One of the most important documents that was released to the public in 2005 is a study by NSA historian Robert J. Hanyok. But the government itself wouldnt confirm Whites suspicions for decades. involvement in Vietnam. President Lyndon Johnson and Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara meet with Prime Minister Nguyen Cao Ky in Honolulu. NSA Releases History of American SIGINT and the Vietnam War North Vietnamese general Phng Th Ti later claimed that Maddox had been tracked since July 31 and that she had attacked fishing boats on August 2 forcing the North Vietnamese Navy to "fight back". Gulf of Tonkin incident, complex naval event in the Gulf of Tonkin, off the coast of Vietnam, that was presented to the U.S. Congress on August 5, 1964, as two unprovoked attacks by North Vietnamese torpedo boats on the destroyers Maddox and Turner Joy of the U.S. During the early hours of the morning of August 5, Herrick sent a message to Honolulu that said, Review of action makes many reported contacts and torpedoes fired appear doubtful. More posts from r/skeptic. Cecil Stoughton/U.S. How the Gulf of Tonkin Incident Embroiled the US in the Vietnam War Fifty years since the Gulf of Tonkin incident which triggered the However, with this birds eye view, something wasnt adding up. How US' False Flags Record Prompts Public to Trust Hersh's Nord Stream Reply . Tonkin definition, a former state in northern French Indochina, now part of Vietnam. One soldier, Peter Lemon, even managed to earn a Medal of Honor while stoned out of his mind. U.S. NavyCommander James Bond Stockdale exiting his aircraft. [8] Maddox was "unscathed except for a single bullet hole from a Vietnamese machine gun round". In 1967, former naval officer John White wrote a letter to the editor of the New Haven (CT) Register. [5][6][7], On August 2, 1964, the destroyer USSMaddox, while performing a signals intelligence patrol as part of DESOTO operations, was approached by three Vietnam People's Navy torpedo boats of the 135th Torpedo Squadron. Proudly powered by WordPress. Stockdale was always adamant that no attack ever occurred on August 4. This article will demonstrate three principal factual conclusions: (1) that Mr. Gamble is absolutely wrong, as a matter of historical fact, to claim that the Gulf of Tonkin incident was a "false flag" operation; (2) that belief in "9/11 was an inside job" conspiracy theories is not growing, but in fact shrinking; and (3) the conclusion . Within 24 hours, though, the Maddox resumed its normal patrolling routine. The Gulf of Tonkin incident is considered a false flag operation because the military was used by the CIA to heighten the involvement of the US in Vietnam. The whole thing was entirely fabricated (lying, deceit). Later analysis showed those communications to have concerned the recovery of torpedo boats damaged in the August 2 attack and North Vietnamese observations of (but not participation in) the August 4 U.S. The false flag Gulf of Tonkin Incident Vietnam - YouTube The NSA states, James Stockdale, then a navy pilot at the scene, who had the best seat in the house from which to detect boats, saw nothing. Though LBJ knew there was no second battle, he kept this information secret and beat the drums of war. In 1964, South Vietnam began conducting a series of attacks and missions along the North Vietnamese coasts, backed by the United States. [citation needed], In 1962, the U.S. Navy began an electronic warfare support measures (intelligence gathering) program, conducted by destroyer patrols in the western Pacific, with the cover name DESOTO. No actual visual sightings by Maddox. His actions would lead to the deaths of 58,220 Americans and an untold number of Vietnamese, Cambodians, and Laotians. Gulf of Tonkin incident | Definition, Date, Summary, Significance But even at the time there was some recognition of a margin of error, so we thought it highly probable but not entirely certain. assassination of President John F. Kennedy, a study by NSA historian Robert J. Hanyok. [43] It was not until after the United States became more involved in the war that his claim began to gain support throughout the United States government. On July 25, 2001, in a two-and-a-half-hour broadcast of his Infowars TV program on a local public-access channel, Alex Jones laid out what he saw as the . For this purpose, it was authorized to approach the coast as close as 13 kilometers (8mi) and the offshore islands as close as four; the latter had already been subjected to shelling from the sea. For example, some of the signals intercepted during those August evenings were falsified, while others were altered to show different time receipts. [49], In his book, Body of Secrets, James Bamford, who spent three years in the United States Navy as an intelligence analyst, writes that the primary purpose of the Maddox "was to act as a seagoing provocateurto poke its sharp gray bow and the American flag as close to the belly of North Vietnam as possible, in effect shoving its five-inch cannons up the nose of the communist navy. The Maddox' mission was made even more provocative by being timed to coincide with commando raids, creating the impression that the Maddox was directing those missions " Thus, the North Vietnamese had every reason to believe that Maddox was involved in these actions. He soon realized that the vessels they were tracking on the Maddox may have actually been the result of poor equipment performance and inexperienced sonar operators. [26] Maddox stated she had evaded a torpedo attack and opened fire with its five-inch (127mm) guns, forcing the torpedo boats away. There was no political motive to their action. While U.S. President John F. Kennedy had originally supported the policy of sending military advisers to Diem, he had begun to alter his thinking by September 1963,[17] because of what he perceived to be the ineptitude of the Saigon government and its inability and unwillingness to make needed reforms (which led to a U.S.