Still today, many Protestants see the Lords Supper as a sacrament, having to some degree saving properties or giving some spiritual benefit. p.s. Reasons for NOT Accepting the KJV as Gods Preserved Word A response to Pastor James Melton, 71. Again Im not sure what the Word of God sais about dress. These churches patterned themselves strictly after the New Testament example, and this made them valid churches approved of God. Later in history, around 600 AD, Austin, Catholic monk, was sent to Britain by Pope Gregory the Great. His resources are free from this sight. I hope you come back to comment more. Dont misunderstand, I believe we are to preach and testify, but, from what I understand no ones blood will be on my hands if they wind up in Hell. From there, entering into an IFB church really gave me a culture shock. Like friends of my son who were in Mexico recently. The name Protestant was given to those churches which came out of Roman Catholicism during the Reformation which began in the 1500s. In 1688 a Baptist church was organized at Pennepeck, Pennsylvania with twelve members. But we need YOUR help to make this project successful! This church was not founded on a man, but on the Bible. It is surely an affront to any historically informed Baptist identify him by the name of a group that has so hated and persecuted them down throughout history. 4) strict obedience to the pastor As a matter of fact, you cannot be a member of a Calvary Chapel. Here ar ethe key words: ought to have done without leaving the others undone, which would mean that tithing is good. Personally, I try to for the most part give as I think God is pleased incl supporting Evangelism Ministrys like Compassion (that not only care for childrens physical need but also spirtual vs. the formerly known as Christian Childrens Fund now I believe under the name Child Aide, mainly becaus eCompassion confesses to be Christian & I believe to support church endeavors. I apologize for my assumptions! She even gave me a monetary gift when I had no money for food. Ok so he starts attempting to pull the heart strings about loved ones that you are around daily, and if you are telling them enough about getting saved etc. 6) teach old testament tithing new testamenent giving is found in 2 Cor 9:7 Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. Clearly, he was banished because he believed in religious freedom and believed and taught the New Testament was a believers sole source for his faith and practice. PO BOX 346. Sure you used scripture, but only as a hammer to bash Greg on the head. The one thing that makes one a Baptist is that historically they have followed the New Testament alone as its sole rule for faith and practice. The way a Christian dresses should be governed by their love for Christ and other people, not by rules imposed by a religious authority to make one look righteous. Thanks for your response. I cannot judge this man. Even the Roman Catholic Church which boasts of his unbroken history cannot prove an unbroken line of churches earlier than the Third Century, and what Catholicism teaches today in no way resembles what the New Testament teaches or what the early churches believed and practiced. One of the last acts of the Presbyterians, before the Long Parliament in England fell, was to past a law passing the death penalty on anyone who was caught holding to what they called Eight Errors in Doctrine. These doctrines included infant baptism. How would the IFB Churches differ from other churches that teach first century, new testament doctrine? Knolleys joined other dissenters left England. I watched a man die last week. She is not shunned. Jesus Peace, Joy, and Guidance be with us all. If your church does teach the following then watch out, you are probably in a manipulating extreme IFB church situation. The connection with past churches for the modern Baptist is not the name, but rather their doctrine and practice. In what areas? No words could console. If someone wanted to Tithe down to a tenth of all they owned & sell or give value of itIm sure they could. I think Calvary Chapel churches are great. First I would disagree that The Church of Christ teaches first century, new testament doctrine. You have accused Greg of, Throughout all your conjecture you based none of you opinions on scripture., yet you have essentially done the same thing. Select church size. (For a explanation of the biblical role of deacons please go to, The pastor of the church is called by majority vote of the congregation. KJB. Lynne- Thanks for clearing that up. You place too much value on modern denominational history. Smyth died in 1612, and the church ended in Holland shortly after that with Helwy, Thomas and John Murton returning to England as persecution there had lessened. Some Baptist historians, have made attempts at doing this, but in many cases refer to groups as early Baptists who did not in fact hold to pure Baptist beliefs as held today. 