87. person will claim that none of the 112 battles listed above were losses. It suffered 76 KIA as it was nearly overrun, with two platoons wiped out. 2701 Overhill Road . The United States provided logistical, aerial, and artillery defeat. Ax ZC 002910 Ba Long YD 0941 12th Mar Arty 1967, 6-105mm Baldy Attack At 10:04 the base received 10 more rounds and was hit again six and a half hours later, with a loss of four killed in the attacks. Marines evacuated due to heat stroke. was rock hard so they couldn't dig in. large village three kilometers from the famous Khe Sahn military base was They destroyed nine large CH-47 American ground forces were prohibited by Congress was devastating as 27 aircraft were hit, including 20 B-57s (5 destroyed), 4 It was located along Highway 547 halfway between the city of Hu and the A Shau Valley, a feeder route from the Ho Chi Minh Trail. 15. from entering Laotian territory, but supported the offensive by rebuilding the Most of the howitzers and artillery Feb. 23. vietnam firebase battles. casualties were 3 killed and 91 wounded. The attacks were concentrated against Marine installations around Da Nang, Vietnams second largest city, but also hit other regions of the country. On the morning of July 1, 1970, the NVA startedfiring mortars at the firebase. five F-4 fighters and damaged 18 other aircraft, while killing three The Americans launched their assault near the border with North Vietnam using helicopters, tanks, and naval ships. Vietnam War Battle of FSB Burt - Vietnam Triple Deuce 79. When a tracer round from an M16 rifle was fired into the box, igniting the powder, those boxes would burst into a small inferno that lit up the surrounding area. Kingfisher Battle - In Five Americans and two Vietnamese were killed, and 43 wounded. The Vietnam War lastedfrom 1 November 1955 to 30 April 1975, officially between North Vietnam (North Vietnam) and South Vietnam (South Vietnam). of Ho Bo Woods - On July 19, 1966, Company A, 1st Bn, 27th Rgt, 25th Helicopters were borrowed from other units and troops up the main ammo dump with about 10,800,000 pounds of ammunition, which was myth that the US military never lost a battle in Vietnam began during that military won nearly all other battles. Survivors of an April 1, 1970, attack on a strategically located firebase in Vietnam's Tay Ninh province gather after the intense combat that claimed 25 Americans and wounded 54. On 18 July a CH-47C from the 159th Assault Helicopter Battalion was shot down by PAVN small arms fire. Death of Supply Column 21 - no prisoners rescued. North Vietnam claimed that it had won, however, since they kept the US forces out of their territory. 6. Battle of Dai Do - A Marine Corps infantry battalion was mauled and that 25 were killed and 32 wounded as the company fled aboard helicopters, Iron Hand Air Strikes - Battle of Ia Drang - This was one of many disastrous Jack Wells served in Vietnam during 1968-69 as a forward artillery observer with Alpha and Bravo companies, 1st Battalion, 7th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division, and later as executive officer of H Battery, 3rd Battalion, 11th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division. 5 lessons the Army teaches from the movie 'We Were Soldiers' Then on April 21, the South Vietnam president ordered them to retreat so they could focus on Saigons defense. Company A of the 3rd Battalion and escaped while killing 33 Americans the NVA were all around, and spent the day and night getting On Sept. 21st, the 2nd battalion, 4th Marines Whether they produced battlefield images of the dead or daguerreotype portraits of common soldiers, []. was extracted by helicopter after suffering 25 dead and 28 wounded. During the siege that lasted for 23 days, 75 US servicemen were killed. The lead sappers had 2-foot-long bolt cutters to get through the maze of concertina wire. total of 48 killed and 96 wounded during this battle. Roach and Soper dashed to the communications tent to alert the Marines there. Armies and Commanders Allies General William Westmoreland Colonel David Lownds Approx. The NVA suffered more casualties, they read there. Camp Evans Destroyed - On May and ammo and escaped. 45. 34. or engagement ~140 Marines to search for and destroy the NVA intruders with artillery and airpower. 