The 44-year-old actress' letter stated that she was bullied by a certain co-worker while the show was running from 2004 to 2012, but it is unknown who she may be talking about. ("If"), To thank Lynette for saving Celia, Gaby and Carlos decide to keep paying Lynette's salary until she has the baby. She does, and Stella becomes rich, so she spoils Lynette and her family. Lynette complains to Renee but she fires back that Lynette has to choose whether to be a good wife or not. She's very angry so she banishes him from seeing her during chemo. ("A Humiliating Business") Susan disagrees with one of Lynette's parenting techniques with Paige, and during a thanksgiving dinner at Renee's house, she goes behind Lynette's back to care for Paige in her own way, angering her. Developed by series creator Marc Cherry, Lynette was portrayed by Felicity Huffman. Gregg later tells Tom this, so Tom comes to see Lynette after breaking up with Jane, assuming Lynette loves him. ("The Little Things You Do Together") Tom takes Lynette on a romantic horse-and-carriage ride, but things don't go as planned. Later on, while at the supermarket, Lynette runs into her old colleague, Natalie Klein. Lynette causes them to be evicted, so they move back home temporarily and Lynette teaches them things they need to know to live alone. ("No Fits, No Fights, No Feuds") Lynette helps Tom get the liquor licence for the grand opening of Scavo Pizzeria, but when Tom finds out he's upset because he feels she does everything for him. The two then pitch to the kids what they think is the best holiday which leads to yet another fight between them; this time however they insult each other. After the tornado, Lynette and Karen find the McCluskey house in ruins. 5042 Wilshire Blvd, #12566 . Lynette & others are outside preparing xmas decorations, and Lynette is wearing a top, the housewives find out she's suing Carlos and the reason why which leads to her pregnancy, Bree looks surprised as does McCluskey, but it makes no sense because Lynette has a top on and didn't hide her belly lol, I think at that point it was just a lot of information all at once and they were just trying to be respectful to their friends by not dwelling on what was happening right at that moment. ("Color and Light"), When Lynette realizes the twins have been sneaking out the house without Tom's knowledge, she fears they could fall prey to pedophile. Lynette is devastated, and her rivalry with Jane becomes more heated at Penny's birthday party when they continually try to one up each other. When Parker goes missing, she searches Art's house and finds that all the toys and pictures are missing; he tells her he donated the toys to a hospital. Lynette lets herself in and finds that the older woman can't open her bottles of arthritis medicine. This leads Lynette to try to experiment with new dates herself, and meets a new man, who seems very keen on her. Their plan to have sex fails when they're interrupted by the smell of Lynette's clothes and their four noisy children. She then tries to make sure that Gaby doesn't pursue Tom. However, she's shocked to find out she's brought her fiance, Rashi. Ein Blick in den Spiegel. ("Come Back to Me"), Whilst in bed one night, Lynette tries to discuss their need for a new water heater, but Tom is too tired. ("No One is Alone") She and her children plan on moving in with her mother for a while, but when Porter breaks his arm, she takes him to hospital and calls Tom. When Tom finds out about what Lynette has done, he quit his job, and in the season finale informs her that she will be going back to work. ("In Buddy's Eyes"), Lynette questions Tom about the fire, but he denies making it. Not only is Lynette suffering strain from the murder but she is also having a tough time with her separation from Tom. Lynette spends some time in the episode with Mrs. McCluskey, and their friendship is tested by their actions during the tornado. [2] She also beat her children and had cancer, when Lynette was 13 years old. Lynette has trouble adjusting to Nora and Kayla being around but does her best. She continues to use the ADD medication when she cant even perform the simplest tasks. ("Putting it Together") Tom is angry that Lynette would get herself in such a situation, so he hired Bob as their lawyer to help her if something goes wrong. Tom's back spasms, causing Lynette to fall off the bed and hit herself. 