13:17, Acts 20:28, Eph. This is the true heritage the Fundamental Baptists holds dear, there have always been assemblies which submitted themselves only to the sole authority of the Word of God. Assemble Anywhere KJV Churches I believe every one should realize that all is God & if a saint desires to put a tenth to honor God & furthering His kingdom or whatver portion as He desiresthat s a noble act between God & Himself. I would either be kicked out or asked to put on something to wear. Filter Churches. Visit Pinterests profile on Pinterest. Baptist also believe the Bible interprets itself, and that Christ is the only head of the church. Two champions of religious liberty were the Virginians Thomas Jefferson and Patrick Henry. I think it is true that God certainly does choose people and draw them to Himself. Many churches were organized in the following years. 451 Likes, 8 Comments - Spencer Smith (@spencersmith312) on Instagram: "I was saved at 18 at an independent, fundamental baptist church. Thank you for your help! Heb 13:17 Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they Independent Baptist - Wikipedia These worldly churches still call themselves Baptists but in fact they do not believe or practice what true Baptists have historically believed and more importantly what the Word of God says. A couple of things. Yes, we do preach not to be unequally yolked with non-belivers and I agree with that. Today we are excited to announce Independent Baptist Churches. I have never believed in obedience to a pastor just obedience to Gods Word At any rate, logical fallacies dont need to be in or out of context to be called logical fallacies. It has received 39 reviews with an average rating of 4.7 stars. A tithe was to be given by Jews under law to a levitical priest and as far as I can tell, it was always a product from the land, be it animals or some sort of plant life. Comprized of many nationalities and backgrounds, the secret of successat CR, is that this is a Bible Chuch revolving around King Jesus. You stated that all churches tithe a certain way and used that fact to justify a way of thinking. Most Baptist churches were in the past founded on the sound doctrinal teachings of the New Testament, however, many of them have in varying degrees drifted away from many of the teachings of the Scriptures. Faithful Word Baptist Church is a young, family-integrated church. (P.S. He records that five hundred others who were identified as Anabaptists were also killed in England during this period. Many Anabaptists churches were strong New Testament churches believing and following the Word of God. I believe any church that does that is potentially cultic because that means they worship the preacher rather than the Lord. A storm of persecution broke out because these Baptist preached what the Puritans called damnable errors. Most of the members of the church were fined or imprisoned or both, at one time or another. About Us - International Baptist Missions I hope Im helping him in his faith journey. . (Colossians 1:18; Matthew 18:15-20; Acts 15:22-21; 2 Corinthians 8:1-5, 19, 23) Priesthood of the Believer. Drinkers go to the next town to buy their drinks. They believe that when the Book of Revelation was completed by the Apostle John about 90-95 AD, the Word of God was complete. True New Testament Christians have always rejected such unbiblical ideas. Independent Fundamental Baptist Church Hope is a Baptist church located at Chapala lago, Patzcuaro Ejido Xochimilco, Patzcuaro Ejido Xochimilco, Zona Urbana Xochimilco, Mexicali, Baja California 21355, MX. SOme Calvarly CHapels Im sure are good felloships. @Fran What Jesus is talking about in Matthew 5 is ceremonial law. Its nothing personal, just logic. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. It should be free. Anyhow he screamed through most of it (funny I never see Jesus screaming at folks, particularly His followers) told some fantastic tales, not saying he was lying, but, well you know what I mean. HWY 3 NW. Suppose too that some of them on reading that Bible were to believe and repent of their sins and place their trust in Gods Son and His redemption for personal sin. Baptists Briders, infer they can trace their history back to John the Baptist who was the first Baptist. Lynne, why is tithing so important to you anyway? Knolleys was under deep conviction of the need to preach the New Testament and follow its example as ones rule of faith. Using the KJV only is not the problem. The tourists and the police finally separated after hundreds of dollars changed hands. Also, you keep mentioning Jesus statement about not leaving tithing undone. But it seems bottom line the wealth & sacrifce of it to kingdom building remains the same. Independent Baptist Churches believe the following "Independent Baptist Distinctives": 