From the epic series of games that is Gears of War, the Locust is a race of humanoids reptillian the planet Sera. Location. The Locust only suffered one major loss in the first year of the war - the death of Zamil Karn and thousands of Locust soldiers during the Destruction of Halvo Bay - despite the battle being a victory still for the Locust. After many failed attempts, Samson turned to Myrrah's embryonic stem cells, combined with Sire DNA. With the majority of humanity relocated on the Jacinto Plateau, namely the capital city of Ephyra - Queen Myrrah set her sights on destroying Ephyra - as the humans would then be left with nothing and could be driven into extinction. The humans of Jacinto initially relocated to Port Farrall - causing the Savage Locust to attack but fail in their siege. Uzil RAAM led the first attack on the city of Jannermont. The Coalition of Ordered Governments. "Order, Diligence, Purity, Labor, Honor, Loyalty, Faith, and Humility." An imperialistic socialist / fascist alliance of nations, the COG warred with the Union of Independent Republics for 80 years during the Pendulum Wars, fighting for control of Imulsion deposits and to advance the governing philosophy of . However, the Swarm could not successfully grow and complete their goals without a physical Queen. On the Trinity of Worms amulet, the string of symbols for QUEEN, STRONG, and DRONES translates as "The Queen makes strong Drones" with the word "makes" not being represented by any symbols. However, their DNA was combined with Myrrah's embryonic stem-cells to create the Locust Horde. Boomers were larger Drones in size and strength, but with a diminished intelligence capacity. Delta then vanquished the stationed Locust in the Outer Hollow and planted the Sonic Resonator, deploying it. On Emergence Day, during the Battle of Jannermont, Vold Sraak made an attempt on Uzil RAAM's life. The Locust had their own writing system, which was referred to as Locust Runes. Both fingernails and toenails grew into claws, and their limbs elongated at different lengths. After the given time, Chairman Prescott unleashed the Hammer of Dawn and scorched a majority of Sera's surface. Queen Myrrah confronted Sgt. myminifactory. Playing GEARS OF WAR 1 on XBOX 360 in 2020 - YouTube While Queen Myrrah had contempt for humans for making them live underground, she accepted that the Hollows were the Locust's by birthright, until the Lambent epidemic. Linkedin, Additional References: The creator of the Locust, Dr. Niles Samson, genetically engineered the Locust to be able to withstand generational conflict. Gears of War Locust Symbol - MyMiniFactory Ketor Skorge was killed when Sgt. Due to being part of the Hivemind, the Locust Drones could telepathically communicate with each other from long distances. A new strategy was in place. Or sign in with one of these services. Fearing her people would suffer from it, Queen Myrrah ordered that he rework the device so that it would kill Lambent and humans, but not the Locust. Penny Modesto. Zamil Karn was a General of the Locust Army during the first months of the Locust War. They were so named for their out-of-control and angry nature. Aware of their plans, Locust began to attack the Gears in Stromson Forest and Landown. Gears of War Quotes [18], Nexus, the Capital City of the Locust Horde. A prequel spin-off to the first game in the series, Gears of War: Judgment, was released in 2013 and focuses on Damon Baird, a member of Fenix's squad. While the Riftworm was dead, Chairman Prescott realized he blindly sent the Gears into the Inner Hollow and not precisely in their stronghold. However, sinking Ilima allowed Jacinto Plateau's base to be weakened enough for the Locust to burrow under Jacinto City and sink it themselves. Seemingly common words in the Locust culture are depicted as single glyphs. 223. The physiology of the Locust varies among their several races, but all members of the Locust were bipedal, muscular, tough skinned, scaled, and taller than at least six feet. Vold RAAM was promoted to Uzil and promoted Vold Karn to Zamil and was ordered to lead Blights into the Republic of Gorasnaya when they would invade the surface. Locust Horde The Kantus would often lead Locust hunting parties and lure out Rockworms for the Locust to kill and eat. Suv: has a bodygroup for the back part. Twenty-five years after, the Locust Horde evolved into beings called Scions. Most of the Sires lost their sanity and became mindless, feral, and aggressive. Uzil RAAM then ordered to open fire on the Gears defending Haldane Hall. The facility was purged in a cyrogenic lockdown as a last resort by a dying Samson to contain the secrets of the facility, but Myrrah and the Locust still managed to escape. Characters / Gears Of War Coalition Of Ordered Governments Once Monroe became aware of the work at New Hope, the facility was ordered to shut down and all scientists involved were indicted. Le_Belliqueux_ 5 days ago. Jacinto City was