-supported coup which resulted in the death of Diem). He immediately appeared in front of the United States with a televised speech. In the video below, McNamara admits the Gulf of Tonki attack of August 4, 1964 never happened. It's the perfect time for a false flag attack, where one country carries out a covert attack, disguising it to look like it was done by someone else. A Primer on U.S. False Flag Operations - The Deep State Blog It involved both a proven confrontation on August 2, 1964, carried out by North Vietnamese forces in response to covert operations in the coastal region of the gulf, and a second, claimed confrontation on August 4, 1964, between North Vietnamese and United States ships in the waters of the Gulf of Tonkin. [5], Maddox, when confronted, was approaching Hn M Island, three to four nautical miles (nmi) (6 to 7km) inside the 12 nautical miles (22km; 14mi) limit claimed by North Vietnam. The article states, The incidents, principally the second one of 4 August, led to the approval of theGulf of Tonkin Resolutionby the U.S. Congress, which handed President Johnson the carte blanche charter he had wanted for future intervention in Southeast Asia. [5], On August 3, 1964, destroyer USSTurner Joy joined Maddox and the two destroyers continued the DESOTO mission. According to his New York Times obit, the elder Morrison "commanded American naval forces in the gulf [of Tonkin] when the destroyer Maddox engaged three North Vietnamese torpedo boats on Aug. 2, 1964. "Dispropaganda" - An independent and politically unbiased website which strives to tell historical, political and contemporary, unfashionable, hidden truths through the use of satire and humor. The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution and Escalation of the Vietnam War The LBJ Presidential tapes, declassified and released in 2001, prove that LBJ knew the Tonkin incident never happened, prior to the war. 20 Declassified Files that Prove Governmental Crime and Conspiracy - Part 2 Shortly after the attack was reported, President Johnson made his decision to retaliate. [56], Squadron Commander James Stockdale was one of the U.S. pilots flying overhead during the second alleged attack. In the 2003 documentary The Fog of War, the former United States Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara admitted that the August 4 Gulf of Tonkin attack never happened. Following this incident, President Johnson ordered retaliatory air strikes against North Vietnamese military targets and bases and authorized sending US troops into Vietnam and by late 1965 some 180,000 American troops were on the ground, with more on the way. False Flags Nero Ft. Sumter USS Maine RMS Lusitania Reichstag Fire Pearl Harbor Operation Gladio Operation Paperclip Operation Northwoods Gulf of Tonkin U.S.S. Undersecretary of State George Ball told a British journalist after the war that "at that time many people were looking for any excuse to initiate bombing". Memorandum for Lt Gen Fitch from George C. Denney Jr. [59], In October 2012, retired Rear Admiral Lloyd "Joe" Vasey was interviewed by David Day on Asia Review and gave a detailed account of the August 4 incident. Milestones: 1961-1968 - Office of the Historian This is the true story of the Gulf of Tonkin incident. ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE! Months before an alleged attack was being blamed on Iran, a US Army Colonel predicted this very scenario playing out to start a war. He claimed that the North Vietnamese had tracked Maddox along the coast by radar and were thus aware that the destroyer had not actually attacked North Vietnam and that Hanoi (or the local commander) had ordered its craft to engage Maddox anyway. He conducted an analysis of the records from the nights of the attacks and concluded that while there was indeed an attack on August 2, nothing malicious happened on August 4. And because it was highly probableand because even if it hadn't occurred, there was strong feeling we should have responded to the first attack, which we were positive had occurredPresident Johnson decided to respond to the second [attack]. The most sensational part of the history (which was excerpted and disclosed by the NSA two years ago) is the recounting of the 1964 Gulf of Tonkin Incident, in which a second reported North Vietnamese attack on U.S. forces, following another attack two days before, triggered a major escalation of the war. In 1967, former naval officer John White, who had spoken to the men involved in the alleged attack on August 4, 1964, wrote a letter stating, I maintain that President Johnson, Secretary McNamara and the Joint Chiefs of Staff gave false information to Congress in their report about U.S. destroyers being attacked in the Gulf of Tonkin.. "[34] In response to requests for confirmation, at around 16:00 Washington time, Herrick cabled, "Details of action present a confusing picture although certain that the original ambush was bona fide. Ft. Sumter - In fact, the Gulf of Tonkin incident, as it became known, turned out to be a fictitious creation courtesy of the government to escalate war in Vietnam leading to the deaths of tens of thousands of U.S. troops and millions of Vietnamese, fomenting the largest anti-war movement in American history, and tarnishing the reputation of a nation once The Maddox reported seeing multiple unidentified vessels on their sonars coming at them from different directions. Later investigation revealed that the second attack never happened; the American claim is that it was based mostly on erroneously interpreted communications intercepts. After the second attack, the U.S. Congress passed