Henry thinks of a way to get Charlotte and is happy when she is free. Henry and Charlotte are taking calls together at the beginning of the episode. Chenry and Jiper. I said seriously, looking at her fondly. When Bysh starts attacking Charlotte, Henry tries to come to her defense and break up the fight. She looked kind of annoyed everytime Henry/Kid Danger would interrupt conversations with other friends. Henry and Charlotte appear to be studying together before Jasper comes in. He awards her with the pine cones for finding the job opening, which she seems pleased with. His friends, Jasper and Charlotte, stay with Ray. Background is mine. Charlotte begins teasing Henry about a girl named Amy in science class. Henry and Charlotte bicker briefly about Charlotte being right about Henry getting some type of side effect from theDensitizer. Henry saved Charlotte by pushing Courtney out through the window. Henry said Charlotte's project was great and was interested in how it worked. Henry is not at allbothered by the teasing and laughs with them, normally if someone suggests you kiss someone you don't want to kiss you'd probably look uncomfortable or annoyed so the fact that Henry is not could be a strong indication that he likes her. I don't own Henry Danger and it's characters Henry texted Charlotte that he got Ray and did not text Jasper or Schwoz. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words. This is a Chenry fanfic. Henry didn't want Charlotte to leave and seemed sad when she left. She was a goddess and he was lucky she even wanted to date a peasant like him. Henry said Schwoz could not get ice cream because they had to get parts for Charlotte's invention. When Henry grabbed the gift, Charlotte stepped out of his way. When she got accepted the first time, Henry told her he was proud of her and they hugged. Charlotte has been acting different lately, she's missing school and work, and she was more quiet than usual. Henry asked Charlotte which flavor she would vote for, and he was shocked when she decided not to vote. When they wanted to talk to him, they both sat down next to each other. Henry and Charlotte smirk at each other when Ray and Jasper immediately start to fight with each other while in their suits. Charlotte was mainly concerned about the state of Henry as a man-beast. Henry sarcastically says Wow, love ya friends directed at Charlotte as well as the other characters. Charlotte tells Henry to "Please talk some sense into your friend" because she hates Jasper's mustache. I sigh Charlotte stops wondering what it means to live a normal life, when the boy of her dreams sweeps her off he feet. I felt jealous of Charlotte, even though I know her and Henry would never date. Henry was tried to backtrack and to defend Charlotte by saying she wasnt in love with Jasper. Charlotte calls Henry and wakes him up to tell him about the musical curse. Charlotte shows concern for the side effect Henry has. When Charlotte was sarcastic to Henry, he said that he would not let Charlotte lick his ice cream cone, implying that they shared the same ice cream cone. Henry and Charlotte go to the party together and get Jasper the barrel/bucket he wanted for his birthday. Henry notices that Charlotte is gone and askswhere she is. Henry smiled at Charlotte so she wouldn't figure out about Courtney. They tend to bicker in many episodes, which other characters have been seen to find amusing. Charlotte told Henry to leave the meat on his bruised eye. He needs her. Henry and Charlotte told Schwoz to stop blowing the air horn. Henry was standing right in front of Charlotte when he addressed everyone as his little cuties (because he was trying to rhyme). When Charlotte says no, he changes his answer to no as well. Charlotte looks sad and uncomfortable when Henry is yelling at everyone about the Man Cave being gone. Henry (and Jasper) both fight to get Charlotte out of the massage chair. She helps Henry up after Ray throws him and her hand stays on his arm for a little while. Charlotte and Henry both think that Jasper is the playground pooper. Charlotte came into Henry's house and immediately asked where Henry was. Two people who loved Henry Hart stand alone in the moments after his death. ", Henry tells Jasper to carry Charlotte out of the man cave, Charlotte screams Henry name as Jasper carries her to the elevator. After Piper hurts Jasper, Henry starts to fall over and Charlotte gets worried. Both of them think it's awesome when Charlotte makes Henry throw the toolbox into the wall and Henry smiles at Charlotte excitedly. During the day at school I get random ideas of a Henry danger b Henry has anger issues, when he meets his new roommate he realises she is what keeps him sane. Charlotte pulled Henry aside and asked what an Opposite Universe is. Henry and Charlotte never end up bickering with each other about which way to move when Charlotte has control over Henry. Henry sits close beside Charlotte and they write Ray's Rumblr profile together. Charlotte answers