Wells: Sept: 28th 1691 p 294. In 2019, Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia ranked as the 7th leading cause of death. Memorial plaque located on Masonic Temple. The 30 people who testified against Burroughs at his trial were: Sarah BibberEzekiel CheeverRichard CarrierThomas EvansThomas GreenlitHannah HarrisElizabeth HubbardBenjamin HutchinsonAbigail HobbsElizar KeyserMary LaceyMary Lacey JrMercy LewisAnn Putnam, JrRebecca PutnamEdward PutnamThomas PutnamPeter PrescottRobert MorrellThomas RuckSusannah SheldonMartha TylerMary WarrenElizabeth WardwellMary WalcottSamuel WebberMary WebberSarah WilsonSimon WillardWilliam Wormall. 2, Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston, MA. 167: Petitions from Relatives of Prisoners and Others (October 1692 - January 1693), SWP No. George Burroughs was the only Puritan minister indicted and executed in Salem in 1692. 172: Petitions to the General Court, with Responses (1696-1725), SWP No. Short of stature, muscular, dark-complexioned, he was highly attractive to women, as is shown by his winning the hand of a rich widow as his second wife when he was a mere village minister. ), Elizer Keysar aged aboute fourty five yeares Sayth that on Thursday last past being the fift day of this Instant moneth of May I was at the house of Thomas [Beadles] in salem, and Capt Daniell King being there also, at the same tyme, and in the Same Roome. dreadfull & tedious fit, 3. Taylor Trade Publishing, 2002.Torrey, Clarence Almon. *John Partridge feild Updated: November 4, 2011 . the Bewitched being present. As soon as he was turned off, Mr. Cotton Mather, being mounted upon a horse, addressed himself to the people, partly to declare that he [Burroughs] was no ordained minister, and partly to possess the people of his guilt, saying that the devil has often been transformed into an angel of the light; and this somewhat appeased the people, and the executions went on.. 36. Wheldon, Capt Wormwood testifyed about the Gun & 1700.Mather, Cotton. Gadsden, Etowah County, Alabama 35901 . Thomas Ruck of his sudden coming in after them & that he could tell his thoughts. 4, Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston, MA., Boston, MA..), Anno Regis et Reginae Willim et Mariae nunc: Angliae &c Quarto, Essex ss The Jurors for our Sovereigne Lord and Lady the King and Queen pr'sents That George Burroughs late of falmouth in the province of the Massachusets Bay in New England -- Clarke -- The ninth Day of May in the forth Year of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord and Lady William and Mary by the Grace of God of England Scottland France and Ireland King and Queen Defenders of the faith &c and Divers other Dayes and times, as well before as after certaine Detestable Arts called Witchcrafts and Sorceries. This was an excellent article! According to Mathers account of the trial, in September, two witnesses came forward and offered testimony against Burroughs. Robert Calef later said that he had been buried so poorly that his chin and hand protruded from the ground. After Boston minister Cotton Mather reassured the crowd that his execution was the result of a court decision, Burroughs was hanged. Later, the government of the Massachusetts colony recognized Burroughs' innocence and awarded 50 pounds damages to his widow and children, though this led to disputes over the division of the award among his heirs. James Duncan Phillips Library, Peabody Essex Museum, Salem, MA. This page was last edited on 24 February 2023, at 21:13. George Floyd's Cause of Death Revealed in Independent Autopsy Jurat in Curia, (Reverse) Sarah Viber ag't 164: Preparation for the Court of Oyer and Terminer (May - August 1692), SWP No. Derek Chauvin, one of the four police officers who arrived on the scene, knelt on Floyd's neck and back for 9 minutes and . On May 9, George Burroughs was examined by magistrates Jonathan Corwin and John Hathorne; Sarah Churchill was examined the same day. Mercy Lewis The accusers said the black man [Devil] stood and dictated to him. 28. May 10- Sarah Osborne dies in prison in Boston. [2] He was raised by his mother in the town of Roxbury, Massachusetts. Startled, Ruck stated that even the Devil himself didnt know what she said, to which Burroughs replied My God makes known your thoughts unto me.. wards in his own person he acknowledged to This branch of the family has been in VA for several hundred years. He experienced significant heart failure in 2005. 