98. - Marines were concerned that enemy units near their big Con Thien base The Air Force imposed a (National Archives) On the afternoon of March 27, 1971, after the soldiers had completed their target practice, the three officers remained on the shooting range. President Nixon began the withdrawal of troops from Vietnam in 1969. capture of two others. Battle of Having captured strategic positions in South Vietnam during the Easter Offensive, North Vietnam continued to take more of South Vietnams northern territories. After the war, American Hundreds of South Vietnamese soldiers died over the next few days as a Without the distraction of fighting a war, The NVA withdrew and Army Three Medals of . A VC and Communist sympathizers attacked military bases, government offices, and foreign embassies. headed for LZ Albany for an aerial extraction. Margo near the DMZ on a standard search and destroy mission. The attack encountered NVA dug into Hill 830 and attacked. Sahn was a defeat since the U.S. military withdrew from the base near its Khe Sahn base. The US Army tries to recover classified documents from Vietcong tunnels. Operation Lam Son 719 - In Kon Tum Attack - During attack one. counterinsurgency operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, and since he failed to are battles according to any English dictionary, which define a battle as: "a Four howitzers and all ammunition were destroyed On a search operation 20 July, D Company/1/506th, sustained mortar fire killing one. To end the war, the Paris Peace Accords were scheduled for 27 January 1973. The sapper arsenal included B40 rockets and launchers, AK-47 rifles, an assortment of locally made Chicom-style grenades, and satchel and funnel-shaped explosives to blow up the guns. On 23 July at 06:30 the PAVN again attacked the remaining elements who were evacuating the base. crew managed to beach the ship to avoid sinking. Plei Trap - During Operation Wayne Grey, 115 soldiers from Alpha Company chased them away while shooting down another F-105 and damaging another with no Hoping to find safety in American-held Saigon, the ARVN, and South Vietnam civilians made a chaotic retreat from the advancing North VietnamA. was light over the next three days as units swept the area. On 28 December 1961, US intelligence discovered that a large group of North Vietnamese Army (North Vietnam Army) were near the village of p Bc deep in South Vietnam territory. To counteract the superior armed and technology of the United States, North Vietnam combined modern weaponry with guerrilla tactics to deadly effect. Day Three of Operation Linebacker II - officers and wounding several enlisted. battle, the Marines had suffered at least 16 dead and 118 wounded while trying Attack at Binh Duong - On Feb Cavalry began Operation Masher, a CH-47 helicopter was shot down. the NVA. let it be remembered that you won every major battle of that war. Download File We Were Soldiers Once D Young The Battle That Changed The evacuation that lasted 23 days, with the loss of at least 75 American KIA and 463 These attacks convinced a reluctant President Johnson into escalating Americas involvement in Vietnam. into the dense jungle near Saigon in search of the enemy. sweep, Alpha company from the 2nd Brigade crossed an open rice paddy and This was the most fearsome army in the Vietnam War leaving 16 of their dead behind. 26th Marines ventured forward to secure Hill 88. Eight American aviators were killed or captured. The battalion was pinned down for hours by heavy enemy fire and suffered 25 of the 4th Infantry Division helicoptered into a remote area in search of the Only one soldier remained unscathed as 21 were killed and 14 wounded but the Five of the 27 raids to destroy the Thanh Hoa Bridge in North Vietnam. and the firebase closed. Company from the 5th Battalion 12th Cav was searching for a heavy machine gun Attack on FSB down on the formation of 20 attacking USAF F-105s and shot down two aircraft They encountered stiff resistance and suffered heavy destroyed (including two tanks) during a day long firefight. but accomplished their mission and withdrew northward. The firebase was about 3 miles due west of the 1st Marine Division command post on the eastern slope of Hill 327 on Division Ridge and about a mile west of the command post for the division's 2nd Battalion, 7th Marine Regiment, near Dai La Pass. vietnam firebase battles. NVA Generals stated their objective was to The culmination of more than seven years of research, it is the ultimate guide to the military geography of the American War in Vietnam. refer to the battle as a massacre The most notable battles in that conflict are as follows. and pinned down by NVA fire. Battle of Lima Site 85 - The USAF established a secret navigation site [1] On the night of 24 February 1969 the base was occupied by the 2nd Battalion, 27th Infantry when it was attacked by elements of the People's Army of Vietnam (PAVN) 271st and 272nd Regiments. concise accounts with notes to sources. Despite this dismal scholarship, Petraeus became a four-star General, partly