This achievement works well with Habsburgs. Bulgaria may not be called in right off. Become communist as normal. Addicted2CoughSyrup 3 mo. The war with Ireland should be easily done within 70 days. I composed the music for the Battle for the Bosphorus pack. As South Africa, finish the A King for our People focus and take Jerusalem. For the achievement, you only need to occupy Berlin, not own it via peace deal. Important to choose "Insist on a Royal Marriage" so you can form the American Monarchy. If your keyboard layout doesn't have that key, other hotkeys to open the console are SHIFT + 2 and SHIFT + 3. Upon taking "Utilize the Leagues", you will have access to decisions of boosting fascist and non-aligned popularity. Send this operative again, and wait for him/her to get captured for the second time. Faction leaders are majors even if they don't have a single factory or division. Fully research a land, naval and air doctrine tree. JavaScript is disabled. Tip: It is better to raise resistance in small or even one-state nations like Rwanda, Burundi or Gambia, as this will lead to an uprising much faster because of fewer states that have to meet the resistance threshold. Once all of this is done, mass produce subs until you can sneak a naval invasion into Britain anywhere with a port. Yes cavalry. Then, form the Chinese United Front and accept all invites. But minors such as Hungary can turn major. Supposedly having 50 factories (possibly not counting dockyards) will make you a major, non starting majors or faction leaders is like 50 factories and x amount of divisions unless its like one of the last few nations existing i saw other comments i guess it changed at some point, This is why attacking the allies is frustrating, when the UK capitulates late in the war, India, Canada, Australia, and NZ have become majors. Kick Tannu Tuva from your faction and justify a war goal against them. Puppet Ukraine and Belarus in Poland's former territory, leaving the rest of Poland alone. As Germany, Bring back the Kaiser and ensure that Italy is controlled by Victor Emmanuel by killing Mussolini. Underpaid, Undersexed, and Under Eisenhower. In order to get states to join your faction via decision it is important to have more manpower deployed to the field, and puppet expeditionary forces contribute to this number. This is extremely tedious for the USSR though (and probably the US too), and if I click too fast the game crashes Is there any better way of doing this? The achievement requires taking the focus Crush the Dream which involves an alliance with the Soviet Union, and is unavailable if the US is already a puppet or not democratic, so DO NOT CAPITULATE THE US BEFORE THE FOCUS IS FINISHED or it will be bypassed, even if other alliance members are still fighting with the US. Because IIRC casualties=war score, which means the AI throwing themselves into a unwinnable battle gives them a bigger piece of the pie. Delete all units before civil war fires, then win with Soviet volunteer forces you get. So only start boosting in provinces controlled by your enemies. Access to the focus "Towards African Unity" is, as before, possible through "Rebuilding the country" focus. Go communist, Seek the Support of the Soviets. Also, be aware there may be some issues caused by the central air node bug but this can be fixed by focusing your transport planes on your air field's air zone once the battle plan is initiated. As of 1.9.0, there's no check that the French and British operatives are not the same person. The decision to form Greater Greece is unlocked either by the focus "Nenikikamen" while your leader is not Georgios Kosmidis, by completing the focus "The Modern Movement" and choosing to have "Ioannis Metaxas" as your country leader, or by completing the focus "Prepare for the Great Anti-Fascist War". As United Kingdom, release at least 14 colonies as puppets at the start of the game. If Japan goes communist this achievement becomes much easier. After a reload I didnt nuke them instantly, waited a bit and again it just failed. Declare war, remove all your forces from Guatemala and wait for it to capitulate. But since the AI UK had killed more Japanese they were the ones who Japan surrendered to. Join the war. Once Austria-Hungary forms they always automatically join the Central Powers. You do not have to go to war and simply need enough political power to repeat the decisions. Take all of France and puppet the Netherlands and wait for them to have bicycle divisions. In this case there are two majors on your side, France and Poland. Alternatively you can prepare some transport planes earlier and convert your mountaineers to paratroopers, once you have captured Bucharest you can send the paratroopers to snatch some victory points in the north and west to instantly capitulate Romania. Option 1: Give into German and Soviet demands for territory. Take the "Appoint Pro-Axis Government", take