1. He soon embraced Separatists ideas and decided to leave England. On May 28, 1665, a Baptist church was founded in Boston, by Thomas Gould, who refused to accept infant baptism. Its not that I wouldnt want to give to bothbut if I only have 30 dollars; Id rather give to feed, clothe, house & most of all share the Gospel vs just feed, clothe & housed. However, John the Baptist was an Old Testament saint and the last Old Testament prophet (Matt. My point (and I just found Scripture) was that Jesus did not disnounce it as badHe says (less I misunderstand) these you ought to have done without leaving the rest undone. Your reasoning is faulty. Anyone who differed with the practices of the State church were subject to great persecution. If someone leaves the church and lives a worldly life style (no church or fellowship with Christ, alcohol, drugs, tobacco, fornication, homosexuality, etc.) I would like comment on each trait if you dont mind: Some of these churches have gone so far to even deny the fundamental teachings of the Bible, such as the deity of Christ, the virgin birth and salvation by the Grace of God, through faith. 1 Timothy 5:17 Deception, 61. Not all IFB churches are this way. Nowhere in the Bible do I see that Christians are recognized by their clothing. It stands for devotion and a strict obedience to God and his commandments. Jesus was prophesied in the old testament. Like I alluded to earlier most folks dont study their bible, and many do so with preconceived ideas, please have a look at your churchs stance on these issues according to scripture and see if Thomas Campbell is right about these things. You should tithe, but if you dont thats between you and the Lord. adhering to correct doctrine and proper practices should be the focus in our lives. It may be this passage of Scripture Paul had in mind when he said I am innocent of the blood of all men because he had taught them the whole counsel of Gods word. We are looking for passionate defenders of the faith and offer a viable alternative to New Evangelical and compromising mission boards. Our goal here has always been to provide encouragement and resources for independent Baptists. It is difficult to document these congregations because they were rarely in the spot light of history. I think any Christian should be allowed to wear what they want. Bottom line, tithing was commanded for Jews under Law. In 1906 there was a split with this group, some believing that there should be no musical instruments in the church (dont know where this got dreamed up, certainly didnt find it in the bible) This is when they started calling themselves the Churches of Christ. Any church fellowship that encourages avoiding another Christian denomination/fellowship, even if they uphold & believe these, b/c they are not of the same denomination are in gross error & a cult. The word Fundamental means that the Baptist church uses the New Testament strictly as its authority for faith (doctrine) and practice. Independent Fundamental Baptist Church Hope - Chapala lago, Patzcuaro The message is set. What's Wrong with the Independent Fundamental Baptists? Many Baptists were executed by the newly formed Church of England during what is called the Protestant inquisition. I am not in favor of tactics that play on peoples emotions so as to secure a visible result. This site is run by a Jack Hyles follower. From a Calvary Chapel web site: We do not maintain church membership; You must be born again spiritually to join the church of Jesus Christ, therefore membership is in the whole church of Jesus, not just our local fellowship., This practice stems from their Moses model (top down) style of church leadership. Also, I support tithing personally. The name Fundamental Independent Baptist is of recent origin and came into being because many modern day Baptist churches compromising the Word of God and teaching and practicing false doctrines. The first Baptist church in New York was started by William Wichendon, in 1656. Although we gladly accept donations offered it is not required. @greg Those good Church of Christ folks, I have a few friends in that faith, good folks, but as youve so clearly pointed out, completley out in left field as it relates to musical instruments in the church. That means every church service must provide a time for people to come to Christ. Every activity, every thing we do, needs to uplift King Jesus, and it must allow for winning precious people to our Lord. (II Peter 1:20) Baptist believe you do not have to be a Baptist in order to be saved and have eternal life, but a person must believe the Gospel as revealed in the New Testament. Look at Ezekiel 33. Would someone be frowned upon if they used another translation of the bible in your church besides the KJV translation? Dress codes are not the problems. . God does not lead His children by rules. The New Independent Fundamental