires that you work on the weekend, organizing a spontaneous weekend away might not be possible. i would also call in sick to this. I personally couldnt be a stay at home mum, as I love my career but I think if I lived in the US, I would very, VERY seriously consider homeschooling. I think what happens is that someone sees the day-long disaster simulation events using those who will be involved in emergency responses (police, fire, hospitals, etc) and thinks day-long training will be useful to everyone. This boss is unreasonable and is likely to suspect the real reason; the fewer things he can attempt to disprove, the better! It is never a fun conversation but it is a necessary conversation in this era of teaching. Her students are fifth graders, so ages 10-11. You should probably go ahead and [Insert Activity] without me. Which could be related to all the drywall replacement weve had to do after the fire sprinkler floods. I didnt end up having to attend the training, but I was never able to respect my grandboss in the same way after that. Its a 5-7 minute trip (if youre sprinting) to the nearest building with one of those. A year or so before COVID, our state decided to mandate active-shooter drills for schools. And you know theyll treat it all as a big game because its all fake anyway. If youre a party person, in your teens or early twenties, a party at Davids is news that will stir a lot of excitement. I work in a clinic that serves LGBTQ+ patients and I live in a state that is very second amendment and extremely not LGBTQ+ friendly. Oh and he made the video on his phone! If someone has a heart attack in my vicinity, I can call emergency services or run a few hundred yards to get the defibrillator, but someone else will have to start CPR. They are however, sadly outdated since most of us are remote workers now. The light up shoes remind me of the fact that it regularly comes up in online forums for parents of kids with diabetes that you cant turn off some of the blood sugar monitor and insulin pump audible alarms, due to FDA regulations. We should be marching and burning government buildings and performing citizens arrests of corrupt politicians and 1%ers over this. The trainings have been optional. Being broke sucks and everyone knows it. I was out the day the training happened, but apparently it was just a cop lecture interspersed with scary videos. Sign up to our newsletter, and follow us on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook so you always know where to find us. Im looking around to get away cause Im scared of gun being pulled. Im so sorry, OP. Be prepared for unexpected expenses. You know what would be more effective than repeated active shooter drills that traumatize people and trigger trauma responses in survivors? I had to listen to 911 calls, crying children, the lot. I spent a little time thinking about what I would do if we were robbed. Ive been tasked with figure out an active shooter training for my work and fitting it in with our regular drill schedule, but I justI get upset every time I go through the materials. I think it varies both person to person and generationally. It can absolutely be traumatizing and upsetting as a participant. Most employee admit that they gossip at work and it is part of our human nature to gossip. This isnt going to be the first time someone tries to tell him that people have traumas and mental health needs. My ability to consent to this work activity was removed, and I repeated to Jerkface that I did not consent, and he said that was fine but I had to do it anyway. A friend from high school was sentenced to life in prison for committing one of the first, and worst, workplace shootings in Massachusetts. Good Reasons to Call Out of Work (Physical Jobs) 1. Many religions have weekly religious events. Total wild west time no supervision by an expert or law enforcement. I have been battling car issues for over a week now. What do you MEAN they didnt know what to do?? If you cant make it for any reason, you need to submit a leave form ahead of time so your absence can be excused. I feel you, OP. I choked up reading that and I have no kids and am not in the US. We get our images from the OG in stock assets. The whole realistic reenactment thing makes people in charge feel like theyre doing more than they are. I could have written this post myself. Im just old enough to have gotten out of high school with very minimal active shooter type worries. I lost a dear friend to a campus shooting and every time another Active Shooter Training email pops up my stomach drops. Yes, absolutely, get a doctors note so you have backup. Id either lean into something genuine and chronic (back pain? I do agree that theres a difference between physically practicing something and reading about it (and frankly, at some of my performing arts jobs, Id have really loved to have even talked through some sort of emergency response plan for an increasingly not-unlikely situation). Alternatively, its too difficult to talk about also works. I work for a a government agency. I interned at a plant that had an annual disaster training day where they would pick one scenario and do a full day simulation + training on it. Soif anyonewants to talk about it later,; you got yourself a listener. In the last year we had a shooting at another campus in my district, and a lockdown on my campus for a suspected shooter (someone on the street with a gun who did not end up coming into the building). 