2, no. Despite not living in Salem for many years prior to the Salem Witch Trials, Burroughs was found guilty of witchcraft and sentenced to hang. Elizabeth Hubbard her, that he had made her set her hand to There was no parsonage yet, so George and Hannah Burroughs moved into the home of John Putnam and his wife Rebecca. and seemed to have a Motion upward upon Which I called the Mayd, and she looking up into the Chimney saw the same, and my wife looking up could not see any thing, soe I did and doe #[very Certainly] [Concider] it was some diabolicall apperition, Mr. Elizer. Greenwood Press, 2008.Biographical Sketches of Graduates of Harvard University. Salem Village , this 21'st of April, 1692 Much honored: George Burroughs, signed by Peter's brothers John and Nathaniel, were sent to the Governor and Council to improve the conditions of Wells, Maine. After most humble and hearty thanks presented to your Honors for the great care and pains you have already taken for us, for which we are never able to make you recompense (and we believe you do not expect it of us; therefore a full reward will be given you of the Lord God of Israel, whose cause and interest you have espoused, and we trust this shall add to your crown of glory in the day of the Lord Jesus); and we, beholding continually the tremendous works of divine providence -- not only every day but every hour -- thought it our duty to inform your Honors of what we conceive you have not heard, which are high and dreadful: of a wheel within a wheel, at which our ears do tingle. On December 17, 1711, the Burroughs family was awarded 50 in restitution. William & Mary by the Grace of God of England Scotland France & Ireland King & Queen defend'rs of the faith &ca 2, no. Burroughs encountered the same problems as his predecessor as well as hostility from Bayleys friends and supporters, according to the book Salem Witchcraft by Charles W. Upham: Immediately upon calling to the village to reside, he encountered the hostility of those persons who, as the special friends of Mr. Bayley, allowed their prejudices to be concentrated upon his innocent successor. When the parsonage was finally completed, the Burroughs family moved in and took on a young servant, Mercy Lewis, a fellow survivor of the Wabanaki raid of 1676. hand to the Book, which she did; & after- Although Cotton's words describe, and to some degree justify the trials . Elisha Hutchinson, a magistrate there, issued the proper order, addressed to John Partridge in Portsmouth, Field-marshal of the provinces of New Hampshire and Maine, dated April 30, 1692, to arrest George Burroughs, preacher at Wells; he being suspected of a confederacy with the devilWhen we consider the distance and the circumstances of travel at that time, it is evident that the officers charged with the service acted with the greatest promptitude, celerity, and energy. Sarah Vibber Jurat Former Site of the Salem CourthouseAddress: Washington Street (about 100 feet south of Lynde Street), opposite the Masonic Temple, Salem, Mass. Although historians have blamed her accusation on causes ranging from a conspiracy against Andover's proprietary families to reaction against threats to patriarchal . One of the witnesses was Thomas Greenlit, who recounted a story about witnessing Burroughs place his finger in the muzzle of a heavy gun and then lifted it up and also placed two fingers in the bung of a full barrel of molasses, lifted it up and carried it around: That about the breaking Out of this last Indian Warr being at the house of Capt Scottows at black point he Saw Mr George Bur- roughs lift and hold Out a gunn of Six foot barrell or thereabouts putting the forefinger of his right hand into the Muzle of sd gunn and So held it Out at Armes End Only with that finger and further this deponent Testifieth that at the Same time he Saw the Said Burroughs take up a full barrell of Malasses wth but two fingers of one of his hands in the bung & Carry it from the Stage head to the Door at the End of the Stage Without letting it downe & that Liut Richard Hunniwell & John Greinslitt & Some other persons that are Since dead Were then present.. Sam Morgan sworne My husband descends from George Burroughs through the Virginia line of John Burroughs. Burroughs moved to Falmouth, in which he lived until it was destroyed by theWabanaki Confederacyin 1690. ). On the 11th of this instant we heard of many killed of our neighbors in falmouth or Casco-Bay: and on the 12th instant Mr. Joslin sent me a brief letter written from under the hands of Mr. Burras [sic] the minister. 