This is wrong because the Holy Spirit is God, and He is divine. They only see Jehovah as the true mighty God, not Jesus or the Holy Spirit. Jehovah's Witness Beliefs and Practices - 4Jehovah [92] Jehovah's Witnesses believe that the Archangel Michael, "the Word" of John 1:1, and wisdom personified in Proverbs 8 refer to Jesus in his pre-human existence and that he resumed these identities after his ascension to heaven following his death and resurrection. Jehovah's Witnesses started in 1870 when a man named Charles Taze Russell led Bible studies in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. "Jehovah's Witnesses Beliefs." 12 Outrageous Facts about Jehovah's Witnesses you need to Know explains, "[W]e take Jesus at his word when he said: 'The Father is greater than I am.' Despite widespread excitement over a cure, Jehovah's Witnesses contend that a plasma-based solution would be a gross violation of their beliefs. [195] Individuals who choose to depart and announce their decision to terminate their membership are regarded as abandoning God's organization and protection. God will bring billions back from death by means of a resurrection. (accessed March 4, 2023). He began ruling in 1914.Revelation 11:15. Jehovah's Witnesses believe that Jesus was Jehovah's first creation, that Jehovah then created everything else by means of Jesus, and that the initial unassisted act of creation uniquely identifies Jesus as God's 'only-begotten Son'. This contradicts Scripture, which declares salvation to be received by grace through faith ( John 3:16; Ephesians 2:8-9; Titus 3:5 ). This means they are not true Christians, and they do not truly know the truth of Jesus. What is the condition of the dead? Attend other church services or worship, or sing any other religious songs. It Is So Painful to Care: How Do I Conquer Apathy? [49], Witnesses undergoing baptism are required to publicly confirm that they are associating themselves "with God's spirit-directed organization",[50] thereby submitting themselves to its direction and judicial system. Jehovah God, Jesus Christ, and the faithful angels reside in the spirit realm. Jehovah's Witnesses are a people of faith that many of us likely don't know that much about. We recognize the Bible as Gods inspired message to humans. During their Wednesday night meeting, Victoria's congregation ruminates over medical researchers' various efforts to fight COVID-19. Ex-Jehovah witness religion or personals for ex-jehovah's witnesses - is, and. A select few (144,000) of Christ's most faithful followers will be chosen to rule alongside him. (Galatians 6:10; 2Corinthians 6:14) However, we respect the choices that others make in such matters.Romans 14:12. Deliverance from sin and death is possible through the ransom sacrifice of Jesus. 2:6-7). They disavow terms such as minister and church. [6] The group reports a worldwide membership of approximately 8.5 million adherents involved in evangelism and an annual Memorial attendance of over 19.7 million. How Should 'Jihad' (Muslim Holy War) Be Understood Properly? 9. Since 1976, all doctrinal decisions have been made by the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses, a group of elders at the denomination's headquarters. (John 14:28) So we do not worship Jesus, as we do not believe that he is Almighty God." [104], Jehovah's Witnesses believe that Satan was originally a perfect angel who developed feelings of self-importance and craved worship that belonged to God. Copyright 2023 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. [11] Witnesses refer to all their beliefs collectively as "the Truth". Jehovah's Witnesses are a people of faith that many of us likely don't know that much about. Our conduct. [164], Watch Tower Society publications teach that Jesus Christ began to rule in heaven invisibly as king in October 1914. [37] Watch Tower Society publications strongly discourage Witnesses from formulating doctrines and "private ideas" reached through independent Bible research. The Bible never directly uses the term Trinity, yet the truth of the Trinity is present. Jehovah's Witnesses Official Website,, and Religions of America, edited by Leo Rosten. [1] They have their own literature including a Bible and Watchtower Magazine. What Do Jehovahs Witnesses Believe? Its chief publications are a semimonthly magazine, the Watchtower, and its companion magazine, Awake!. They teach that Jesus was created by God and not coexistent wth Him. We're a post and chat jehovah's witnesses of this reason the preferred religious beliefs and proper etiquette. They believe that Daniel chapter 4 prophesied a period of 2,520 years starting with 607 BCE and ending at 1914 CE. [77] Witnesses reject the Trinity doctrine, which they consider unscriptural. We worship the one true and Almighty God, the Creator, whose name is Jehovah. 