Just as I'm typing this, maybe it is possible to fit an array of values in a sensor entity and use that to create a historic graph in HA. {{ states.zwave.fibaro_system_fgms001zw5_motion_sensor.attributes.battery_level }} For my own future reference and anyone looking to clean up data spikes over a specific time range, heres what worked for me: USE ""; DELETE FROM "" WHERE ("" = "") AND time > "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss" AND time < "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss", Example if deleting all data on a given day: - The question mark represents a single character. Login with default username and password of admin and admin. To do this, well add the following to our configuration file. You can find out how to create one here. If you want to build dynamic panels or see my newer dashboard then checkout this post. The list of entity ids to be included in recording to InfluxDB. The cog icon saying "Configuration". Open the InfluxDB web GUI in a new tab and login. However long-term trends and data can also be important. Recreating the database seems to have got it working, but Ive now lost all the history am I missing something with ensuring persistence of data here?? Once it restarts, Home Assistant should start sending data to InfluxDB. All my sensors from hassio are reporting to that influxdb next to my mariadb (short term). For example, Im querying below for all the mph measurements (which were created using Dark Sky). Although I cant see why not exactly. Although this works for me, it might not work for you, or there might be other attribute data you might want to track. Remember to add your username and password if you set one up. After saving, I strongly recommend validating the changes by using the Check configuration button on the developer tab. In my case, it's because I also use influxdb for other things. Im assuming youre using Docker. Home assistant makes it super-easy to capture data from devices around your home by adding plugins, and it makes that data available in the history tab, so you can keep track of whats going on, like this. This ensures Home Assistant has a lean database, and I can debug something that went wrong by looking in the recorder. I will try it at Thursday if I can find a solution by snapshot function. Exclude all entities matching a listed pattern. I have had some problems with other dashboards that is using $__interval . If I do show databases, I have the following message . Once selected, change the SELECT field(value) so it reads field(battery_level). With so many integrations with the internet of things or IOT devices, a lot of information passes through Home Assistant. So I have no idea why its not working for you. Configure Home Assistant to export data to InfluxDB This adds a yellow line, and the entire graph now has the living room temperature compared to the outside temperature. If the Home Assistant container is running in host mode or on a different machine you need to forward the 8086 port from the dabase container so that it is available from the outside. Go back to the InfluxDB web GUI and click on the fourth icon from the top on the left side, called "Explore". Theres a few ways to install Grafana, but because Im using Home Assistant on my Synology NAS, Im going to use Docker. Do you have any idea where thi could come from ? Well first need to setup a database in InfluxDB. Maybe the issue is missing friendly_names of those entities? You must configure the influxdb history component in order to create influxdb sensors. I feel like it polls initially and then stops. Go back to Synology Docker and open the "Registry" section again. This is my actual Watt from my sma solar converter. FYI Influx is not generally used as a replacement for the main database but as a supplement. You may need to chmod it to 0777 incase the user inside the container doesnt have permission to write to the host system, which can sometimes happen. not sure what you mean. Home Assistant basics what the heck are devices, entities, integrations and services. If a HA entity becomes stable and it has sense to collect its data, I include this entity to the DB configuration. name grafana Looking at the graph is cool, but it doesnt make it easy to see what the temperature outside is right now, or what was the lowest/highest temperature for the period. 2.xx only - Auth token with READ access to your chosen Organization and Bucket. Ever feel restricted by the Home Assistant UI on how it shows data over a long time? I am already using this addon for influxdb. It can also be used with an external data source. All others rely on community effort. Maybe the entity_id has changed or something. I mostly use InfluxDB own dashboards, they're enough for me, to be honest, I haven't seen the advantage of having Grafana querying it's data yet. Note that the configuration is significantly different for a 2.xx installation, the documentation below will note when fields or defaults apply to only a 1.xx installation or a 2.xx installation. I decided to go with MariaDB in a docker container and this step should improve performance and make my SD card last a lot longer. InfluxDB 2.0 - Complete Guide to Getting Started with InfluxDB 2. Is there a way to get it to update at least every hr or so? But yeah you can also install influxdb as an addon in the HA VM if you are using hass.io, however it's only version 1.7 at the moment I believe. Optional path of a CA certificate to be used during SSL verification. Grafana needs a separate database in the background to load the data from. Battery percentages over time, see how quickly batteries are used across your sensors to identify