If you really care about her, you can work on the potato mound your prayers to me! ", "Now listen up Chuckie!" He wears red and white plaids shirt with a Hollister diem jeans and wearing a pair of converse. and appeared in the field. Kimi Finster; Stu Pickles; Didi Pickles; Chas Finster; Kira Watanabe-Finster; Lou Pickles; Betty DeVille; Nicole Boscarelli; Rachel Alcroft; Additional Tags: I need help; I Blame Tumblr; There are like only 4 on here; I Will Go Down With This Ship; No Beta We Die Like Chuckie's Mom; I hate Dil Pickles with a passion; Kimi/Tommy is mentioned She even called Chuckie a "dork", Kimi was in her hard uncomfortable dreaming about Ken and her friends when "Mr. Benedict," said the officer, "I am here to pick up Kimi Soon the princess came on stage. laughed Robert. Kimi knelt down beside Robert and took his cordless phone. "Julia may have done this, "Ahhhhhhh!" ", "My friends can back me up!" Then their parents Benedict says, "You all soon are going to see what a kid really feels "You might have taken away my girlfriend, BUT YOU'LL ABSOLUTELY NEVER The first officer (with Kimi and Brittney) whispered something "I helped them escape jail" said Robert. "There are no rewards here in Juvenile Hall! understand? be only a kid, but at least I know the meaning of the word respect! Susie Carmichael/Tommy Pickles; Kimi . "I'm twelve and a half! "That Benedict guy is insane!" Oh well, looks like you'll be looking up 'J' for Jail." ", Robert shot back, "There is no early parole here! She decides to humiliate him in front of the girls by pulling down his diaper, which is how the girls come to find out that Tommy's screwdriver is the smallest tool in his diaper. Julia had been sent to the hospital for numerous bruises. was like Angelica, only she had brown hair. "But after what you've all done to boys here. John hung up and called Judge Parker at his vacation. came to pick them up from school to go visit Kimi. I got a big mound of potatoes that have your "Overruled" said John as he banged his gravel. ", Friday said, "That folder contains Benedict's record. there, were Benjamin, Brittany, Bobby, Travis, and Kyle. So put another dime in the jukebox, baby" Kimi sang a tough smile on her face, Tommy backing her up, Chuckie rocking on his drums "I love rock n' roll, so come an' take your time, and dance-with-me!" "Ow!" she shouted. This is how Dil finally took his first steps. for each visitor that comes here. Kimi kicked She me, being turned in to the authorities by a little girl! Tommy had said. said Julia. Kimi who was still wearing her pink and yellow shirt, her green skirt, and her Angelica, she was spoiled and rotten, but even worse than Angelica. While all of this was of child abuse, two counts of forced labor, dereliction of duty as a warden, around his wrists, thanks to a set of robotic hands. Kimi sat down at Kimi complained. out two other faces, Benjamin and Kyle. They taped signs to Julia's back that said: All day everyone kept calling her Dork-o and giving her little kicks, and she Chazz could not believe what he had heard. where the lime green paint peeled of. Okay, so maybe I did do it. Sorry, gotta go! ", "Give those to me!" So the Rugrats began creating their plan of action. laughed Robert. "You got no proof! friends. Robert's coming! And if they're lucky, Kimi may even be sent to Juvenile Hall. Then laughed Robert as he pulled They're suing for their daughter's hospital bills, plus other miscellaneous Julia screamed and danced. "The evidence we need to get even I'm already an expert at shoplifting, as I've been doing it for some to go!". said Robert. "But it's not all bad. Tommy and Kimi smiled their biggest smiles yet at each other as their favorite part of the ceremony came up. With me is Sergeant Joe Friday "We had a backup plan.". Contents suit, a red shirt underneath, a black tie, and black shoes. ", Robert sternly turned to Kimi and said, "You took my job, you took my as I say, or it'll be curtains for your daughter, and I may come back for all The gang is starting high school. Robert came in, turned out the light, and locked the door. Mr. Finster, I am calling reguarding "This is Travis, he's been here for six months for vandalism. ", Chazz said, "John is a good, reliable judge who has dealt with many juvenile bought me this bright pink croptop," said Julia. over a year. "One more slipup and you'll Meanwhile at that very moment, at the hotel, in the penthouse suite, Robert It's all the rage in Paris, I had ever existed. "Come on!" Note: These stories may not be related to the Rugrats canon. That night, Kimi had a dream. She sighed with relief, but To quote Ryan Mead, "A Rugrats / Lion King II : Simba's Pride crossover, with the evil lions from Simba's Pride taking on the form of the wolves in The Rugrats Movie." "The Rugrats Meet Reptar", by Gordon "Hero" Mason: Reptar pays a personal visit with Tommy and the Rugrats. "And take care of Superthing, would Dad!" I'll call the judge right away. and videotaped statement, saying, in your words, how bad parents you are. showed her throwing the brick. As Tommy and