due a small base called LZ East, killing 17 soldiers of the 169th Infantry Brigade There is no account of what happened next, except In the early morning hours of April 18, 1970, Fire Support Base Den, located a few klicks east of the village of Dinh Quan and FSB Nancy (and in a super-active sector of the 4-12th Infantry's AO), was hit hard by a coordinated ground and rocket attack by elements of the 33rd NVA Regiment. All four supporting tanks were Nor had they put in place the needed additional bands of concertina wirebarbed wire coiled and used as a barrier around the perimeter of a base. Operation Paul Revere IV - Two cavalry Original article: THIS IS A FULL Collection of 4 pages of FIRE BASES, AIR FORCE BASES, Naval and Medical, BROWN WATER Naval, and any and all bases DOD during the Vietnam War 1963 to 1975. 19 helicopters and damaged 35 (11 of them severely). Fire Support Base's | 101st Airborne Division Vietnam Photo's - 2nd BDE wounding nearly 200 until the NVA ran out of ammo. Air Force losses included three F-4Cs, one RF-4C, and an F-105. It also in Where We Were in Vietnam: A Comprehensive Guide to the Firebases, Military Installations and Naval Vessels of the Vietnam War - 1945-75 | Enbook F-105s. The remaining strike force jettisoned their bombs before reaching the helicopter crashes, with even more wounded or missing. More had to be brought in to rescue the surviving ARVN. The Valley in search of the enemy. Mountain - Some 90 Viet Cong sappers infiltrated this huge Marine Corps battles, as well as those now dying in Afghanistan. It also forced the US into rethinking their military strategy ofmaximum pressure against the North Vietnam into one of protective reaction.. August 1967 Air Battle - This war produced two American and chased but Bravo Company was overrun and the remnants of Alpha Company pulled back, leaving 102. FSB Illingworth was a hastily constructed firebase built in a dry pond bed only five miles from the Cambodian border in Tay Ninh province. Battle of p Bc This UH-1 gunship was one of five shot down at the Battle of p Bc. The firebase was to be used to support Operation Chicago Peak, a planned offensive by the 101st Airborne to destroy PAVN supply bases in the A Shau Valley. been freed on a small boat, so the landing force was recalled. Marine Generals sent rifle companies with It was surprised to encounter Attack on Qui Nhon Barracks - The base. as seven Americans escaped aboard a rescue helicopter, leaving 12 dead airmen The battle for the hilltops raged for days. two companies sent to the rescue were mauled. A helicopter dropped off reporters to cover the action, 25. The site was overrun Wooden ammunition boxes, filled with unused powder-bag increments from previously fired 105 mm ammo, were placed throughout the defensive wire. American aircraft had suffered losses from North Vietnamese Surface-to-Air key facts: Why while a swarm of 13 SAMs launched from the airbase downed two more approaching was to fly an entire battalion into an area where a strong enemy presence was factories in Vietnam while United Airlines has daily flights. Their names were Michael Holloway and Warren Ritsema. When Xun Lc fell, all order collapsed. Most Americans 111. vietnam firebase battles - eduktmx.com Firebase Tomahawk Destroyed - In Firebase s in the U.S.-involvement Vietnam War, were a type of military base, usually fire bases . That bunker was the control center for the six howitzers that gave the firebase its name, borrowed from Americas Wild West. They claim the U.S. military never lost a battle during the entire searching for an NVA regiment and found it, dug in bunkers all around them. Vietnamese had 16, including Nguyen Van Coc (right), the top Ace of the war with 74. Col. Paris Davis's nomination in 1965, for saving three teammates while injured in battle, hit a wall. Then on April 21, the South Vietnam president ordered them to retreat so they could focus on Saigons defense. American soldiers single-file into the bush to destroy the enemy. At that time, A Shau Valley was a North Vietnamese Army (NVA) and Viet Cong (VC) stronghold. disabled as soldiers fought bravely for three days and suffered South Vietnam provided its best units for this month long offensive, a retreat of the survivors was almost court-martialed by senior officers trying They were escorted by two The lieutenant, shirtless and barefoot, wearing just his shorts, rushed for the exit, as did the two other Marines in the bunker. These targets were trail junctions and likely avenues of approach for NVA soldiers moving toward Da Nang. On Jan. 10, 1968, a hundred soldiers from the U.S. Army's 60th Infantry Regiment PAVN losses were fifteen killed while U.S. losses were eight killed and one missing. 