10 Things Everyone Should Know about Jehovah's Witnesses and Their Beliefs. The Bible is clear that salvation is only by grace through faith as Paul tells us, For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God not by works, so that no one can boast (Ephesians 2:8-9). This violates the biblical teaching that in the incarnate Jesus, "the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily" (Col. 2:9; cf. [105][106] Instead of destroying Satan, God decided to test the loyalty of the rest of humankind and to prove to the rest of creation that Satan was a liar. They believe it is God's will to "abstain from blood" (Genesis 9:4; Leviticus 17:10;. explains, " [W]e take Jesus at his word when he said: 'The Father is greater than I am.' If any Jehovah's Witness is deemed to be an apostate, she or he will be disfellowshipped. Members believe that, 3 years after 1914, Jesus came to "inspect and cleanse" the Watchtower Society, choosing it as the only organization . No mere man could live a sinless life, die for the sins of the world, and rise up from the grave. [202] They are described as "anti-God" and doomed to destruction. 9 Things You Should Know About Jehovah's Witnesses - The Gospel Coalition These short video lessons answer key Bible questions, such as: Why did God create the earth? Article Images Copyright 2023 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. Since they do not place faith in Jesus, they are not saved. Religious Diversity: Practical Points for Health Care Providers Only God in the flesh could do all these things. [180] This will mark the beginning of the great tribulation. Our organization. Jehovah's Witnesses believe that: Jesus Christ is a mighty being, but he is not God Jesus Christ is a lesser and separate spirit being Jesus Christ is not equal to God in power or eternity (i.e. Jehovahs Witnesses do not believe Jesus is God, which means that they do not place faith in Christ as their Savior and Lord. 10 Things You Should Know about Jehovah's Witnesses (Daniel 2:44; Matthew 6:9, 10) It will take these actions soon, for Bible prophecy indicates that we are living in the last days.2Timothy 3:1-5; Matthew 24:3-14. It is a religion where people believe in one god. This article will begin with a brief description of the beliefs of Jehovah's Witnesses and will then recommend spec Instead, they emphasize citizenship in God's heavenly kingdom. [5] (John 13:34, 35) We avoid practices that displease God, including the misuse of blood by taking blood transfusions. "[218], Jehovah's Witnesses provide religious training programs for their members, focusing on improving skills for their ministry. Jehovah's Witnesses believe and teach that Jesus Christ is the . In Germany prior to World War II, the Nazis sent Witnesses to concentration camps, and Witnesses were also persecuted in Britain, Canada, and the United States. This date is said to also mark when the Last Days began. [119][120] Watch Tower Society publications attempt to refute the theory of evolution, in favor of divine creation. These comparisons all point to the impersonal nature of the holy spirit.". [70] Jehovah's Witnesses consider the Bible to be scientifically and historically accurate and reliable[71] and interpret much of it literally, while also accepting it contains much symbolism. In the mind of Jehovahs Witnesses, there is not a Trinity. According to "The New World Translation of the Bible is Jehovah's Witnesses own translation, no other religious group uses this Bible and Jehovah's Witnesses make very little use of other Bibles. (2Corinthians 9:7) All our activities are supported by anonymous donations. Mormons: The Church of Latter Day Saints & Their Beliefs [189] At the end of the thousand years, Christ will hand all authority back to God. Salvation. A significant underpinning belief of Jehovah's Witnesses is that Jesus' heavenly rule (or "heavenly Kingdom power") began in 1914. God. [134] Gehenna, the Bible word commonly translated as "hellfire", is said to describe a judgment of complete destruction,[135] from which resurrection is not possible. Jesus Christ is Gods agent, through whom sinful humans can be reconciled to God. They only see Jehovah as being God. Individuals who do not place faith in Christ are not annihilated. If you have further questions about the beliefs of Jehovahs Witnesses, you can read more about us on our website, contact one of our offices, attend a meeting at a Kingdom Hall near you, or speak to one of the Witnesses in your area. TERMS OF USE [153] They believe that most of those are already in heaven, and that the "remnant" at Revelation 12:17 (KJV) refers to those remaining alive on earth who will be immediately resurrected to heaven when they die or during the Great Tribulation. Worship services begin and end with prayer and may include singing. (The secularly accepted date for the fall of Jerusalem is within a year of 587 BCE; exiles were taken in various years, with most Jews exiled to Babylon following the siege of Jerusalem of 597 BCE.) According to their website, "Jehovah is the personal name of God, as found in the Bible. Photo Credit: iStock/Getty Images Plus/Tero Vesalainen. They believe they have the only true religion and that all other religions are under Satan. [174][175] They believe that their preaching is also part of that sign, citing Matthew 24:14. Therefore, they promote moral and spiritual education over secular education. This is an erroneous view of salvation because salvation is only by placing faith in Jesus by believing that He died for your sins, was buried, and rose again (John 3:16-17: 1 Corinthians 15:1-4). Dating a jehovah's witness guy - The best place to meet man In their booklet entitled Jehovah's Witnesses in the Twentieth Century, for example, may be found a chart titled "What Jehovah's Witnesses Believe . 