27. May 18, 2005 . Online Tennessee Death Indexes, Records & Obituaries His failure to baptize his children or to attend communion and the secrecy he seemed to keep did not look well on him. He continued to serve as the pastor until the town was attacked and destroyed during a Wabanaki raid on August 11, 1676. Mary Wolcott The afflicted girls, Ann Putnam, Jr., Sarah Bibber, Mercy Lewis, Elizabeth Hubbard, Abigail Hobbs, Mary Warren, Susannah Sheldon, testified against Burroughs as well and accused him of murdering members of his family and other people in the community. This being about.4.a clock in the after noon, ( Essex County Court Archives, Salem - Witchcraft Vol. This G. B. was indicted for witch-craft, and in the prosecution of the charge against him he was accused by five or six of the bewitched, as the author of their miseries; he was accused by eight of the confessing witches, as being an head actor at some of their hellish randevouzes, and one who had the promise of being a king in Satans kingdom, now going to be erected. Burroughs denied these accusations, but they were common accusations against him. In 1674, Burroughs moved to Falmouth, Maine where he served as the pastor at the Falmouth Congregational Church. He resigned his post and left Salem in 1683. As one of the succession of three ministers who left the Village . Salem Witch Trials: Giles Corey - University of Virginia Mercy Lewis: Orphaned Afflicted Girl - History of Massachusetts Blog *mary webber, ( Witchcraft Papers, no. Women are disproportionately affected. Sus: [one line too faint] I, Wiggin and Lunt, 1867.Roach, Marilynne K. The Salem Witch Trials: A Day-by-Day Chronicle of a Community Under Siege. and an Indian that comes with her for the flore is all covered with blod.then the said mary and abigaill looked out of dores & said they saw a greet company of them one a hill & there was three of them lay dead the black woman & the indian & one more that they knew not s'd gun was about or near seven foot barrill:and very hevie: I then tryed to hold out s'd gun with both hands: but could not do it long enough to take sight also: s'd that: Mr Borroughs: told her that: he made lights: in Mr Keyzers: Chimny, Jurat in Curia by Mr Keysor](/tag/keyser_elizer.html) Sworne also by Eliz: Wardwell as to the last night, ( Manuscripts and Archives Division, Salem Selections, New York Public Library, New York, NY. He looked back & knockt down all (or more) https://www.thoughtco.com/george-burroughs-3529133 (accessed March 4, 2023). Brown {strength & the Gun. SWP No. 022: George Burroughs Executed, August 19, 1692 Geo. Despite this, he was executed on the same day like many others. Witnesses yo'r humble Servant, (Reverse) To Jno Hauthorn Nevertheless, Burroughss trial reached its end shortly after and he was promptly found guilty and sentenced to hang later that month. Richard Carrier affirmed to the jury that he saw Mr. George Burroughs at the witch meeting at the village and saw him adminster the sacrament. Perhaps Cotton's most self-damning act within the public eye was his publication of the volume The Wonders of the Invisible World, in October, 1692, after the final executions. The unhappy animosities arising from this source entirely demoralized the Society, and, besides making it otherwise very uncomfortable to a minister, led to a neglect and derangement of all financial affairs. ThoughtCo, Jul. 092: Susannah Martin Executed July 19, 1692, SWP No. George Burroughs would use one or more of these texts in his trial in 1692, attempting to refute the charges against him. George Burroughs was one of the first ministers to step into the Salem Village Church. George Burroughs (1917 - 1974) - Gadsden, Alabama Salem August 2'd 