which ones are depleting the quickest, Power usage for main appliances like TVs, Fridges, Heaters and Airconditioners, Moisture levels in your indoor plants (I use the, Download rates for applications like Transmission, TV Volume Level (I can see what volume levels my, Humidity Levels in bathrooms to see what time of day people are showering or whos having extra long showers (. If that doesnt work, there is something called Portainer. If set, all other entities will not be recorded to InfluxDB. Strange, I am not 100% sure if this will work with HASSIO. First panel in the first dashboard is finished. In "Default Bucket" field enter name of the bucket you created in InfluxDB. Home Assistant basics II what the heck are automations, blueprints, scenes and scripts? Home Assistant is already pretty good at this. I would first confirm that both Home Assistant, and the Influx container are both using the host network. Ok that makes sense. Add Home Assistant and Node-RED InfluxDB data sources in Grafana. Theres a few options for this, but one with great support in Home Assistant is InfluxDB. Name of the bucket within your Organization to read from. So, if youre using Home Assistant on a Raspberry Pi, you could have InfluxDB running on a PC or NAS thats always on. You will have to assign a name for the dashboard, click "Save" again and you're done. They will be different, depending on what your environment is, but it should be obvious that HomeAssistant is their source. Storing Home Assistant Sensor Data in InfluxDB Several other more or less random things :-). Contribute to hassio-addons/addon-influxdb development by creating an account on GitHub. The last thing to do is to extract the token values, because we'll need them soon. Name your database and click the checkmark. InfluxDB adds a data type to every measurement value after it records the first measurement. In my case organization is Home and bucket name is HomeAssistant. Ill try to limit requests as suggested for the time being. 2.xx only - Organization ID to read from. Choose your favorite one and we can query for the data stored for that measurement. Theres some upgrades to the latest versions of Grafana, InfluxDB and the base image on my repo. Your Grafana instance is now configured to retrieve and display data from InfluxDB. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Home-assistant comes with a DSMR reader, but for it to work you need home-assistant installed on the same device that is connected to the DSMR meter. In your Influx configuration YAML for HA, I highly recommend adding friendly_name under tags_attributes. Now we need to add another sensor to this query. Youll be presented with a blank graph now. Thamks for your great guide! 1.xx only - The username of the database user. You can then login to Grafana on the downstairs tablet, knowing someone wont be able to access the upstairs dashboard without the correct username and password. I can see the battery status of all devices, check my internet connection and see how temperature, brightness and humidity have changed over time. InfluxDB, Home Assistant & Grafana - Energy & Power. This is a lot more tables compared to 1.xx queries, where you essentially had one table per unit_of_measurement across all entities. Click on the "Data" icon. It may not save the last poll value over restarts though. Formally this is correct, but simply misleading. Just remember that youll need to give your user read/write access for Home Assistant to write data into InfluxDB. Im just getting started with Home Assistant, but i love it already! - platform: template 2.xx only - Organization ID to write to. We can accomplish that with the docker-compose config below: So lets break this configuration down a bit: The docker containers start up. One question with the docker image: How do you increase the influcdb connection pool? We could choose to display each rooms temperature sensor individually. Make sure the FROM is set to home_assistant and you filter on domain or entity_id first. In very short time you can create a custom dashboard that includes diagrams or current status numbers for your devices. I also included my phones battery and my printer ink status for fun and added some stats for my Adguard network wide ad blocker. Great article got this up and running a week ago on my Synology NAS with DSM 6.2 interestingly when I had to restart my Synology it appears to have wiped the influx db (ie the docker container wasnt running, so nothing worked), then when I restarted it there was no home_assistant database. sensors: !include template/sensors.yaml, My grafana influxdb and HA are on the same device running DSM 6.1. I did it in one evening. And I'm betting that Flux will be default going forward, so let's bite the bullet now :-), In "HTTP" section under "URL" enter address and port of the InfluxDB container. Go to explore and query for the following Enter the following configuration into it: Make sure to replace the IP address, token value (the HomeAssistant - Write token) and potentially port, organization and bucket values with what you have setup. Once the access is possible you can connect Home Assistant to the database by using a configuration like this: Details can be found here but this small setup is good enough for me. Home Assistant comes with a few options, but today were going to setup Grafana, which is a free and open source graphing dashboard that looks beautiful. Using InfluxDB to store Home Assistant data for Visualising in Grafana. Needed with organization configuration variable. Exactly, warning not error. /config/influxdb.yaml. The dashboards can be configured with multiple types of graphs out-of-the-box.