the Fascist Demagogue and flip to Fascist. Peru can also be easily naval invaded from the Galapagos because even though it has a bigger navy, they won't use it for the first couple of months of the war. Micromanage your army into London and annex the UK in the Peace Conference, With sufficient fighting strength, leave the Comintern, attack the Soviets (During Operation Barbarossa) and take the necessary provinces. Have your infantry secure the Maginot Line, convert all non-infantry units you control to the starting Panzer Division, and take Army Innovations to gain 10 XP (use said XP to add 2 more motorized units to the Panzer Division template) - optionally take Treaty with the USSR for early Medium Tanks if you plan on doing more than just this achievement. hoi4 what to do when capitulate. Fighting in Europe also give you nice autonomy boost (not as large as Lend Lease) but remember that if you win too soon you will be stuck with only 0.5 autonomy daily from focus. Once Norway is gone, declare war on and take Sweden. By the time the justification is done, you should have 48 - 72 divisions trained and on the border with the Soviet Union. As soon as the coup fires, you'll get the achievement (Nation Franaise doesn't even have to win the war). Attack the Allies immediately after the defeat of the Axis, You have to own the provinces, not just occupy them - watch out for them in a peace treaty, do not let AI take them or you will have to go to war again. As Romania, make it to 1942 with all the states you started it with and control either Moscow or Berlin. Do not call Bulgaria to war yet, focus on defeating Turkey first. Romania guarantees them and you, so they don't join. You can manage several things from here, including leaving the faction. Reach 0 manpower with Scraping the Barrel as Conscription Law. If Japan occupy them and you take them back, you might be able to snatch them in the peace deal, otherwise you will have to defeat the Allies. Sometimes Poland attack you from other provinces and cause some thousands of casualties, so you will have to repeat the game. Once Germany has declared war on Poland and Poland has joined the Allies declare your wars on France and the UK and soon after Germany will invite you in to the Axis. Start to push up and finish off the war. Is there a console command that will capitulate a country and force a peace conference? You start the game with camels unlocked, but you have to make the template yourself. Press J to jump to the feed. Again, avoid direct fights with enemies if you can. A third way is to play as France, go down the Napoleonic Path, release as many of your puppets as possible (don't release Algeria or Vietnam - you can gain cores on the former, and the latter has much-needed rubber) conquer Belgium, the Netherlands and Britain (and satellite as much territory as possible from each - Belgium gives you 5 puppets from their African territory, the Netherlands gives you 3 - the Indies and both of their South American territories, and the UK gives you 40). (Edit: represented by this golden square around the flag). Put a few units there to guard the island. Join axis. Because if your stability drops below 30%, the civil war will start. On historical Barbarossa happens in June 1941. Simply go to war with the colonial powers and occupy enough territories in Africa to create 13 collaboration governments, which will count for the achievement once you complete the Towards African Unity focus. All you have to do is click on the hand-shaking icon to bring up your diplomacy screen. Wow, no wonder I had such a high war score as France despite not doing anything. After the civil war ends save up 190 political power to justify on Denmark and Norway then cancel justification on Denmark and redo it, this will give you concurrent war goals to avoid them getting guaranteed by the UK, while this is happening devote your spy agency to first 'Propaganda' in Finland and then once the civil war is over switch to 'Boost Ideology' to get ready for a Fascist coup. As Canada, complete the Send in the Zombies focus. Recommend speed 5, you don't need technologies or focuses. Before going to war with the Allies conquer both Saudia-Arabia and Yemen. Wait for Allies to fight Italy in North Africa. Use the landsturm to hold the line. It can be completed in the same run with the. Start as UK (don't unpause) and release Egypt as a puppet (check "Play as" when the checkbox appears). Is it because they were suiciding about 1.01m soldiers trying to to take them? You can easily naval invade Venezuela if you're having trouble because of their lack of a navy. If you like it, I would very much appreciate if you'd follow me on Spotify. Turn Fascist - that will prompt your allies to leave faction, Justify and Declare War on one of these: Canada/Australia/New Zealand/South Africa. At the start of the game, justify and declare war on Poland and call. In the meantime, send