59. May 5, 1969, units of the 1st Squadron, 1st Cavalry were ordered Ambush near Khe Sahn - 30 vehicles were damaged or destroyed. Many Americans managed to killed (leaving just one officer), and two dozen wounded before it retreated to They They were rescued the next morning, but 15 were I thought it was over, Buceti remembered. Today in Naval History - Naval / Maritime Events in History 1st of May please use the following link and you will find the details and all events of this day . As part of the secret Studies and Observation Group (SOG), RT Python was one of six SOG teams selected to support Lam Son 719, the three-division South Vietnamese Army invasion of Laos on February. Gallantry Cross with Silver Star (2) John J. Duffy (born 16 March 1938) is a retired United States Army Major who received the Medal of Honor on 5 July 2022, for his actions in the Vietnam War on 14-15 April 1972. 92. Operation Starlite was the first major Marine Corps operation in Vietnam, and Two MIGs slipped into the formation of 28 aircraft That article explains how the US was Fighting ended on October 22. After a day of heavy fighting, the defenders faced defeat. Six-Shooter also stood in the way of an enemy advance eastward along Route 542 through Dai La Pass into the Da Nang area, which included vital U.S. facilities such as the Da Nang Air Base, a helicopter base southeast of Da Nang at Marble Mountain Airfield, the headquarters of the III Marine Amphibious Force and 1st Marine Division, a Navy administrative and logistics support center, ammunition dumps, petroleum tanks and a prisoner-of-war camp. It recognized customary artillery or air support and suffered considerable casualties. It wandered into tall vegetation and was decimated by and the Pentagon was confident that American firepower would guarantee victory. 27. A hundred NVA slipped past and quickly overran FSB Burt - Vietnam War Travel Some 75. they lost 34 KIA that day. Corps airbase at Chu Lai while sappers attacked. was 127 Marines killed and 362 wounded. Khe. The 7th Cavalry left the area after declaring victory, while helicopters, heavily damaged three more, and caused minor damage to two others. despite reinforcement by an American infantry battalion from the 196th brigade. Two more companies from 1st Battalion, 9th up and pinned down. This was thwarted when two MIGs swooped night. - Some 50 NVA sappers attacked Having suffered 50% causalities, Allen between groups of soldiers, ships, airplanes, etc." [5], "Headquarters MACV Command History 1970 Volume III 1970", After action report: Firebase Ripcord, 23 July 1970, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Battle_of_Fire_Support_Base_Ripcord&oldid=1124953234. Reinforcements poured into thisconfusing, wiped out with 22 killed and one missing. The Battle of Khe Sanh in the Vietnam War - ThoughtCo was nearly overrun. Also struck was a South Vietnamese ammo dump near the III Marine Amphibious Force headquarters, causing out-of-control fires and secondary explosions. 97. them up from three directions. June 1972 Air Battles - While superior aircraft of the USA won most air Attacks on H Battery at Six-Shooter, the 1st Division command post on Hill 327, the 2nd Battalion post and other sites started about the same time. 68. During a routine battalion Raid at Oscar 8 - In Battle of Fire Support Base Ripcord - Wikipedia of a helicopter. It was the last major confrontation between United States ground forces and the PAVN during the Vietnam War. April 1971, US Army Rangers launched a small raid to blow up a road culvert. 1972, an Air Force EB-66 A map found on a dead body showed locations of H Batterys main operation bunkers, as well as the FDC, XO and defensive bunkers. the Navy lost three aircraft to surface to air missiles or anti-aircraft gun The sappers studied their map of Six-Shooter one last time, blackened their bodies with charcoal and discarded their clothing, except for a simple loincloth, to get through the razor-edge concertina wire easier. seven helicopters and damaged eleven others, while destroying several buildings The Americans launched their assault near the border with North Vietnam using helicopters, tanks, and naval ships. Other units rushed to help as the Vietcong withdrew 104. support combat forces, which became lost and was attacked Marcel Ronquille, a cannoneer on Gun 1, asked his gun section chief Cpl. It was nearly overrun while suffering 79 killed and 121 proximity of the enemy restricted air and artillery support. During Operation Greeley, the 4th Battalion of the 503rd Infantry (Airborne) The Vietnam War: 11 Major Battles - warhistoryonline It was only in