Baptist (New IFB) movement is a loose network of independent churches concentrated in the U.S. connected by their belief in certain religious doctrines and a shared brand of deeply anti-LGBTQ and antisemitic teachings. , Oak Harbor, Washington 98277) Under the Roman Catholic influence these missionary centers diverged into monasticism. Your use of scripture only shows your ignorance of it. So what is the solution? The form is submitted along with the recommendations of other Calvary Chapel clergymen. I am Presbyterian and we had a discussion on Christian doctrine. Thanks for any love shown but what you just did Kaatie was take a few lines I wrote and placed them within your own ideaand that is know as taking something out of context . Although, they were not as corrupt as the Church of England, they still practiced a strict ritual of church service, a state church, and among other things, infant baptism. Steve must have been on vacation or something. Independent, Fundamental, King James, Mission Minded Our Service Times Are: Sunday Morning Worship -. I do dislike what seems to be human effort in trying to do what only the Spirit of God can do through a clear presentation of the word of God. Proverbs 21:24, Proud and haughty scorner is his name, who dealeth in proud wrath. @greg Independent Fundamental Baptist churches have fellowship one with the other and often cooperate in such things as evangelism. . Not one Baptist church can show in its history a direct succession from the Anabaptists. But not all Baptist churches are that way! 14Thou shalt beat him with the rod, and shalt deliver his soul from hell. Proverbs 23:13-14 see how silly that way of using scripture is? But wouldnt Paul himself, or the original church to whom the letter was sent, count as outside authority and control? Independent Baptist Church - Category KJV Churches Roger Williams is credited with founding the first Baptist church on American soil. Both are true and one doesnt cancel out the other. For I have come down from heaven not to do my will but to do the will of him who sent me. Unaccountable. But Im pretty sure we can agree that If I showed up to your Church naked i would probably not be allowed in. Everyone in the colony was automatically a member of the State church and were taxed to support it. Pedophiles hide in dark corners. In answer your assumptions about me. (I do love acapella singing, btw.). He then began to ask me questions and we had a good conversation centered around God from there on. However, in the midst of all this apostasy, which was the founded the Roman Catholic church, there were groups of Christians who were never a part of the Christianization of the Roman Empire. We don't have enough information about safety, we need to dig a little deeper before we make the call. Greg, The influx of these falsely converted pagans is one reason Roman Catholicism came to have so many idolatrous and pagan beliefs. These churches were missions minded and formed schools to train preachers and missionaries. We are an old-fashioned, independent, fundamental, King James Bible only, soul-winning Baptist church. This is Bible 101 stuff. Modern church history is irrelevant, not only to our topic but to us in general. I thought that this was the passage you were referring to. Ivor Church is the only one I know of where you can virtually come as you are. It sounds like you believe that we are not required to tithe, but somehow we are better off if we do? Gossips offer plausible deniability. Though many people including Websters Dictionary refers Baptists as being Protestants, it is not correct to refer to them as such or to lump all non-Catholic denominations in one group and label them Protestant. Any professed church that does not recognize these is Apsotasy & not the Church. I believe the all scripture is given. passage to include the Old Testament, too. Hah Im really the only reply to this incredible read?! Sounds like maybe you are in a pretty good church. Updates? Actually what should have been first was the erroneous teaching that water baptism has anything at all to do with ones salvation, it does not! Even some TV evangelists have referred to themselves as being fundamentalist. Pointing out failures of pastors, church congregations and movements can be informative as long as we also point out that not all, or even most of the groups involved are entwined in grevious and blatant sin. teaching that all sex is dirty, etc..), I see no sense in throwing the baby out with the bath water. We all make mistakes, the only thing we can do is apologize and attempt to do better. It bases its belief in the New Testament teaching that every believer is a priest to himself, having full excess to God without the need to go through a church, church leader or priest. (Quote from Dr. J. M. Carrolls booklet The Trail of Blood) These historians, in an attempt to show an unbroken line of Baptists in history, have embraced groups which were clearly not doctrinal sound. The Independent Fundamental Baptist church could be defined as a cult given the multiple definitions of a cult and the characteristics of the IFB. There are no rules about what to give at all. Thank you for visiting Home to the KJV Church directory! // ]]> Exposing the Dangerous Teachings of the Independent Fundamental Baptist (IFB) Denomination, Independent Fundamental Baptist (IFB) Deception 2009-2020, Independent Fundamental Baptist (IFB) Deception, 42. People who study dont fall so easily for false teaching. There was a fine of 2000 pounds of tobacco for failure to have ones infant children baptized. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. WHAT IS AN INDEPENDENT FUNDAMENTAL BAPTIST CHURCH? this is a great book research on cultist church 1) strict adherence to one version of the bible Thomas Jefferson is believed to have been deeply influenced to press for religious freedom in American, by the plight of several Baptist preachers he knew. Our lives reflect the light of Christ. Please note that this presented no problem for this first Baptist church in America. No one I have ever talked to or debated can show me that money is ever to be considered a tithe. Read all (mor ethan on epost under name Lynne). They have a 1st Amendment right to speak their mind, but that doesnt mean shouting down a preacher at a military funeral. The church government of many Independent Baptist churches are to have pastors and deacons as officers of the local church. Up to this time Williams was not a Baptist. They were just outside of the resort area on the beach at night and were stopped by a group of policemen. But anyway he says that if those folks go to Hell, that their blood would be on your hands. Member churches are forbidden to affiliate with any denomination, and the fellowship, administered by annually elected trustees, cannot organize itself as a denomination. You want to point out that you think that I have anger issues, but have a look at your comments, I dont see awhole lot of love dripping off of your comments either. They were in fact churches founded on the same New Testament principles that modern day Baptists traditionally founded their churches. Also, and Im not sure how to word this question properly, but during the building of the original NT church as described in Acts and further in the rest of the NT, wouldnt they have had to subscribe to some form of outside authority and control in order for the church to be formed? NoI simply believe we are not required to tithe (like keeping law) but it is a good thing to if one wants to. Smokers use breath mints. The rest of it is up to our Heavenly Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit. 2 . After Henry VII separated England from the Roman Catholic Church the Baptist faired no better. Tithing is not for God. This is the largest christian gathering in the U.S. attracting more than 100,000 last year. Matthew 7:1&2, Judge not, that ye be not judged. In 1606, after nine months of soul-searching and study of the New Testament he was convinced that the doctrines and practices of the Church of England were not Biblical, and thus he resigned as priest and left the church. No church in the NT took that label. Later Presbyterians, Episcopalians and Methodist were added to the lists of Protestants denominations. A logical fallacy stands alone whether in or out of context. The issue that concerns me about dress standards is that the position a church takes is a Biblical one. Henry Jacob. It is often said that the Protestant Reformation had both a formal cause and a material cause. INDEPENDENT This simply means that the church stands alone, free of any governing denomination, convention or council. Hear personal testimonies and watch missionary slideshows with RealAudio narratives. A response to Pastor James Meltons Questions for the KJV Critics, 69. This was the first time in the history of the world that a government was established which granted religious freedom! It is not historically correct to identify Baptists as Catholic protestors who left the Roman church. If you think women ought to wear pants, thats your prerogative. The pastor's name is Kevin Draganac. This site and others consistently speak about folks that follow and uplift man, in my faith I want only to lift up the God-man!! Thats why Paul advocated free will offerings (see 2 Corinthians 9). Soul liberty is a belief that everyone is responsible to God individually. 3:3). So, I guess we are not all as rigid as one would believe from some comments. BTW, my Church of Christ neighbor and I were good friends, and looked out for each other. Before the America won its independence and the Constitution became law, the Episcopal church, which was the American branch of the Church of England, was the only legal church in Virginia.