the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution almost unanimously, allowing the federal government to take all necessary measures to protect U.S. forces in Vietnam. Brought to you by the CDC. In August 1964, the United States entered the Vietnam War after reports of an unprovoked attack in the Gulf of Tonkin. The sinking of the USS Maine in 1898 and the Gulf of Tonkin incident in 1964 - each of which was a critical part of a casus belli - have been claimed as possible false flag attacks, though the evidence supporting these allegations is weak. In 1963, three young Norwegian skippers traveled on a mission in South Vietnam. [5], Shortly before midnight, on August 4, Johnson interrupted national television to make an announcement in which he described an attack by North Vietnamese vessels on two U.S. Navy warships, Maddox and Turner Joy, and requested authority to undertake a military response. On the evening of August 4, 1964, President Lyndon Johnson addressed the nation in a televised speech in which he announced that two days earlier, U.S. ships had been attacked twice in international waters in the Gulf of Tonkin near North Vietnam. In accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, individuals may request that the government provide auxiliary aids or services to ensure effective communication of the substance of the documents. From the Gulf of Tonkin to The Baltic Sea However, the truth of what really happened in the Gulf of Tonkin on August 4 1964, was very different. Doubts later emerged as to whether or not the attack against the Turner Joy had taken place. 5 (May 1970), pp. [10] Gip confirmed that the attack had been imaginary. The U.S. vessels were now more than 100 miles away from the North Vietnamese coastline when their trackers started to light up. Conspiracy Theorists Are batting 1000! There were no U.S. It's a good example of a 'false flag', so common in politics since the beginning. [5] The North Vietnamese boats then attacked,[5] and Maddox radioed she was under attack from the three boats, closing to within 10 nautical miles (19km; 12mi), while located 28 nautical miles (52km; 32mi) away from the North Vietnamese coast in international waters. As the battle continued, Captain Herrick too began to have doubts about these attacks. voted against the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution. In fact, the Turner Joy had not detected any torpedoes during the entire event. The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution was a statement which allowed President Johnson to _______U.S. Please help support Dispropaganda by clicking on the "Donate" button and making a. White was featured in the August 2014 issue of Connecticut Magazine. Morse supposedly received a call from an informant who has remained anonymous urging Morse to investigate official logbooks of Maddox. Gulf of Tonkin. Despite the Navy's claim that two attacking torpedo boats had been sunk, there was no wreckage, bodies of dead North Vietnamese sailors, or other physical evidence present at the scene of the alleged engagement. Freak weather effects on radar and overeager sonarmen may have accounted for many reports. Increase. But every time he hightailed it out of one area, another blip on the sonar would appear. The planes pilot, Dispropaganda is 100% independent non partisan and non profit, in order to keep the site up we rely on financial supprt from our readers. National Archives and Records AdministrationPresident Johnson signs the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution. Aurora CO shooting. An incredible 15 percent of American soldiers were addicted to heroin, while others were so desperate for escape that they ate C-4 explosives just to get high. 30-Year Anniversary: Tonkin Gulf Lie Launched Vietnam War Catastrophic Covid Vax Mandates Shutting Down Hospitals, Medical Centers and Healthcare Systems Like This?! In the end he concluded that there were no torpedo boats on the night in question, and that the White House was interested only in confirmation of an attack, not that there was no such attack. The Gulf of Tonkin incident: the false flag operation that started the Vietnam war. [5], While doubts regarding the perceived second attack have been expressed since 1964, it was not until years later that it was shown conclusively never to have happened. Robert S. McNamara and the Real Tonkin Gulf Deception Recently released tapes and documents reveal the truth and lies of the Gulf of Tonkin incident and its resolution. [5] A U.S. aircraft carrier, the USS Ticonderoga, was also stationed nearby. The commander of the Maddox task force, Captain John Herrick, reported that the ships were being attacked by North Vietnamese boats when in fact, there were no North Vietnamese boats in the area. Fifty years ago, a controversial confrontation in the Gulf of Tonkin between the United States and North Vietnam forces set the stage for what eventually became US involvement in the Vietnam War. During the summer of 1964, President Johnson and the Joint Chiefs of Staff were eager to widen the war in Vietnam. Please Note: These historical documents are PDF images of formerly classified carbon paper and reports that have been declassified. casualties. And the sonars were probably just catching the tops of big waves. These 4 wars started after 'false flag' attacks - We Are The Mighty White's book explains the difference between lies of commission and lies of omission. He later said he was concerned that his captors would eventually force him to reveal what he knew about the second incident. From bad intel to bombs. - Slate Magazine What was happening at the time were aggressive South Vietnamese raids against the North in the same general area. This time their orders indicated that the ships were to close to no less than 11 miles (18km) from the coast of North Vietnam.