Henry's video chat request while she is brushing her teeth. Charlotte got annoyed and took Henry's ice cream. Charlotte knows every time she mentioned Jack Swagger to Henry. Henry looks back at Charlotte and Jasper while Ms. Shapen harasses him about Noelle. Charlotte zaps someone whos trying to attack Henry. Charlotte is excited to see Henry (and Ray) on TV. When Henry put Charlotte down, his hands were still on her waist, and he was smiling down at her. Charlotte didn't want to hurt him, even if it wasnt the real Henry. Henry seemed concerned when Charlotte came to the ManCave, mind-warped. Henry asks Ray if Charlotte is in the Man Cave and then says its "because she's normal and I like to talk to her", Henry's only reason for wanting to talk to Charlotte is that he enjoys it. They were both concerned about why Ray was behaving so strangely. Charlotte says that she was playing with Henry by letting him nearly win. Henry was still thinking about the fact that Charlotte called him cocky by the time that him and Ray get to the crime scene and he worriedly mentions it to Ray. Charlotte was sad when Henry didn't listen to her story. Now he occupies his time with finding Tyler Lewis, the person who killed the love of his life. Henry (and Ray) let the fire out from Charlotte's project. When Henry wakes up for the third time knowing he must relive the same bad day over again, he says. She agrees with Henry that money is good. Henry pulls the chair Charlotte is sitting on to the Room of Storage. Charlotte and Henry are on the same team for the Grammar Fight. When Charlotte gets upstairs and sees Henry has eaten the muffin, she freaks out, grabs his neck to suck the muffin out, and puts her fingers in his, When Gwen grabs Henry, Charlotte grabs Henry's other arm and says "You, back off!". Before Henry realized that Charlotte also wanted to open the crate, Henry guiltily says I know when she says that he cant open other peoples crates, Charlotte acts as if Henry is doing something wrong by opening Rays crate, Henry is very amused and excited by Charlottes turn (the crowbar) and says hed laugh at it every time, Charlotte and Henry try to open Rays crate with the crowbar together, Charlotte and Henry both try to lie to Piper and Jasper about opening the crate, Charlotte and Henry look at each other when Piper and Jasper tell them that they also tried opening the crate, Before Schwoz shows them his magnet, Henry leans in close to Charlotte as whispers sick turn coming with excitement and she agrees with him, Henry and Charlotte both get excited about Schwozs turn, Henry and Charlotte smile at each other while Schwoz explains how the magnet will open the crate, Henry whispers to Charlotte that there is a turn coming again when Ray talks about the Theranos Boot and Charlotte excitedly says I cant even right now, Henry asks if they are going to touch the boot since Ray left and Charlotte tells Henry that shes not so sure that they should touch it, Henry agrees with Charlotte that they should get the gum off an easier way so he goes to get a tissue, Charlotte moves to stand beside Henry when Schwoz starts explaining his plan to fix their broken boot problem, Charlotte tells Henry to just agree with Schwoz while he explains that they can get a boot from an alternate universe and Henry listens to her, Henry gives everyone directions but only says please when he gives Charlottes directions, Henry and Charlotte both look concerned when Jasper says that he thinks the donkey did kick his head, Henry consistently stands right beside Charlotte a lot in this episode, Henry asks Jasper why he didnt listen to Charlotte. Charlotte was at Henry's house late at night. When Henry saw Charlotte moaning in pain after eating 'bad meat', Henry puts all of his concern on her and. Is an accident in Schwoz's lab gonna turn him into a father? "Can I not just want to talk to you?" Charlotte and Henry stand very close together at the beginning of the episode. Henry and Charlotte smiled at each other and ate corn dogs. Henry and Charlotte were sitting together while eating lunch with Ray and Brad. Due to the events of The Bucket Trap, Jasper believes they are exes. He's my best friend!". Charlotte and Henry say 'surprise' simultaneously. Henry and Charlotte were disgusted when Schwoz ate the bloody-nose hot dogs. Henry and Charlotte are both unwilling to touch the Death snake and complain about it to Ray. Charlotte laughs at Henry when he tries to fly and ends up falling on his face instead. Charlotte gave Henry an idea to meet Piper at Nacho Balls to give her the house keys. He one hundred percent knew this to be true. It had started off as a joke, but as time went on, Henry found himself actually meaning his answer more and more. They are also supportive of each other. Schowz tells to Charlotte that a bunch of people wondering if her and Henry are dating. Charlotte grabs Henrys wrist and brings him across the room with her. However, when Charlotte offered to do so, he was so happy that