attacked by Locust trying to keep the humans from sinking the city themselves. Dr. Torres built a device that would subdue the Matriarch and strengthen her connection with Myrrah by beaming into her temporal lobe, amplifying Myrrah's telepathic powers. Berserkers were often used in the Locust army to either hunt humans or to destroy barriers. New characters: Tai Kaliso, "a spiritual and meditative warrior from a tradition of honor-bound fighters." Chairman Prescott: "an almost dictatorial military leader who nonetheless has made the hard choices necessary to keep humanity alive through decades of warfare. Gears 4 and 5, however, altered that last aspect. Samson hoped to replicate Myrrah's beneficial traits in the other children, but ultimately failed. There are many types of Locust, the most common of which are the drones. Using her link to the Hivemind, Myrrah staged a rebellion and led the Locust to freedom by massacring the facility's staff, including Samson. Queen Myrrah and Uzil RAAM became aware of these plans and deployed the army in the ruins of Ephyra to locate and kill Alpha Squad, who had been given the Resonator to take into the Lethia Imulsion Facility. Their bones were heavier and showed signs of extensive thickening. Knowing they were on their way to Anvil Gate, Queen Myrrah sent a massive army to destroy the garrison - but were repelled by the Lambent and the Hammer of Dawn. The Locust Council was then created, attended by the highest ranks, of the Locust to inform Myrrah of social, political, scientific, and combat affairs. Toward the end of the first year against the Locust Horde, it became clear that the Locust were advancing on Ephyra on land and would soon overrun the Coalition and the rest of Sera. The goal, to Queen Myrrah, was not only to destroy one of the last human strongholds, but to also reclaim Professor Adam Fenix in order to have him cure the Lambency. By occupying more cities, the Locust were able to exploit the fissures of the Jacinto Plateau and allow them to dig into the area of Ephyra - as well as staging grounds on the surface. The female was able to reproduce male offspring that were genetically stable, healthy, and fertile - creating the Locust Horde, named for their potential to cause widespread death similar to the insects. Fenix and mocked him, but was then stabbed in the abdomen and died. Professor Fenix agreed to his capture, but sent a message to his son, Sgt. The most notable examples of the computerized Locust alphabet are found on the Locust computer terminals[12][13] and the Locust Invasion Map. He commanded and led the entire Locust military into battle and was second to Queen Myrrah. Ketor Skorge then assisted Uzil RAAM during the Emergence Day. The seawater during the flood caused the Hollow's Imulsion to rise to the surface, infecting Sera's crust and producing fruiting bodies called Lambent Stalks, which were then able to produce Imulsion spores, Lambent Polyps, and other Lambent organisms to spread the parasite. Only a few select people within the COG knew of their existence and origin. However, the humans discovered that the capital was under Mount Kadar, sending the COG army to deploy in the mountains and attack Nexus. Gears of War: The Locust Symbol. Gears of War 2 - Wikipedia Till now, there are four games in the series. From the epic gaming series that is Gears of War, the Locust Horde are a race of reptillian humanoids of the planet Sera. Alpha Squad and the Resonator managed to escape and join Delta Squad. Entirely male, Drones were bred to kill and torture their enemies. The Locust Horde's hierarchy, society, and social class system was very similar to insect colonies such as: bees, ants, and termites. )Ketor Skorge (11th Gale, 14 A.E. Sid Redburn, was disturbed by Ukkon and the acts done there. Desperate, Queen Myrrah tried to destroy the Imulsion Countermeasure before it could kill her people, but the Gears killed her Tempest and she failed to stop the Imulsion Countermeasure. If they succeeded, the rest of the Humans would fall and the Locust Horde would win the war and Sera would be theirs.[20]. The COG then split its population with one half on the Serano Ocean aboard the CNV Sovereign, or on land at Anvil Gate in Anvegad, Kashkur. Myrrah was able to delegate order through the Speaker, but the Swarm needed a living vessel to properly guide the Swarm. Question: the scions & speaker are locust obviously? - Gears Forums Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. Queen Myrrah would normally execute human outsiders, but saw promise in his path. The Swarm planned to end what the Locust started by killing all humans and conquering Sera for themselves. This is in the area where you must take cover from the attacking air barge in the tunnels. Delta still managed to repair, fuel, and deploy the submarine into the Serano Ocean to Azura. The most unique trait of the Kantus was their vocalizing powers. SHARE, LIKE, COMMENT and SUBSCRIBE for more!