all the ships you have, including the French ships, to a port in Northern France and prepare for a naval invasion of the UK. Press the decision to Form Siberian State. Join Comintern. Prepare two Naval Invasions to Hull and Edinburgh. It is Peter II, not Prince Paul, that can get the Underage Monarch trait. As Poland, be independent and ensure that both Germany and the USSR are either in your faction or dont exist. Furthermore, there is a chance that the UK completely decolonizes on non-historical. Upon completion of the Our Place in the Sun Focus, the achievement will fire off. If the La Rsistance DLC is active, you can just rush the focus, Play Canada as normal but always rush down economic focuses. Let them bleed themselves on the border. You must have the Quit India Movement national spirit. As Imperial Germany, conquer a Caribbean island. Another window to strike at Germany early is during Sudetenland crisis. After that concentrate on building naval dockyards and make sure that you researched Modern Ship Torpedo Launcher technology. For this achievement, you only need to occupy the states in question. Don't even stop once you've taken brussels - you're already at war with france anyway. Create 2 army templates: One 16-width with Engineers and One 16-width with Engineers & Anti-air. Capital is Macau (729) Don't continue down the fascist path before defeating Sweden as that will guarantee that they join the Allies. The Netherlands has not lost one of its starting states It is safer but harder. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). They will give you all of their territory in China, a bunch of good units, and a navy. If you want to be extra safe, defeat the Netherlands first, line all your troops up against the belgian border, declare war on them and immediately break them with your tanks at the coast. The straightforward, but boring and slow, approach is to defeat the Axis, then go to war with the Comintern and defeat them (note that the PRC will declare war on China one year after the end of the war with Japan, so you can use the focus to get China democratic and add them to the Allies before that war starts) - this should add lots of countries to the Allies, and then trigger coups everywhere you can. With the BBA peace conference system, that should be enough to grab the required states (Buryatia, Chita, Yakutsk, Dudinka, Kolyma, Udachny, Verkhoyansk) plus a few others so the border isn't so gory. As Switzerland annex 5 states that are not contiguous with each other or Switzerland. The only one to watch for is Romania: if the Turkish Straits are closed, Germany will have no land or sea route to Romania and might puppet instead. The chance that the United Kingdom agrees to your request is 50/50 regardless of player actions, so multiple attempts may be needed. Change your government, use the Hispanic Solidarity decision to invite Guatemala to your faction, then use the March Southward focus to get a war goal on El Salvador. Civil war or lend leasing to your overlord are the typical examples. For construction: Que level 5 (or higher) forts and on the bottom military factories. For which you only need to occupy the required states. Can be achieved easily by rushing the fascist route in focus tree and joining the Axis. Hejaz (679) is not required. Enough for your invasions to be able to be launched. This will drag all the others in without any major powers. Finally, and I am sure everyone knows this. Once they complete it and the Central Powers faction exists you should be able to join that faction (unless you are somehow still democratic). Once your justification is done, declare war on France immediately or you will risk UK guarantee. - do a national referendum without discrediting the government (It's very fast nontheless and you will need the pp) 3. Having even a few provinces lets you win the civil war easily. When the german civil War is over and the German Military Junta has won they always will go down the path to restore the Kaiserreich. because you can core part of it yourself with the last focus of the Facist Path. Take the "Political unity" focus as soon as possible, it will remove the chance of spawning the civil war. After getting the Japanese to accept a cease-fire, train up a large army of small units (a template of 2 infantry with engineers is a good choice for this), and take the "Offer Vassalization" focus - some of the warlords will accept, while others will not (ideally, if only some of the warlords accept vassalization, then said warlords would be the Guangxi Clique and Sinkiang - the former due to it's numerous resources, and the latter due to it's location). If you spot a mistake then you are welcome to fix it. Get a Research Slot and rush Join the Republican Government. Rome isn't well defended and should fall pretty much immediately when they land. Holding out against the Soviet is possible, but you might end up