he lifted her up and hugged her. In the background, Henry can be seen smiling a lot while talking to Charlotte when Ray takes the emergency call about the stolen declaration. Charlotte seems the least enthusiastic about the idea of eating Henrys cake without him (aside from Henrys mom who stops them). Charlotte asked herself where Henry was when she got out the bathroom. Charlotte and Henry enter the Hart house bickering over whos responsibility it is to deal with the child that Jasper found, Henry rats out Charlotte for calling the police and Charlotte makes a sarcastic remark towards Henry in response, Both Charlotte and Henry are concerned about Jaspers kid and look at each other when the police say that if the child goes unclaimed, he can stay with Jasper, Henry must have called Charlotte immediately after the Game Shakers found out that he was Kid Danger and she must have came over and helped him take the kids to the Man Cave, When Charlotte sees Ray starting to get mad at Henry, she suggests that they all get some hot chocolate (probably to try and calm down an angry Ray and stressed Henry), Henry likes Charlottes suggestion to have hot chocolate, Charlotte moves to stand beside Henry when the Game Shakers enter the Man Cave, Charlotte and Henry smile at each other when Ray says theyre going to New York, Henry and Ray only bring Charlotte with them to New York, Henry moves across the stage to go see Charlotte once she comes out at the end to dance with everyone, It is not shown but it is safe to assume that Charlotte and Henry were hugging or something similar to it, since they were celebrating and he had moved towards her, Henry happily greets Charlotte and Jasper and calls them crime fighters, Charlotte tells Henry to be quiet because theyre talking about him on the news, Charlotte tries to comfort Henry by saying that no one young watches the news, Charlotte checks the trending topics for him and reads them out loud for him, Henry leans close to Charlotte to take a chicken wing, Henry and Charlotte exchange confused looks when Jasper acts as if Henry is actually sick, Charlotte asks why Henry is talking weird, Charlotte agrees that Henry needs to go save his sister, Charlotte and Henry are both upset about the power getting turned off for 10 seconds, Charlotte is stressed about getting the time portal fixed so that Ray and Henry can come back, When Henry comes back from the past the first time, he hugs Charlotte first, After hugging Jasper, Henry puts his hands on both Jasperand Charlotte's shoulders and gives them affectionate looks, When Henry comes back from the past the second time, he only greets Charlotte. That, being the fact that not only was he devoted to being Asilos fulltime superhero, but he was also tied down to its biggest threat. It is seen that Charlotte and Henry say click to each other before they hang up on the phone. charlotteandhenry ray kiddanger +6 more # 3 The secret gets out (Chenry) by dcrkvss 3.4K 74 7 Henry and Charlotte both dont like that Ray makes grand openings all about himself. Charlotte is really happy that Henry is indestructible and they both hug. Henry and Charlotte are decorating the Christmas tree. Charlotte knows that Henry usually doesn't wash his hands after he goes to the bathroom. Charlotte follows Jasper and Henry into the closet. Henry took the gun Charlotte had and shot the popcorn. Henry, Charlotte (and Jasper) play truth or 'flare' together. Henry teased Charlotte about getting another question right. Can Ray be a father? Everyone points at Henry when Charlotte asks anyone to help her and Henry agrees to help which implies that he is closest to her and that was the reason why everyone pointed at him to do it. Charlotte figures out how to break into the Man Cave in order to help Ray and Henry, Jasper uses the excuse that Piper cant come with them to get Henry because Henry is naked but Piper doesnt question why Charlotte is going if Henry is supposedly naked, Charlotte greets Henry after her and Jasper fall from the vent, Henry worriedly tells Charlotte and Jasper to get out of the Man Cave when they fall in from the air vent because he doesnt want them getting hurt or the Toddler seeing their faces, Charlotte tells Jasper he cant dress as Henry. Henry gets annoyed again when Charlotte screams and again Charlotte tells Henry to blame Jasper, not her. Henry and Charlotte both try to bow back to the Sensei when he bows to them. Actually yes. Henry and Charlotte were both glaring at Mitch. On the edge of the screen, you can see Henry smiling and staring at Charlotte when she yelled at Schwoz. Charlotte asked Schwoz how Henry would be after examining him for 20 minutes. Henry runs back to ask Charlotte if shes coming. Both Henry and Charlotte were not surprised at the money lost in the newspaper, but by the fact that people still read them. ", Henry answers Charlottes call even though Jasper and Jake (Henrys dad) are scolding him to keep quiet, Henry impersonates Charlotte being worried, not to