10 Reasons Why You Should Work From Home Today! When my former workplace held an active shooter training, they said it was mandatory and no one could opt out. Oh god. excuses to get out of drill weekend That is egregious and worth taking seriously imo. You just dont know what people can and cannot tolerate with this kind of thing, and its best to let them decide for themselves if its appropriate. I always see college as a priority for soldiers, they are taking the time to progress themselves. Yet this person always wants the group to come up with brilliant ideas to keep people from having normal human accidents, such as twisting their ankle or getting a door slammed on their hand by some other careless person. You Had Other Car Issues 11. Good luck! Some people either dont want any gun laws modified as they think that is the start of taking away all gun rights and also now there is such hatred for the political partyso their representatives vote against it. 7 hours is ridiculous Id definitely call in sick. Why Quiet Quitting Your Job is Not All Wrong? Also want to say: I hear that there are differences between younger folks experience and us middle aged people who grew up prior to mass school shootings being so frequent. Frankly, its upsetting enough leaving them behind at daycare 4 days a week even though I know they both love it, and they are extremely safe. 4 You have religious obligations . they understand that all you need to do is stay in bed (and watch a movie you just bought). All The Best Squid Game Memes For Those Still Reeling After That Twist Ending Theyre valuable for kids because kids suck at hiding, staying still and being quiet. As someone old enough that I had to worry about this in high school and now I have to see my kid doing active shooter drills, I absolutely think people who did not grow up in a similar situation do not understand how very different it is having lived with it much of our lives. Ahh, thats the stuff. The Drill Army Reserves are a great way to get training and experience in the Army, but there are some things to keep in mind before you join. I got good feedback later about the power of the word, so maybe try it. I jumped straight to calling out sick, well before I got that part of Alisons answer. If something comes up that requires your immediate attention (such as a death in the family), this is considered a valid excuse for missing drill. I grew up in the era of mass shootings. Ill come out again soon when Im in a better place. Then laughed. Ive seen plenty of law enforcement response to school additions. Its similar to gallows humor. Her lashes arent jet black! And as others have pointed out, experts question whether they drills really help anyone anyway. The fact that there is no apparent option besides hands-on training is deeply concerning, as is the length of the training. Also want to say: I hear that there are differences between younger folks experience and us middle aged people who grew up prior to mass school shootings being so frequent. Even if that number never shows up. Less than perfectly shiny styled hair is practically a sign of leprosy. Do I normally condone lying? #1 "I Have A Headache" A headache isn't severe enough to render you useless for a long period of time but it's bad enough that it'll get you out of a social engagement. Then you can avoid the worst of the after-event commentary. Oct 21, 2005 #2. So long that the lights went out. This seems to be a growing problem. Ive been involved in a workplace shooting and its not something that needs reenacting. if your boss asks, just say you woke up feeling too sick to work that day. For example: "Due to some past history that I don't want to go into at work, I am going to opt of out Tuesday's training.". No sense in reminding them of the futility of it all on a monthly basis as well. You're Sick 2. Your friend doesnt know who that guy is but man, do they hate em. All The Hidden Clues In Squid Game That Pointed To That Twist Ending And its so much worse now than it was then. Do they also do a seven hour fire prevention and response class? assigning women extra work to help them, calling out when youre in the ER, and more. I know you dont want to do that, being the only woman and all, but I find that sometimes I spend too much effort holding myself together, and an honest reaction sometimes solves the issue. You dont need her permission to Nope out of the next one. It was traumatizing enough doing that and it only lasted about 5 10 min. I grew up in the Seventies and Eighties in the UK with the IRA. That is the point. You never know when that may be useful. Hey [Name] Ive got some stuff going on and I think that would make it difficult to be around me at the moment. Now that my eldest is in school, I am grateful every day that I married a British man and moved to his hometown. I am fairly traumatized by all this, because what if it IS a fire and/or flood this time and not just a glitch in the system? The only practical thing you can do is prepare for the world you live in. If you do work full time or have family obligations and work part-time, you can only study in the evening and on weekends. This happened in effing Silicon Valley with the VTA shooting just 2 years ago. They played it in the background or had it up during lunch and walked away in order to get credit for watching it. An online training video should be an acceptable alternative. Im almost 24. You want to spend the time with your family and friends, It has a positive impact on your physical and mental health, You have the opportunity to develop networking opportunities, Yor provide a service or goods to the community. But we do talk about it at home. I dont need to sit through seven hours of that garbageagain. I really hope this changes some day in the US. Practicing locking doors/closing windows, leaving the building like in a fire drill, knowing how your employer sends out emergency info and the basics of what to do are perfectly sufficient and are applicable in many situations. A FULL DAY training is incredibly excessive and triggering, unless you think people dying is funny. Unfortunately I really doubt the boss is going to be at all receptive to having his eyes open, just based on the description of him. Im so sorry this is happening to you. You can also request a leave of absence for personal or medical reasons. -You are in school and cannot miss class (you must provide documentation from your school) I have AT starting Aug 7. Bring your creative projects to life with ready-to-use design assets from independent creators around the world. With 58th BfSB, it looks like i only have one drill in conflict with this semester. how do you handle soldiers and college?