1. Jehovah's Witnesses' Rules - avoid Lutheran History & Beliefs. What Do Jehovah's Witnesses Believe? - They believe Jesus died on a stake, rather than a cross. Jehovah's Witnesses' bad blood with COVID-19 vaccines [102] Since 1936, Jehovah's Witnesses have rejected the idea that Jesus died on a cross, and instead teach that he died on a single wooden stake (crux simplex), asserting that the Koine Greek word "" (stauros) refers to a single upright post. [44][45] The organization is said to be theocratic, "ruled from the divine Top down, and not from the rank and file up". (Deuteronomy 4:15-19; 1John 5:21) Key aspects of our worship include the following: Reading and studying the Bible.Psalm 1:1-3. Zavada, Jack. As Jehovah's Witnesses, we strive to adhere to the form of Christianity that Jesus taught and that his apostles practiced. Why? Rather, unbelievers spend eternity separated from God in hell and later in the lake of fire (Revelation 20:15). Jack Zavada is a writer who covers the Bible, theology, and other Christianity topics. In today's blog post, we are going to go over the medical restrictions among Jehovah's Witnesses. (Exodus 6:3; Psalm 83:18) A witness is a person who proclaims views or truths of which he is convinced.". If you are a Jehovahs Witness, you can come to know Christ today and experience His saving grace by placing faith in Him. [63] Watch Tower publications claim both the Great Apostasy and Russell's subsequent "restoration" of original Christianity[64] were a fulfilment of Jesus' parable of the wheat and the weeds at Matthew 13:24-30,36-43. The Holy Spirit is the name of God's active force in the world. is a member of the Salem Web Network of sites including: Copyright 2023, Beliefs and Practices . Jehovah's Witness Funeral Traditions, Customs, and Beliefs Why Are There So Many Christian Interpretations? [167][168] They believe that when Jesus became king, Satan was ousted from heaven to the earth, bringing a period of "woe" to mankind. Many people are curious about who Jehovahs Witnesses are. Jehovah's Witnesses don't celebrate any holidays, a category which they believe includes birthdays.. Medical Restrictions: Jehovah's Witnesses - Humanity In Health These began when one of Gods angels rebelled. The U.S. government sent Rutherford and other Watchtower leaders to prison for sedition during World War I. This is the Great Commission commandment established by Jesus. Each Witness makes decisions in harmony with his or her own Bible-trained conscience.Romans 14:1-4; Hebrews 5:14. Meeting together to pray, study the Bible, sing, express our faith, and encourage fellow Witnesses and others.Colossians 3:16; Hebrews 10:23-25. A summary by a Governing Body committee of "wrong teachings" being promoted as "new understandings" included the suggestion that God did not have an organization on earth. [80] They believe God is "infinite, but approachable"; he is not omnipresent, but has a location in heaven;[81] it is possible to have a personal relationship with him as a friend;[82] he is kind and merciful, and would not eternally "torture" wicked people. However, to deviate from the beliefs would be to position oneself in a light of apostasy. [198] Watch Tower Society directs that both disassociated and disfellowshipped members are to be shunned by other Witnesses, including close relatives, with no social or religious contact and no greeting given. [31] However, the Governing Body disclaims infallibility and divine inspiration. While many Jehovahs Witnesses will tell you they have faith in Jesus, they have a wrong view of having faith in Jesus. If a person fails to place faith in Christ, they go to hell and ultimately the lake of fire. [90] He is described as God's first creation and the "exact representation of God",[91] but is believed to be a separate entity and not part of a Trinity. Jehovah's Witnesses do believe in resurrection of the soul, however. The group was initially called the Watch Tower Society because founder Charles Taze Russell published Zion's Watch Tower and Herald of Christ's Presence magazine. The Watchtower and the 1914 Generation | Christians believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God. [5], Jehovah's Witnesses teach that the present world order, which they perceive as being under the control of Satan, will be ended by a direct intervention of Jehovah (God), who will use Jesus Christ to fully establish his heavenly government over earth, destroying existing human governments and non-Witnesses,[6][7][8] and creating a cleansed society of true worshippers who will live forever. This article summarizes our basic beliefs. These practices have brought them under the scrutiny of government authorities. 