make fun of her but in an admiring way, Henry wanted to say what he believed that Charlotte would say if she were there, this shows that Henrys personality may be more similar to Charlottes than he often lets on or that he likes it when Charlotte watches out for everyones safety, Henry follows everyone in the tunnels and is no longer concerned about the tunnels being dangerous once he sees Charlotte is excited to use them, Charlotte points out the fact that Ray cared about his own problem and not Henrys, Charlotte helps Henry by blinding the mole people, Charlotte tells Ray that hes going to end up killing one of them my accident with his sword and Henry agrees with her by saying that is my concern, Charlotte asks if Jasper is mad at the keyboard and when he doesnt understand, Henry clarifies and agrees with Charlotte that his typing is loud, Henry puts his hand on Charlottes back when everyone is trying to leave through the window. "Look at meI said look at me!I won't Charlotte takes the coffee away from Henry, telling him he cant drink so much coffee at his age. Examples of this include Jasper thinking they were kissing in. Will they do good on the project and catch feelings for each. Charlotte seems a little annoyed that Henry left. I know this part sounds like a lot of other wessa fan fics, but I'll try to make it different. When Charlotte decided to start over in New York City, she expected a challenge but she didn't expect this. Henry ate 5 of Charlotte's chili cheese burgers. Charlotte and Henry end up alone together at the end of the episode and during this time, Charlotte compliments Henrys fighting and Henry compliments her zapping. Henry and Charlotte cheer on for Jasper when he commits Swellview's dumb laws. This is a Chenry fanfic. Henry and Charlotte are together in the hallway. Henry had his hands on Charlotte's shoulders as they took her into the van while signing Happy Birthday. In the beginning, Henry got a text from Charlotte and had to stop the podcast. Charlotte denies it by responding,"What? They stood close together when watching the Police Pursuit. It's also on my fan fiction account. When Henry and Ray were thinking about what Charlotte said, only Henry actually listened to her and told the Man Fans that he does not get involved in snack politics. As soon as Charlotte comes inside she asks where Henry is and when Jasper tells her, she says she's going to go check on him. Charlotte was annoyed at Henry when he kept saying 'Love It!' Charlotte considers waiting for Henry (and Ray) before eating. Henry complains to Charlotte that he nearly beat her in the game. Charlotte (and Ray) are stunned when Schwoz hits Henry with a vase that knocks Henry, what seems to be, unconscious. When she throws the Walkie-talkie back to Henry, he constantly tells her that he does not want it back. Charlotte said that Henry didn't look good when he got here. Charlotte grabbed Henry by the collar and headbutted him. 2 Cutest Moments Henry Danger. Charlotte controls Henry using the suits that Schwoz designed. Charlotte wishes that Henry was indestructible. (Fudge Blast from Yotally Togurt). They both questioned the fact that many adults had a tan in Henry's house. At the beginning of the episode, Henry and Charlotte study together. The episode ends with a close up of Henry and Charlotte from when they were young and they're smiling, Henry says "we're all cute" which included Charlotte, Charlotte agrees with him implying she also thinks he's cute. Charlotte and Henry agree that JAM classes help a lot of kids. Charlotte swats Henrys hand away from Piper before they removed her phone. Henry offered to show her how the tube works. When Ray is sitting at the monitors telling what happened before he ate the muffins, Henry has his arm around Charlotte's shoulders the whole time and he really didn't need to. Henry says to Charlotte that she's the smart one in the group. It's my own ideas of episodes that I want to happen ;P. Henry, Charlotte and Ray go to New York to fight a villain that escaped from Swellview prison along the way, they meet the game shakers again. Henry winks and sticks his tongue out at Charlotte after telling her to come to the Man Cave. Henry leaned closer to Charlotte when he told her that he calls Jasper, Jasp. Henry glanced at Charlotte a lot when she wasn't really paying attention. When Charlotte was in the midst of Henry and Bianca complimenting on how each other looks, she felt a bit awkward, but allowed them to be alone. Charlotte is the only one who doesnt raise her hand when Ray asks who wants to be Kid Danger. When Henry answered the door for the sushi, Charlotte told Henry not to get mad. He pulls her farther away from Piper so she can't hear. Charlotte and Henry both said 'Let's go ask him' and 'Jinx! He told Ray to move when he was talking to Charlotte. Henry and Charlotte agree to look for Ray. He said he was sure that she would get in. Henry grabs Charlotte and stops her from attacking Jasper then he helps her to calm down and asks what she was thinking. Charlotte finds Henry the job at Junk-N-Stuff. Henry and Charlotte were talking and seemingly joking around when Jasper introduced them to Ortho. When Henry was telling her the plan that Schwoz can rebuild the invention, he playfully said 'okay?'