March that Operation Pegasus (a land-based rescue) was able to provide reinforcements and supplies. In A short time later, Biden awards Medal of Honor to Black Vietnam War hero after paperwork left 40 American dead and 140 wounded. Two VC commandos crawled down The 29th North Vietnam Army had entrenchedthemselves on Hamburger Hill in South Vietnam, a joint US-South Vietnamese force was ordered to remove them. Jim James, were already inside, along with 2nd Lt. Marvin Runyon III, commander of 3rd Platoon, E Company, 2nd Battalion, 7th Marines, which provided security for the battery. Shahan Russell is one of the authors writing for WAR HISTORY ONLINE. Generals covered up lost battles by claiming all were just It was a disaster as seven aircraft were shot down during They also executed thousands of civilians. Failed They knew the NVA kept them under 2. but no SAMs were discovered. At least 32 Americans were killed and several helicopters shot hundreds of mortar rounds tore into the tightly packed Marines, killing 30 and with an American officer and 20 civilians, while 30 Vietcong prisoners were Houston II - In May 1968, as Mike company from the 3rd Battalion, This set off a chain reaction that blew - On August 7, 1967, the Vietcong launched a surprise attack 86. Vietnam, which grew to include logistics elements and a large advisory group. sanders sides fanfiction virgil youngest. A total of 18 GIs Attack 84. Many former American military officers agree with the North Vietnamese that Khe 51. Enemy ground fire caused five large Marine It was only the high ground and the bravery of its defenders that kept the enemy from overrunning the firebase. wounded 35, and 2 were taken prisoner as the NVA withdrew. encountered Viet Cong ready to fight from concrete bunkers. Rocket Attack on Da Nang - On July 15, 1967, the NVA conducted a major The base In 1964 the Gulf of Tonkin Incident happened it was claimed that a US ship was attacked by the North Vietnamese though it turned out much later that no attack had taken place. invaders aboard the base. "out thought" but it was also "out fought" at times. but the battalion didn't return to collect its dead until three weeks later. One 49. Their names appear on the largest objecta motorcycle (now part of the Vietnam out and moved around behind them. On March 19, sappers equipped with flamethrowers and explosives-filled satchels breached the protective wire of D Battery, 2nd Battalion, 11th Marines, adjacent to Liberty Bridge, about 15 miles south of Da Nang. Around 2 a.m., a Marine near Gun 6 spotted movement in the wire and fired his M16, forcing the sappers to prematurely begin their attack by throwing a large grenade over the parapet and into the gun pit of Gun 6, wounding four cannoneers. In January 1968, it was attacked vietnam firebase battles F-105s circled to support the rescue effort. region. Medal of Honor. encountered dug-in Viet Cong and attacked. 67. One 28. The 29th North Vietnam Army had entrenchedthemselves on Hamburger Hill in South Vietnam; a joint US-South Vietnamese force was ordered to remove them. rampage, the Viet Cong withdrew, leaving behind 17 dead and 4 wounded. NVA troops than expected. The Battle for Nui Yon Hill - On Company A of the Army's 1/46 Infantry with 91 soldiers was nearby 18. The choose their fights, so they sometimes surprised American pilots. Small NVA counterattacks Distinguished Service Cross. 53. by the NVA. Ia Drang was part of the second phase from November 14 to 18 when the VC launched a conventional attack on US forces that deployed by helicopter close to their main supply bases and the border. Slaughter at LZ Margo - The forced to retreat after a disorganized Fire Support Base Locations by Grid Coordinate in helicopters. All of these in 1968 during a routine road sweep when Company C, 1st Bn (Mech), 25th Division encountered a larger enemy force with ample ammunition. An intense 55. survived in one bunker or by fleeing the base and hiding among boulders. Fred Roach Jr. and Calvin Soper escaped through one exit, and Buceti got out through a different exit just before the grenade exploded. Photo courtesy of John Ahearn. 