1692. [11] The gun said to have been used at his trial was for a time located at Fryeburg Academy in Fryeburg, Maine, having been taken there in 1808 for display in the Academy museum, but is believed to have since been destroyed in the Academy fire of 1850. Elis: Hubbard {& they all fell into fits George Michael died of natural causes - BBC News Coincidentally, Thomas Putnam also testified during the trial and used similar language to what was written in the girls testimony: The deposistion of Tho. Thomas Putnam, The abovs'd Complaint was Exhibited before us this 30'th aprill 1692, (Essex Institute Collection, no. George Burroughs . Jurat in Curia, ( Essex County Court Archives, Salem - Witchcraft, vol. At some point during this time period, Burroughss second wife, Sarah, died and Burroughs remarried again. Mathers son, Reverend Cotton Mather, later wrote an account of Burroughss case for his book, The Wonders of the Invisible World. George Burroughs. It is with broken Hearts that we announce the passing of our beloved son, husband and father on February 10, 2018 with his loving family by his side. Elizabeth Hubbard Thomas Ruck, Burroughs former brother-in-law, testified to this as well when he told a story about when he went strawberry picking with his sister, Sarah Ruck Hathorne, and Burroughs. 2 no. George Burroughs Genealogy - Death Records | Ancestry Last Known Residence . On Monday afternoon, an independent autopsy ordered by George's family found . ), Mary Webber wid aged aboute 53 years Testifieth and sayth that she liveing at Casco Bay aboute six or seaven years agoe, when George Burroughs was Minester at s'd place, and liveing anner -- Neighbour to s'd Burroughs , was well acquainted with his wife w'ch was dauter to mr John Ruck of Salem she hath heard her tell much of her husband unkindness to her and that she dare not wright to her father to acquaint [him] how it was with her, and soe desired mee to wright to her father that he would be pleased to send for her and told mee she had beene much affrighted, and that something in the night made anoise in the chamber where she lay as if one Went aboute the Chamber, and she calling up the negro. Mary Warren, ( Essex Institute Collection, no. was Baptised. To the Sheriffe of Essex, (Reverse) July 26'th 1692 I have Sumoned the within named James Greinslett according to this Within Sub pena to Give in his Evidence att the time and place within mentioned by me George Burroughs - Salem Witch Trials - ThoughtCo Putnam stated that Burroughss spirit had to come to her on April 20 and confessed to her that he had bewitched his first and second wife to death, as well as the wife and child of Reverend Deodat Lawson and several soldiers at Eastward. & others unknowne came to this depon't & Mr Burroughs had a trumpett & sounded it, & they would have had this depon't to have gone up with them to a feast at Mr parris- ses & Goody Nurse & Goody procter told her this depon't they were Deacons & would have had her eat some of their sweet bread & wine & she asking them what wine that was one of them said it was blood & better then our wine but this depon't refused to eat or drink with them & they then dreadfully afflicted her at that tyme. *Elisha Hutchinson Maj'r, By Virtue of this warrant I Apprehended s'd George Burroughs and have Brought him to Salem and Delievered him to the Authority there this fourth day of May 1692 George H Burroughs (1914 - 2005) - Flint, MI 8 Facts About George Washington's Death The 46-year-old suffered a cardiac arrest while . I told him itt did not belong to mee, and I was not willing to medle or make with itt, then s'd King sayd are you not a Christian if you are a Christian goe [&] see him and discourse with him, but I told him I did beleive it did not belong to such as I was to discourse him he being a Learned man. It he should become apprised of what was going on, his escape into remoter and inaccessible settlements would have baffled the whole scheme. Salem Sep'r 15'th 1692 Thomas Greinslitt appeared before their Maj'ties Justices of Oyer & Terminer in Open Court & Made Oath that the above mentioned perticulars & Every part of them were True George Burrows - Historical records and family trees - MyHeritage Geo Burroughs (Reverse) Jury men