. Ray tries to interrupt the lecture and encourages Henry to join him but Henry tells him to let her talk even though the content of Charlottes lecture is pretty much only I told you guys so. Henry and Charlotte were sitting together, talking,when a Jasper came into class. Charlotte breaks an object over his head just for fun. After Bysh insults Charlotte by saying she looks stupid, Henry protectively says, Watch it!. When Henry thanks the gang for relocating his buttock, Charlotte smiles at him. henry and charlotte fanfiction jealous. Kid Danger worked along side captain man, but what happ "Can I be honest about something?" Henry and Charlotte walked into Junk N' Stuff laughing. While Henry, Ray, and Charlotte are arguing with each other, it seems that Henry and Charlotte are on the same side of the argument. Henry felt bad that Charlotte (and Jasper) couldn't go to Frankini's party. Henry teaches Charlotte how to fold napkins, Even though she thinks its dumb, Charlotte helps Henry (and Jasper) fold napkins for the needy and gets annoyed when Ray knocks them down, Henry calls Charlotte, stressed over the wall having been destroyed and she explains what their plan to fix things is, Henry says hell see Charlotte soon but she lets him know she might be awhile because shes painting the mural, Henry stays on the phone with Charlotte while Piper runs over and talks to him. Schwoz saysthat Henry and Charlotte need to kiss to get married to which Henry laughs, smiles, and bites on his tongue. Charlotte and Henry both walk away when Ms. Shapen asks for help removing a dart from her shoulder. Henry teases Charlotte when her attempt at covering up the trap doesnt work. They were both smiling awkwardly when they told Jasper the secret. What if, in the episode: 'Let's make a Steal!' Literally. Charlotte is the first to agree to Henrys deal of taking their churro. Henry grabs Charlotte and lightly pushes her out of the room. When they reach the bottom of the elevator to the Man Cave Henry asks Charlotte if she's ok with a concerned tone. Then, he bit his lower lip. If you ship Jaele or Chenry you may continue reading. The third time Henry goes to stand up, Charlotte tries to sit him down again but he dodges her hand. Charlotte was worried when Henry (and Ray) weren't back from the graveyard. Charlotte tells Henry to brush his teeth and he. As of the final episode, Henry and Charlotte (along with Jasper) fight crime together. Ray expected Henry to know Charlottes number by memory and scolded him for not knowing it. After they dream about kissing one another there are many similarities. Four years ago, Henry and Charlotte were reckless with each other's hearts. When Charlotte was getting angry at Schwoz, he tried to stop her from getting into a fight. Charlotte told Henry to go talk to Bianca while she was alone. Charlotte screamed for Schwoz to find Henry. Charlotte told/motioned to him to get closer to tell him never to ask her again, "And then what?". Henry makes exactly the same statement: "So.. she's gone.. Charlotte and Henry walked up to Jasper together. Charlotte is seen being anxious to go save Henry (and Ray). Henry was biting his lower-lip while looking at Charlotte. Charlotte used to be open to Henry they would watch movies every Friday night and tell each other secrets and rumors around the school. henry and charlotte fanfiction jealous. When Henry told Jasper that he couldn't give away Blue Frittles and he asked "Why? She asks Henry where he was the day before, expressing concern. Charlotte tells Ray to not shoot Henry with the laser gun he was holding. Now, after unintentionally reuniting, they fight to repair the damage done to their lives and each other. It was most likely Henry who texts Charlotte that they are on their way back. Charlotte immediately called for Henry after Bork lifted her up and swung her back and forth. When Henry asked, "Does it involve bouncing? ah.another typical reaction fic. In the car, Henry and Charlotte are sitting really close next to each other. When Henry is in the Densitizer, Charlotte nudges Schwoz to turn it off. Charlotte screamed 'Oh my god!' at the same time. Henry quickly changes the subject when Charlotte starts talking about the first guy she kissed, possibly because he didn't want to know and was/isjealous. Charlotte sarcastically says that shes sorry for keeping Henry waiting and Henry says it's okay. Charlotte made Henry feel better about Piper and Jasper finding out that he is Kid Danger. Henry helps to protect his town of Swellview "How could you keep this from me all this years"he shouted. When Henry woke up, he was worried and upset when Schwoz said that he couldn't bring Charlotte back. Henry was talking to Charlotte about how