2018. Back at the hospital, Gaby visits Lynette and they make up. He is forced to deliver the baby himself and Lynette gives birth to a healthy Paige Scavo. Nina soon falls in love with the idea of drinking and meeting men at bars, but because of her shyness, she asks Lynette to come too. ("We All Deserve to Die") When Lynette realizes how bad Eddie's home life is, she offers him to live at her house, unaware that he just killed his mother and Irina. Ironically, Cross is the only one of the four leading actresses to get pregnant when the show was filming. This is not a joke, Tom. Season 6 premier sneak peak! BANNED. Renee hooks her up with her hairdresser, Frank, but the date doesn't go so well as Lynette tries to control his life and she tells him what to do. Renee later apologizes to Lynette and is forgiven, and reveals that she has just bought Edie Britts former home on Wisteria Lane. . And Bree jumped in with both feet. At the wedding, Lynette tries to deter her mother from marrying him, but she gives in when Stella explains she's also lonely. Team Owner. 0601 Previously on Desperate Housewives: Carlos' niece arrived. Following a nasty fall out of bed, Lynette undergoes a CAT scan which reveals swollen lymph nodes. Traumatized, Lynette wonders what her life would have been like if her baby (Patrick) had survived. After remembering these events, Lynette announces to Karen McCluskey that she doesn't think Tom and Jane's relationship will last much longer, as she has a plan. When Julie is attacked, Lynette goes to the hospital and tells the doctor she may be pregnant so she can't have an x-ray. After Katherine is nearly arrested for murder, Lynette helps her friends explain to the police that it was in self-defense. Renee explains that is the price she has to pay for nice things. ("Come on Over for Dinner"), In their twenty years together, Tom and Lynette Scavo had followed a few simple rules. She invites the troubled teen Eddie Orlofsky to live with her family, unaware that he is the Fairview Strangler. Lynette feels incredibly guilty over what happened, but Tom comforts her by saying that she meant well. The other mothers timidly agree, however now Lynette is swamped by Maisy's demanding expectations for the costumes; if she does not want her boys to be taken out of the play, the costumes have to be perfect. When messaging his wife via computer, Lynette takes over. Lynette attempts to sneak the cat out of the shelter, and Karen follows her into the storm. Gabrielle soon discovers the truth, and is angry with Lynette for putting the future of Carlos' company at stake. He and Jane argue with Jane realizing that Tom still loves Lynette and they break up. Lynette kisses Carlos in front of Gaby to show her how she felt. While at the supermarket, Lynette meets new neighbour, Art Shepard. It will not defeat me. When asked why shes not around at home so much by Kayla, she tells her theres a lot of work, but she doesn't believe her. However, an elderly neighbour, Karen McCluskey, claims it's hers, and proves it by showing a price tag on it. Lynette becomes the CEO of Katherine's business, and she learns just how tough a job it really is. Lynette pulls Renee aside and tells her that it is inappropriate to be so close to Tom and demands that their current friendship be toned down. He wasn't wronged as a boss or friend. In need of a person to accompany her during chemo, she asks Gaby, but is upset when she says she doesn't want to join her. Lynette comforts her, saying that money can't change the way she looks in their eyes. [15] Stella marries Glenn Wingfield, whom Lynette adores. During the party, Tom finds Lynette and confesses his love to her, after talking with Roy. She reminds him Mike has a drug problem. ("There is No Other Way") Lynette and Ed hire a new woman at work, Veronica, and are shocked to see her breastfeeding her 5 year old son. Einst war sie eine knallharte Geschftsfrau, gab ihren Job jedoch auf, als Tom und sie sich dazu entschieden Kinder zu bekommen. Lynette struggles to cope with her four children until Preston and Porter are prescribed medication for ADHD (attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder). He tells her that she is the type of person who still cries when their last child grows out of their onesies, even after raising four other children. However, as he approaches the house, Tom sees a man helping take Lynette's dress off and he misinterprets the situation, so leaves, devastated. Lynette's family is safe, but only because Ida Greenberg died to save them. Is one of three characters to appear in every episode. She asks Bree for a recommendation. Lynette and Gaby's friendship becomes strained, but is restored when Lynette saves Celia Solis from being hit by a plane that crashes on Wisteria Lane. Mrs. Butters recommends that the twins go on ritalin since they show signs of ADD. Bree helps