9 things you likely didn't know about Jehovah's Witnesses - W5 Jehovah's Witnesses try to remain politically neutral. The Watch Tower Society publishes millions of books, tracts, recordings, and periodicals in more than 700 languages. There are many false teachings and false doctrines that the Jehovah's Witnesses have been taught to believe about God, the Trinity doctrine, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and the Gospel. Our unity. ( Psalm 83:18; Revelation 4: 11) He is the God of Abraham, Moses, and Jesus. [195] Watch Tower publications define three different types of defection. Jehovah's Witnesses don't celebrate Christmas or Easter, which makes sense when you remember that they don't believe Jesus is equal to God. Only those thought to be among the 144,000 corulers eat and drink the bread and wine. [24][25][26] The view is based on their interpretation of Proverbs 4:18, which they believe refers to a continuous progressive advancement in doctrinal knowledge and scriptural understanding for "righteous ones",[27][28] with the holy spirit helping "responsible representatives of 'the faithful and discreet slave' at world headquarters to discern deep truths that were not previously understood". Repent of your sins, believe in Jesus Christ's death and resurrection to save you . Help them understand the truth of the Bible and how the Jehovahs Witnesses' beliefs do not align with the truth of Gods Word. 5 things you should know, 10 Things You Should Know about Jehovah's Witnesses, Catholic Church: History, Tradition & Beliefs, Mormons: The Church of Latter Day Saints & Their Beliefs, United Methodist Church: History & Beliefs, The Pentecostal Church: History & Beliefs, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. [97][98][99] Even as king of God's kingdom, Jesus remains subordinate to God. "[210] Apostates must be shunned and Witnesses are warned that those who greet one become "a sharer in his wicked works". A Jehovah's Witness must become worthy of salvation. (Exodus 15:8, 10) A craftsmans hands cannot function independent of his mind and body; likewise, Gods holy spirit operates only as he directs it. 3. For activities and practices of Jehovah's Witnesses, see, Testimony by Fred Franz, Transcript, Lord Strachan vs. Douglas Walsh, 1954. p. 123, as reproduced in R.Franz. [67] Based on their interpretation of Revelation 18:2-24, Jehovah's Witnesses believe all other religions are part of "Babylon the Great", a "world empire of false religion" under the control of Satan. How Is Harry Potter a Literary Christ Figure? They deny that are about things in 2003, all of recreation or easter. Jehovah's Witnesses - Wikipedia [205] Apostates are described as proud, independent, ungrateful and presumptuous,[204] mentally diseased,[206][207] displaying jealousy, fits of anger and other unchristian conduct and are said to often fall victim to drunken bouts, loose conduct and fornication. As Jehovahs Witnesses, we strive to adhere to the form of Christianity that Jesus taught and that his apostles practiced. Until late 2012, the Governing Body described itself as the representative[13] and "spokesman" for God's "faithful and discreet slave class",[14][15][16][17] a limited number of "anointed" Jehovah's Witnesses. [196], They are still visited by church elders yearly and encouraged by congregation members. Sylviane is a relationship coach for women . 726 Followers. [201] Other identifying behavior is said to include deviation from the truth, twisted, empty speech, hypocrisy and involvement in deeper forms of ungodliness. The result is that you look like an asshole every time someone sneezes as you just sit there staring at them blankly. Three distinct Persons, yet one God. 10. Preaching the good news of the Kingdom.Matthew 24:14. They believe that Jesus Christ is St. Michael the archangel. How Is Harry Potter a Literary Christ Figure? United Methodist Church: History & Beliefs Jehovah's Witnesses Beliefs | What are the core beliefs? The Pentecostal Church: History & Beliefs This, of course, is a major diversion from orthodox Christianity. [77] The Holy Spirit is described as God's "active force", rather than the third part of the Trinity. THE FALSE TEACHINGS OF THE JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES - thenarrowway PRIVACY POLICY Jehovah's Witnesses believe salvation is obtained by a combination of faith, good works, and obedience. The m. Mennonites & Their Beliefs In this article, we are going to discover what Jehovahs Witnesses believe. [161][162] Those destroyed at Armageddon and other specific judgments by God are not resurrected. (BX 8526 .J44 1993) [Find in a library near you] Describes the teachings, beliefs, and history of Jehovah's Witnesses, including a section on instances of religious persecution. Jehovah's Witnesses are a religious group with more than eight million members around the world. But, ok, because most people have no idea what Jehovah's Witnesses believe, here's a list of some of the more "weird" beliefs they have or are suppo. Trust science and take the jab, Jehovah's Witnesses urge Jamaicans Jehovahs Witnesses believe that if someone dies who is not a Jehovahs Witness that they will be annihilated. [171][172], They equate this period with the "Gentile Times" or "the appointed times of the nations", a phrase taken from Luke 21:24. Answer (1 of 14): In their defense, I could argue that every religion has its own peculiarities and "weird" beliefs (transubstantiation [1]anyone?). Jehovah's Witnesses - Religion in America: U.S. (Psalm 83:18; Revelation 4:11) He is the God of Abraham, Moses, and Jesus.Exodus 3:6; 32:11; John 20:17. The Jehovah's Witnesses - CULTWATCH They teach that Jesus was created by God and not coexistent wth Him. [138], Witnesses teach that wicked angels (demons) sometimes pretend to be spirits of the dead, and that their deception is the basis for many beliefs about ghosts. California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. [108], Jehovah's Witnesses do not believe that Satan lives in Hell or that he has been given responsibility to punish the wicked.