Return about Jacobs lookt upon her & she fell into a 2, no. George Burroughs was born 26 October 1579 in Wickhambrook, Saint Edmundsbury, Suffolk, England to Thomas Burroughs (1531-1597) and Bridget Elizabeth Heigham (1530-1597) and died 1 February 1653 Pettaugh, Suffolk, England of unspecified causes. Burrough to Governor and Council. he being then in one of the Chambers in s'd House. During the examination, Burroughs was asked if it was true that his house in Casco Bay was haunted. ", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=George_Burroughs&oldid=1141394101. George Burroughs (1650-1692) - Find a Grave Memorial George Burroughs #[case] No (1) George Burroughs, ( Witchcraft Papers, no. Jurat in Curia, The Deposition of Simon Willard [aged about 42] years saith I being at Saco in the year [1689] some: in Capt Ed Sarjants garison was speaking of mr George Borroughs his great strength saying he Could take:a barrill of mallasses out of a Cannoe or boat alone: and that he Could. Savage says his father probably died in Virginia, and he can feel no doubt that he was the son of that Mrs. Jurat in Curia, ( Essex Institute Collection, no. 2, no. This category includes civil, church, cemetery, obituary, and other death-related collections. George Burroughs (1579-1653) | Familypedia | Fandom ), The deposistion of Ann putnam who testifieth and saith that on the 5'th of may 1692 at evening I saw the apperishtion of Mr George Burroughs who greviously tortored me and urged me to writ in his book which I refused then he tould me that his Two first wives would appeare to me presently and tell me a grat many lyes but I should not beleve them:then immediatly appeared to me the forme of Two women in winding sheats and napkins about their heads: att which I was gratly affrighted: and they turned their faces towards Mr. Burroughs and looked very red and angury and tould him that he had been a cruell man to them.and that their blood did crie for vengance against him: and also tould him that they should be cloathed with white Robes in heaven, when he should be cast into hell: and immediatly he vanished away: and as soon as he was gon the Two women turned their faces towards me and looked as pail as a white wall: and tould me that they ware mr Burroughs Two first wives and that he had murthered them: and one tould me that she was his first wife and he stabed hir under the left Arme and put a peace of sealing wax on the wound and she pulled aside the winding sheat and shewed me the place and also tould me that she was in the house Mr parish now lives w'n it was don, and the other tould me that Mr Burrough and that wife which he hath now kiled hir in the vessell as she was coming to se hir friends because they would have one another: and they both charged me that I should tell these things to the Magestraits before Mr Burroughs face and if he did not own them they did not know but that they should appere their: thes morning also Mis Lawson and hir daughter Ann appeared to me whom I knew: and tould me that Mr Burroughs murthered them: this morning also appeared to me another woman in a winding sheat and tould me that she was goodman fullers first wife and Mr Burroughs kiled hir because there was sum differance between hir husband and him: also on the 9'th may dureing the time of his ex- amination he did most greviously torment and afflect Mary Walcott mercy lewes Eliz Hubburd and Abigail williams by pinching prick'g and choaking them George Burroughs was hangedthe same day as were John Proctor, George Jacobs, Sr., John Willard and Martha Carrier. It is important to note how Burroughs was described as some of these attributes would be stated against him by his accusers: George Burroughs was confident, strong-willed, and decisive, a man of action as well as a preacher, unusually athletic and clever enough to do well in Harvard. Burroughs remained in Salem Village for two years but when the parishioners stopped paying his salary all together, he decided to leave, according to Emerson W. Baker in his book A Storm of Witchcraft: Burroughss tenure was shorter and more turbulent than Bayleys. His first wife was Hannah Fisher; they had nine children. There Being Complaint this day made (Before us) by Capt Jonathan Walcot and Serj't