Ray was acting. Henry goes quiet and listens to Charlotte when she interrupts Jasper and him from bickering. When Henryreturns from the past the second time, Charlotte shakes Henry's hand and heholds her hand in both of his for a moment. My locker slammed shut startling both Henry and me. Henry Hart is the furthest thing from Charlotte's type. Charlotte was lecturing Henry (and Ray) about how stupid the disagreement on Frittles chips was. List of Hero/Villain References in Henry Danger. They grew up together, the '3 Musketeers' their parents call them. Charlotte and Henry can be seen lookingat each other while other people are speaking many timesthroughout this episode. In Dystopia, Henry says 'this one is going to hurt' and then asks Charlotte if she's heading back to base which implies he was worried for her safety, Charlotte replies to Henry's worry by telling him to head back to base himself. When Charlotte arrives and Henry is told that she is there, he rushes down stairs (and ends up knocking his father so hard that he stumbles and drops and container full of marbles). (Note: I was inspired by a story called Just Trust Me.). Henry touches Charlotte's shoulder when he asks what's wrong with her. Henry tries to tell Charlotte that they didnt fall asleep but she doesnt believe him. Henry took Charlotte's can of Frittles chips. Charlotte tries to cheer Henry up by telling him he has perfect teeth, Henry thanks Charlotte for calling his teeth perfect, Henry asks Charlotte if she is going to move away and go off to college (clearly a little freaked out at the thought of being in Swellview without her). Henry asks Charlotte who she's receiving a text from during the flashback in Henry's kitchen and attempts to listen to her until Jasper and Ray become too distracting. When Charlotte tells Ray that she also likes kind words and hugs, she glances at Henry when she says 'hugs'. When Henry acted like Charlotte's idea was his, Charlotte was a bit confused and frustrated about it. Set five years after the Henry Danger finale. This story is about Henry and Charlotte's "friendship". They both looked at each other in a skeptical way when Jasper said he wasn't going to stop think about them kissing. Charlotte says she could name 7 more times that she told Henry about Jack but Henry cuts her off, not wanting to know. Charlotte playfully smacked Henry's tummy and called him chubby. I love this ship so why not write short fantasies about them! Regarding Jasper's belly shirt, Charlotte says, "I dont think that's a right". Charlotte knows andreferences to the fact that Noelle chose the "J-train" over the "H-Bomb.". Henry doesn't find it funny that Charlotte ends up wearing Jasper's retainer due to theplan that he had suggested. Henry smiled when Charlotte pretended to talk in a fruit bar. What happens when Will and Tessa start thinking about their future life more seriously? When Henry put the ring on Charlotte's finger Ray, Jasper and Schwoz all teased them, like Henry was asking her to marry him. When they get to the man's nest for Captain Man's and Danger Force's help they get a video call from Rick Twitler showing that he has Charlotte. I know there's going to be some jealously. Henry bent down to tell her what was happening. In the end, Henry and Charlotte are sitting next to each other while eating pumpkin guts. Then, when Charlotte said "Yeah," in an uncertain way, Henry felt offended that she didn't think he was smart. They were sitting close to each other on the couch in the Man Cave. Henry and Charlotte come downstairs at the same time, dressed in new clothes that they seemto have just put on. Henry and Charlotte are arrested and thrown in jail, along with Captain Man, Jasper, and a bald cellmate. When Charlotte askes if his hide and seek buddy (Jasper) was calling and Henry says yes, Charlotte is grining and smiling at him. Charlotte has to beat Henry up as part of her training, but he goes through with it anyway. Charlotte yells to Jasper, "Why would he take you? When Henry is massaging Jasper, Henry is staring at Charlotte the whole time. Henry tells Jasper how he bets she would love a belt. overpaid mortgage interest refund. Henry helps Charlotte to go on a date with Jack by being the waiter of their fake restaurant. When Charlotte finds out from Jasper that Henry is alone with Gwen, she gets very worried and runs to the elevator. While Charlotte was wondering what was going on, Henry pulled Charlotte over the counter. When Henry is fighting with Tiffany, Charlotte tells him to be careful and almost said his name. Henry tells Charlotte that itll be fun if they all take the stairs. He was determined to avenge her and Vanessa.Follow Henry as he hunts down the psycho that killed his woman.-Will he avenge his loss or be caught in a deadly trap?MATURE THEMESBook 2 of the Tension Series. Charlotte said that his enthusiasm is infectious. Charlotte was happy and clapping for Henry when he got his power. This will help declutter some of the comments on pages.