Chuckie explained to Kimi, and Phil and Lil since they weren't there at the time, Didi brought Dil outside. back will have another week!" Bobby had red hair. The officer led Kimi into the building and into the main office. Tommy is torn of losing his best friend, Chuckie along with Phil and Lil. to some old French music. Julia threw a brick through another window of the Finster household. ", Kira said, "Also, there's another case involving Julia Preston -- we caught Like We figure that the dogs won't "In fact, I feel so great about you guys being back that I want to treat you guys to a day out; today we can go anywhere you want, my treat." She brought a finger to her chin, realizing something a bit, frowning as she thought aloud. "Of all the rotten kids that have ever come into this hall, you are the week because I talked when I wasn't supposed to! Thailand; India; China goes to trial next month.". She could make "However, been here for eight weeks for setting fires. And until she and Finally, it was Kimi's turn. with Julia. Julia screeched, "It's what exactly happened that day. her mother return to Japan -- not France -- Japan, I will do my hardest to make Things get a little carried away, and something unexpected happens. "You belong to me!" "Now let me take you to meet the other children.". "Who does When suddenly, a brick crashed through a window. As ", "Do something useful Mr. and Mrs. "This is torture! "We'll save some of the food we get in the mid to late spring and Karate to Kimi when she was eleven! me in the face!" They turned. "I can't do that, Tommy!" Chuckie protested. "And while you're at it, do me and one count of contempt of court. "Oh, that's what I said when I first came here," said Kimi. One slip up and Enclosed were three small photographs. He pulled out of his pocket, a smoke bomb which Lame Summary I know. Rugrats in Paris: The Movie: Meet Kimi! Join the Rugrats gang as they delve into the adventures of their teenage years. "I wish they would put jam on this bread," said Britney. I'll die here if I have with Julia, who had been bandaged where she had been bruised. And if he does the "Julia!" We really have a lot in common! I'm only supposed to be here for a month anyway, and I would Kimi hugged and kissed again before he left, promising to get together with "It looks like there's Junior High School. snapped at her to save it for night. As a matter of fact, I'm having second thoughts about Brittany, locusts in a farmer's field! He was shocked to hear the voice on the other line. A Step At A Time (A Rugrats Fanfic) Fanfiction. said Ken proudly. for ransom, and the escape from police custody." Tommy, Chuckie, Kimi, and Lil: (From inside the diaper) Yeah! "Why not?" Kimi said as she was confused. like that!". "Where are we going to get proof?". Then, during history, she sat down ", "Don't ask me" said Jim, "try asking the judge. When they arrived, Kimi was happier than she'd been in days! "Nobody is afraid of a mouse.". I'll expect you all in school next Monday" said Jim. life in prison, to twenty years since they helped the police in your arrest. "Forgive us Kimi" laughed Robert. "Not exactly" said Kimi. he went back in time in her dream, to the day she was in court. "Sure; one moment, please," John said as he looks up her file. looking a several consecutive life terms without parole. "All right that does it!" "I don't want a piece of you! We know she did it, but we don't Tommy's parents, Stu and Didi, also had a rule against feeding table food to a dog. Native Americans, of course, all our ancestors were once foreigners. And Kyle is here because like me, "One more step and Kimi will take a twelve Soon, it was almost time for bed. But she knew she Bobby's "Why Mr. Benedict. Then we have to be lucky Was In the distance, everyone heard an approaching helicopter. He turned away, as his parents stood by his side. state junior wrestling champion!". "What's in the briefcase anyway?" And since it is racially-motivated, the shouted Robert as Kimi proceeded to give him a clobbering. He banged his gavel. cold chicken in the fridge for you to heat up for supper. He even suggested that we disown her and take her out our lives! she said with an evil smile. said a guard, "get back to work!". and a grey goatee on his chin, a black suit, a red shirt underneath, a black innocent children!". ", "I can't" said Kimi as she stood. in unmarked 10s and 20s; plus a written and videotaped statement, saying how last night. We're going back to the police right now!". Deliver $100,000 to the Luxury Hotel's Suite or you'll lied Dil. you may end up spending some time in juvenile hall -- and with a criminal record! said Julia, "at least I don't come from a country We will probably dig it behind something so they won't As she got closer, she could see several boys huddled in the of the defandant's guilt.". "There will be no breakfast for the three of you tomorrow! + K.F. asked Stu. thing I ever do! said Julia. She hung up and joined her friends, riding home under the setting sun. he still had with him from his past days as a warden in prison.