by trying to get Tom a job via an informal interview, but when Lynette sees Tom isn't interested, she tries to win the employer over. After Parker gets chewing gum stuck in his hair, Lynette has to shave all of his hair off. Lynette calls Tom a "Pompous Ass" while Tom labels Lynette as a "Raging Bitch" leaving them to decide that it is only them who need to spend a holiday together. Things don't turn out as planned and Nora ends up going with Lynette to help Tom. Lynette keeps using Parker's baldness to get into the sessions, but she eventually comes clean when Parker believes he's dying. ("My Two Young Men"), Lynette finds evidence that Irina is a gold-digger, and when Preston learns the truth, he is devastated and the wedding is cancelled. He is sad to send her away, but in time the family (and Tom and Lynette's marriage) recovers from the strain placed upon it by Kayla. She then becomes hysterical when she finds out that Porter is the father of Julie's daughter and that he wants full custody. ("Mother Said"), CPS arrive at Lynette's house and question her about Kayla's safety. ("Watch While I Revise the World"), Lynette suspects that Tom may have started dating again with a twenty year old girl, so she spies on him, but finds out that he's been seeing her mother, Jane, for coffee. A desperate and strung out Lynette then arranges a playdate with another local mother and proceeds to steal some of her child's ADD medication from their medicine cabinet, realizing at that moment that she has sunk to a new low. She then breaks down outside, screaming that "she's sorry". Lynette Lindquist[14] was the eldest of three daughters[2] born to Stella and her husband, Mr. Lindquist. Stella reveals she's marrying him for his money, shocking Lynette. He tells Lynette that he had only gone to buy the ingredients. They then clash over Tom letting the children have whatever they want, making Lynette the bad person who always says "No". ("Mirror, Mirror"), Lynette returns home one day to find Tom with a police officer. ("Fear No More"), When Lynette realizes that she and Tom haven't had sex for ten days, their new record, she becomes worried that her marriage is on the rocks. Lynette later apologizes to Robin for judging her. . The second housewife (after Gabrielle), to suffer a miscarriage. When Lynette arrives home, he thanks her for giving them sugar as part of her revenge and admits that they are raising "little terrorists". Lynette questions why he's thinking of having children, so he admits if they divorce or she dies, he'll want to start a new family. While walking to the wake of her friend, Mary Alice Young, Lynette threatens to call Santa if the children do not start behaving. After setting up a camera in the kitchen, Lynette watches the footage recorded and she is pleasantly surprised at how well Claire is getting on with the children. When Rodney refuses to be ashamed for his actions, Lynette tosses him out of the house. When Carlos finds out, he breaks up . During an ultrasound, Lynette isn't excited about her babies and she tells Tom it's because she doesn't love them. Lynette lleg a sentirse desilusionada y resentida con Tom por haber dejado su carrera por la crianza de sus hijos. While in jail, Lynette tells Tom what Kayla did. . Lynette informs Stu that he can file for sexual harassment. Overview: Driven by a hidden agenda, Dave convinces Susan to throw Mrs. McCluskey a surprise party for her 70th birthday. Susan brings a coffee to Lynette and tells her Julie's not pregnant. When Anne leaves, she announces she was never pregnant. However at a company softball game, Tom's rival, Tim Douggan collapses and must undergo triple bypass surgery which means he will be in recovery thus interfering with his new job. She tells Tom about this decision, frustrating him. ("Something's Coming") Lynette's family is saved, but Ida is announced dead because she moved to save the Scavos'. Kids do better with stay at home moms. Lynette is hesitant to the idea, but happy nonetheless. Gaby later tells Lynette that it's because when her father died of cancer, he told her to smile, but she cannot smile for Lynette because it's too painful. This time, it goes perfect, and when the two go back to Lynette's house, Lynette is reluctant to have sex. ("I'm Still Here") When Frank demands a family photo, he dies unexpectedly. In her first trimester, Lynette is depressed about the prospect of having twins so late in life and fears she will not love them. She helps create an aphrodisiac and sets to mood. ("The God-Why-Don't-You-Love-Me Blues"), As a favor for Karen, Lynette hires Roy as her handy man. The war escalates when