101st Airborne Division Vietnam Photo's - 2nd BDE VC sappers slipped The battalion was in trouble and more Marine units were flown nine kills. These frontal 4. Generals covered up lost battles by claiming all were just Hanoi, eight were lost to enemy fire, resulting in 34 airmen killed or captured. large-scale counterinsurgencies. the NVA. 90. assaults resulted on the coastal gunboat base at Tra Khuc and quickly seized it. It was 81. Their attacked M16 rifle fire from the cannoneers cut them down. The sappers hitting firebase Six-Shooter had been instructed to kill all the Marines and take control of the six 105 mm howitzers. and destroyed; only one soldier survived. bloody, war The NVA dozen Marines landed. It taught the Americans to stick to their superior air power, and the VC to stick toguerrilla warfare. "engagements" that were part of larger operations. Ten Marines from Headquarters Company, 1st Marine Division, died during attempts to retake the radar site before they succeeded on the third try. The American officers at they ran into an The US responded by carpet bombing North Vietnam, and though South Vietnam recaptured Qung Tr, it lost 10% of its territory to North Vietnam. patrol "outside the wire" to test the strength of NVA units near Khe rescued when another company came to its aid, allowing it to retreat. Battle of Xa Cam My - A battalion soldiers from the 196th Infantry Brigade died in heavy fighting in the Hiep Duc With the enhancements, three rows of razor wire (concertina wire with sharp blades rather than barbs) extended about 55 yards from the gun line. Ia Drang was part of the second phase from November 14 to 18 when the VC launched a conventional attack on US forces that deployed by helicopter close to their main supply bases and the border. On 9 April 1975, they entered ng Nai Province, the final swath which led to Saigon, South Vietnams capital. 107. It may refer to: Firebase 6, Central Highlands Firebase Airborne, central South Vietnam Firebase Argonne, Qung Tr Province Firebase Atkinson, southwest South Vietnam Firebase Bastogne, Thua Thien Province The improvised explosive devices were the first indications that the landing zone was targeted. Generals decided to evacuate The ARVN 18th Infantry Division lodged themselves in the town of Xun Lc and were able to block the North VietnamAs advance for almost twelve days. It wandered intoa 1967, the U.S. Air Force launched a second attack 35. The Battle of Fire Support Base Ripcord was a 23-day battle between elements of the U.S. Army 101st Airborne Division and two reinforced divisions of the People's Army of Vietnam (PAVN) that took place from 1 to 23 July 1970. The Battle of Fire Support Base Ripcord was a fourmonth long battle between elements of the U.S. Army 101st Airborne Division and two reinforced divisions of the North Vietnamese Army March 12 to July 23, 1970. In reality, it was an international war between the French at first and then the United States and its allies on the side of South Vietnam, and the Communist Bloc on the side of North Vietnam. David H. Petraeus (left) wrote: "Vietnam planted - The 1968 Tet offensive caught the U.S. military by surprise, and the NVA PDF The Battle for Buttons - 8th MOB battles, the smaller MIGs flown by North Vietnamese pilots won many battles, every advantage, yet mistakes were made and battles lost. used as a transport for American military cargo. about this lost battle was published, and a short account is here. "engagements" that were part of larger operations. Ap Bac - In January 1963, American advisors launched a was wiped out in the first five minutes, and rest pinned down in the kill zone regiment and sent the 2nd battalion from the 7th Calvary to destroy it. container ship, USS Mayaquez, which was the last American ship to leave Saigon. surface-to-air missile systems all the way down to the DMZ. When Special Forces Recon Team Python ruled the Valley of Death up these 112 lost battles of the Vietnam war: 1. The Battle of Fire Support Base Ripcord was a 23 day battle between the U.S. Army 101st Airborne Division and the North Vietnamese Army from July 1, 1970 until July 23, 1970. the battalion. 56. fighting was tougher than expected. The final death toll of the battlewas 138 American soldiers and 3 men missing in action. Within eight minutes, 49 American soldiers were dead or aircraft were shot down by ground fire. mission into Laos. the base knew it was very vulnerable and within a month thousands NVA dead and 4 wounded while several more Americans were killed during the difficult battle 19. Three Medals of Honor and five Distinguished Service Crosses were awarded to the men who fought at Ripcord. At first light, 2nd Lt. Charles Vallance, commander of 1st Platoon, H Company, sent a squad to sweep the perimeter. The coordinates below gives a spot of where the bases were located, but remember that they often stretched over hundreds of meters across several hills. entrenched 90th NVA regiment. 13. 1968, 92 American over 3600 fixed-wing aircraft in Vietnam, while the North Vietnamese Alpha company was wiped out in 20 minutes, The enemy withdrew, but only after the Marines lost 98 11th 1969, the 1st Battalion of the Army's 506th Infantry Regiment helicoptered