against a mass of Soviet troops on your border while the German simply roll into Moscow. Should take less than 1k casualties. This focus gives war goals for the UK, France and the USA. Aim to liberate the six African countries controlled by Spain and Portugal by the middle of 1939. If you still don't have enough puppets, follow the rest of the national focus (the communist path) and pick either "Follow Moscow" or "The British Communist Alternative" and start puppeting the rest of Europe or annex the United States and go after the rest of the Americas. From here, you need to click on the flag of a specific country to pull up their unique diplomacy screen. You need to either annex all USA core states, or puppet the USA and let it have all core states. Lend-lease to Netherlands until you can annex them. At some point the allies will gain air superiority over the two sea zones and Italy. As non-aligned Turkey, have zero negative state modifiers. Then, position your army along the Canadian border, and make sure to train lots of 10w 1 unit cavalry brigades, since the US cannot man their entire border with their starting army and the cavalry can simply overrun their entire country with the US not being able to do much to stop it. Pick Regency Council, and 'Seek an Alliance with the Kaiser' once Germany completes Return of the Kaiser or Monarchy Compromise. If so, how? This can easily be done by conquering France before taking Oppose Hitler; justify on France directly (while France guarantees Yugoslavia, Romania, and Czechoslovakia, if you justify on one of them, you'll call either Romania or Czechoslovakia in as well). The order in which you let those African Nations revolt is up to you. Alternatively, one can simply puppet Italy as non-aligned Germany - generate 25 world tension (justifying on Romania and capitulating France through naval invasions is an easy way to do this; alternatively, one can rush Poland to make the German Civil War easier), and take Oppose Hitler (the tension from Oppose Hitler, as well as Restore the Kaiserreich and Return of the Kaiser, will get it past 40); form a faction with Austria, and then when the event for annexing them fires, accept so you can get a border with Italy. You need a decent war score because you gained cores on east Germany, you need your old cores and the eastern German provinces to get the achievement. France). Simply go down and complete a focus which puts Peter in charge, such as End the Regency. If you don't own. Then, DO NOT take any Focuses for extra PP income and start competing for the states. As Turkey, be in a faction with Germany and Austria-Hungary. As Portugal, create a collaboration government in Macau and have it own all Chinese states. Take Monarchia d'Italia when you are done. If Transvaal runs out of building slots, follow the Dispersed/Concentrated Industry tech tree to get more building slots. Now you should be able to take the decision to form the Roman Empire. Repeat this invasion process for Belgium. As soon as you turn Fascist, justify on Bulgaria immediately. Not unworkable, just kind of unsatisfying. The best I can figure out at the moment is using the occupation painting tool, deleting all the enemy's units, and then clicking all VPs. Warfare - Hearts of Iron 4 Wiki Warfare This is a community maintained wiki. Then simply invite the puppets into your faction. Move your navy into the Mediterranean to avoid being cut off by Britain and then justify a war on them (or anyone in the Allies), you will be able to get military access from Italy this way (or potentially before this). Wait for Germany to start the war against the Soviet Union and finish the Smash the Bureaucrats focus which gives a puppet war goal against the Soviets. Alternatively play as Germany and play normally until you sea lion Britain. I just tried to capitulate Japan using the new mechanic by just double-nuking them as the Guangxi-Clique. Alternatively you can temporarily fight in the Allies' side. open.spotify. Conquer Belgium and Luxembourg as Netherlands. Once the USA and Mexico have been annexed, dismantle your faction and join the Axis to fight off the Allies. It may be advisable to create a faction with Mexico instead of joining the Axis to make it harder for Germany to take British states in the peace conference. Call only allies that are necessary! When Fascist support gets to 30.10%, it will be possible to take War Powers Act. Hey When there are no majors in a war, you must capitulate them one by one. However, you might as well get as many as you can, Austria (for the achievement), Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Portugal, and Iraq are good targets so might as well do it. But if the british fails considerably to invade me, I want to make white peace. The route which passes through the fewest countries is Gibraltar - Spain - France - Germany - Poland - Soviet Union - Iran - British Raj - Siam - British Malaya.