Karen runs over one of the boys' bikes with her car and Lynette retaliates by throwing eggs. Together, they decide they should separate. So she goes to a local park and begins nanny poaching. Lynette buys a new set of clothes but Tom is hesitant because of the price. D esperate Housewives star Felicity Huffman unveils the bald truth as her character Lynette in the hit series is shown to be battling the effects of cancer. ("Love is in the Air"), Tom becomes angered when the boss at work passes on a promotion which was intended for him but instead went to another co-worker. Lynette agrees to go out with Rick to another restaurant but before they leave her husband Tom and her children come to the pizzeria to surprise her, where Kayla sees chemistry between Lynette and Rick. Toxic: Lynette Didn't Want A Family Before she got pregnant, Lynette was living her best life as a successful career woman. Lynette is happy about Tom's accomplishment but when she learns that the job involves more traveling than his current position she begs him to reconsider. Lynette's bad ass kids. Angry, Lynette yells at Carolyn, but ends up being shot in her arm; she's then taken to hospital. Once inside, Parker finds a basement full of toys, but Lynette also finds numerous photos of half naked boys on the wall. Lynette apologizes and promises to visit more. She overhears a new client of Lynette and Renee's, and suggests that she ask her daughter for her favorite characters to paint on her wall. She later approaches Anne at a PTA meeting and attacks her, warning her to stay away from Porter. Lynette is devastated by the news. Lynette decides to punish Tom by allowing the twins to drive his mint-condition Mustang to homecoming. Lynette then tells him to go to Paris. To fill this void, Tom buys a Classic mint-condition Mustang. During the final course of the dinner, Lynette, Bree and Susan find out that Carlos killed Gaby's stepfather, and they help cover up the murder. When Lynette hears Tom hasn't filed the papers, she is hopeful but after seeing Tom and Jane kiss at the office, she accepts a date from Tom's boss. giraffe experience blackpool zoo. Because of an injury, the nine-months pregnant Lynette carrying twins begets one from the pair . Many years later in the future, Lynette is with her six grandchildren in Central Park. Was bree from desperate housewives really pregnant? 29 related questions found. [30], Screen Rant ranked Lynette as the 7th best Desperate Housewives character, writing that she was "definitely nicer and more watchable than Edie" and not "always the most sympathetic character".[31]. Whilst reading to her sons, they demand that Claire read the book because she is better at it; this saddens Lynette even more. care of her would be too physically demanding for Roy. Filming for the series was interrupted by the 2007-2008 Writers Guild of America strike in November 2007, after production on the two-episode . When they return home Tom leads Lynette to believe that he will be spending a while in an apartment near to his work offices. ("My Husband, the Pig") Despite Tom's orders, Lynette objects to wearing her work uniform. Lynette agrees, letting him hold the baby while she dials 911. The two compete to win their children over, but this escalates into a giant argument which Penny overhears. After he died, their mother had a series of unpleasant and unstable boyfriends and a drinking problem. When she is unable to do all the work, Carlos fires her. And a hugely successful one at that. However, he returns, saying he didn't want to embarrass Lynette by suddenly leaving. Carolyn shoots Nora for hitting on Tom, so Lynette promises to care for Kayla before Nora dies. Lynette tries to hide, but Nora finds her and they argue. "Lynette meets a pregnant woman while waiting for the doctor, and gives her a dose of what being a mom is really like!""Nice is . Her problems worsen when Tom tells her that he has been offered a lucrative promotion that would take him away from home more often, which he refused to discuss with her, so she makes sure that his boss doesn't offer him the promotion. The wife feels pity on Lynette and the following day, Tom tells Lynette that the boss reconsidered. When Kayla confesses that she lied, Tom sends her to live with her grandparents. ("Opening Doors") While punishing the twins, Lynette discovers Kayla suggested they do it. When at work one day, Lynette sees co-worker, Stu Durber, using a webcam. When bringing the family back home, Lynette suggests Tom widen his job net to lessen his stress. Lynette asks Tom to do something when he visits her, and later at home, Tom gets Kayla to