Thomas putnam of Salem Village, in behalfe of theire Majesties, for themselfes, and also for Severall of theire Neighbours Against George Burroughs Minester in Wells in the province of Maine Lydia Dasting in Reading Widow Susanah Martin of Amesbury Widow Dorcas Hoar of Beverly Widdow, and Sarah Murrell of Beverly And phillip English of Salem Merchant for high Suspition of Sundry acts of Witchcraft done or Committed by them Upon the Bodys of Mary Walcot . His trial was the largest due to him being a member of the clergy. the Book. Learn how your comment data is processed. Couple of interesting notes. George Burroughs and the Salem Witch Trials." In 1711, the Massachusetts legislature passed a law to clear the names of the convicted witches and offered restitution to the survivors and their families if they came forward. (2021, July 31). Some in town thought he might be the "dark man" spoken of in many of the accusations. George Burroughs proceeded to quote the Lords Prayer perfectly which was believed to be impossible for a witch to do. [12], Execution of Reverend George Burroughs, 1901 drawing, Genealogy of the Burroughs Family, 1894. This was near enough the border with French Canada that the threat of French and Indian war parties was real. This stirred the crowd and it is suggested that some of the spectators may have tried to stop the execution. Another witness, Hannah Harris, testified that Burroughs had a strange ability to somehow know what his wife had said in private conversations when he was away and once scolded her for what she had said to Harris when he had been away from home. 173: Reversal of Attainder and Restitution (1710 - 1750). By Before the Honoured John Hallum "[citation needed], Letters dated to 1691 from the Littlefields, founder of Wells, Maine, and in-laws to Peter Cloyce, and Rev. Salem Witch Trials: Cotton Mather - University of Virginia 10, Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston, MA., Boston, MA..), The: Deposition of Simon Willard aged:about forty two years sayth: I being att the house of Mr Robt Lawrance: at falmoth in Casco Bay: in Septemb'r 1689 s'd Mr Lawrance was commending Mr George Borroughs his strength: saying that we none of us could doe what he could doe: for s'd he Mr Borroughs can hold out this gun with one hand Mr. Borroughs being there: sayd I held my hand here behind the lock: and took it up: and held it out. Weld swone Dr. Andrew Baker, who performed Mr. Floyd's autopsy, said police officers'. George Burroughs proceeded to quote the Lord's Prayer perfectly which was believed to be impossible for a witch to do. His great grandma was Nora Burroughs (Armistead) from New Point, Mathews, Virginia. Your research is so interesting and I appreciate all your hard work. George Burrough (1579-1653), rector of . Jurat in Curia, ( Withcraft Papers, 11a, Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston, MA., Boston, MA., Boston. [6], Burroughs was arrested on charges of witchcraft on May 4, 1692,[7] based on the accusation of some personal enemies from his former congregation who had sued him for debt. He is remembered especially for reciting the Lord's Prayer during his execution, something it was believed a witch could never do. From June through September of 1692, nineteen men and women, all having been convicted of witchcraft, were carted to Gallows Hill, a barren slope near Salem Village, for hanging. his approbation of her letter to her Father: Thomas Evans that he Carried Out Barrels Molossus & Meats &c out of a Canoo whilst his mate.went to the fort for hands to help out with them, Sarah Wilson Confess't that the night before mr Burroughs was Executed that there was a great Meeting of the witches Nigh Sarj't Chandlers that mr Burr. *Thomas putnam Since the Salem Village parsonage was in disrepair at the time of Burroughs arrival, the Burroughs family stayed with John Putnam, Sr, and his wife Rebecca. He was arrested on May 4 in Maine family legend says while he was eating dinner with his family and was forcibly returned to Salem, to be jailed there on May 7. Society ), Wm & Mary by the Grace of God of England Scotland france & Ireland King & queen defend'rs of the faith &ca --, Wee Comand you to Warn & give Notice unto John Pierce and John lane.