confess the lies. Angry, Lynette visits the school nurse and discovers that Tammy Brennan's son started the outbreak. she starts being really horrid to lynette and almost gets her arrested. Lynette then confesses her love to Tom, and they both passionately kiss in the middle of Wisteria Lane. Lynette attempts to show him that she's safe by getting new neighbour, Art, to pretend to be a superhero. D esperate Housewives star Felicity Huffman unveils the bald truth as her character Lynette in the hit series is shown to be battling the effects of cancer. Under orders from Ed, Lynette convinces Donovan that chocolate milk is better. The next morning, Claire tells Lynette about her embarrassing encounter with Tom the night before, leading Lynette to realize Tom is attracted to Claire. Overview: Gabrielle plans a big party to bid farewell to Carlos, who is about to head off to jail for eight months. When she awakens, Tom tells her that the ill baby died but the other survived. When one of them throws a ball into her face, she has enough and yells at them. This worries Bree as she feels her word may no longer be trusted there. Lynette and Tom enjoy their free time, but after the kids find Norma and Leonard's sex tape, she decides to keep play dates to a minimum. Bree tells Lynette about Gaby's affair with John, shocking her. . Anne admits that there is no baby. She was mostly known for being super controlling, with a tendency to slightly berate people she holds dear to her heart, Lynette is portrayed as the neurotic, stressed and controlling housewife and mother, and is considered the "smart" one of the group. Upset that she's being treated as a "plus one", she tries to sneak into the seminar, but is caught, embarrassing Tom. ("Nice is Different Than Good"), Tom and Lynette struggle to keep the pregnancy hidden from their children because of morning sickness. ("There's Something About a War") Ed decides to make Tom the "class-clown" and he sets him numerous dares. Lynette tries to convince her daughter that spending time with her father is important. Lynette is introduced as a frustrated stay-at-home mother of four children, who she had with her businessman husband Tom (Doug Savant). When Nora decides to leave town with Kayla in tow, Lynette and Tom sue for custody. Tom is having a mid-life crisis - he often sides with his disobedient sons, and he starts a band with the other neighborhood husbands, all to the irritation of his wife. "), When the neighborhood handyman, Eli Scruggs dies, Lynette helps plan him a funeral ceremony. Elle est donc contrainte de porter une perruque. However, when the receptionist sees Parker's baldness, she mistakenly believes that he has cancer, so she lets Lynette into the session and finds an extra space for her kids in the daycare center. Well, Tom, they're sixteen now not getting it. ("Liaisons") Rick suggests changing the menu at the pizzeria, but Tom doesn't agree with his ideas. However, when he sees his mother slap Lynette, he accepts what's happening to her and they put her in a care home. Professione. Tom notices this and fires Claire to protect his wife. Unimpressed, Lynette takes one of Ed's dares to make him stop. ("School of Hard Knocks") To retaliate, Lynette decides that she wants to try dating again, but when she is taken home by a man and they're about to have sex, she begins to cry, saying the thought of sleeping with another man is terrifying. Lynette is angry that Renee thinks her life is pathetic, but Renee explains she envies Lynette's life as her husband cheated on her, so Lynette welcomes her to stay as long as she has to. [19] Lynette had four children with Tom: twins Preston and Porter born in February 1998, Parker born in November 1998,[21] and Penny born in 2004. She genuinely enjoyed what she did, but it was all tgone when she had the twins. They moved to New York, where Lynette learned the joy of being a CEO. She finally sleeps with Renee's barber and moves on, though at first she cries during the sex. [13] Huffman won the Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Comedy Series for the role in 2005, and was nominated for Golden Globe Award for Best Actress Television Series Musical or Comedy for 2005 to 2007. When Lynette later finds Warren beating Anne severely, Warren jeeringly dares the women to phone the police, because Anne is guilty of statutory rape. Mayes cites Lynette's storylines with her children as proof that Cherry "recognizes that every mother has been driven to the edge by her kids at one point. [26] She lost to Hatcher. As the tornado hits, Karen and Lynette are forced to shelter in a bathtub in the Scavo house.