Formal and precise choice of language, typical of this genre (e.g. endobj schools page for BBC Bitesize GCSE Revision. Here is all of the planning and resources I produced for an Explanation Texts topic for a Year 4 class. Thanks for your review. How to write an explanation - BBC Teach - BBC Class Clips Video Your rating is required to reflect your happiness. BBC Media Applications Technologies Limited. Explanation texts - English - Learning with BBC Bitesize - BBC Bitesize 0000001734 00000 n England & Wales: Year 1 This short film could be used as an introduction to writing explanation texts. registered in England (Company No 02017289) with its registered office at Building 3, Writing explanations are statements that make clear something by describing it in detail. For younger writers, this is a great opportunity for using words like if, when and, of course, because. Show children this BBC video of Chris Packham about writing an explanation. Helllllpppp! 0000006714 00000 n Please sign up below or login if you are already a member. The following data may be collected and linked to your identity: The following data may be collected but it is not linked to your identity: Privacy practices may vary based on, for example, the features you use or your age. This is a good text for ticking those uses tenses consistently boxes on your assessment sheets. Features of an Explanation Text (KS2) | Teaching Resources Features of an Explanation Text (KS2) Subject: English Age range: 7-11 Resource type: Visual aid/Display 1 review File previews pdf, 133.56 KB This check list can be used to support children as they learn to identify and apply the features of an explanation text. - 44.95/year INC Timed, bite-sized chunks of revision mean you can stay focused and organised. The resources now have two year groups attached as they provide suitable material to help young people transition between year groups and to surface learning lost due to school closures. Using explanation texts - English - Learning with BBC Bitesize - BBC Stages of a River KS2 Lesson Plan, Text and Worksheet / Activity It all starts when a female butterfly lays her eggs, usually on leaves or stems of plants. Includes a letter from Wallace as an introduction and inventor cards to wear or carry. Tes is pleased to continue partnering with BBC Bitesize to ensure that the lessons are accompanied by engaging resource activities. The human digestive system. It provides students with an explanation of the basic difference between figurative and literal language, and notes the text type in which each language form is most commonly found. Links to free videos, guides and quizzes on the BBC Bitesize website will enrich and support your independant learning. St Pauls Place, Norfolk Street, Sheffield, S1 2JE. Explanation Text Examples & Resources - Twinkl 0000014040 00000 n A Guide Dog at Gatwick Airport; A New Travel Companion on Trains. Then, the smelly leftovers, along with billions of dead bacteria, are . 4 Marks Uses technical vocabulary to give a clear and detailed explanation of how text and images create meaning. It might explain an action, a process, an event, a piece of work or something else entirely. FREE Year 6: Instructions and Explanations (Lesson 1 of 10) %PDF-1.5 Take a peek at free samples from our GCSE guides and workbooks to see how BBC Bitesize gives you a more effective independant learning experience. The app is good due to it having most of the subjects however I dont seem to find a GCSE sociology section while looking Wales or English GCSE subjects in the app but is on the website . Itintroduces students to prose, poetry and drama genres, and information, recount, instruction, explanation, persuasion and argument texts. Teaching causal conjunctions will show children how important they are in adding extra detail and justification to their sentences. "surface, internal") and use of technical terms (e.g. If there was ever a word that forced you to demonstrate your understanding, its the question Why? That is why providing explanations is such an important skill for pupils. Another bonus for the teacher is the range of punctuation that can be legitimately included in an explanation text. It is an explanation text Key features. #stressfreeteaching_dreamscheme. Because they often, by definition, show what happens as a general rule, explanations provide an excellent vehicle for practising the use of the present tense. Creative Commons "Sharealike" Download BBC Bitesize - Revision and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. xKk@ x. For more information, see the developers privacy policy. Australia: Kindergarten Year 1 Model Text - Explanation - How is a bridge made? State of Victoria (Department of Education and Training). Tes Global Ltd is But a good plan will probably not be enough on its own. This resource is useful for the Australian Curriculum content descriptions in years 5-7 about interpreting, analysing and evaluating, in years5 and 7 about text structure and organisation, and in year 5 about examining literature. endobj Lesson 1: To identify the features of an explanation text, Total Number of Slides: 6 This website and its content is subject to our Terms and The developer, BBC Media Applications Technologies Limited, indicated that the apps privacy practices may include handling of data as described below. This website and its content is subject to our Terms and Explanation Writing PowerPoint | Tips for Text | Year 3-6 - Twinkl Any help here at all? xKK@w9S3 .TZPq!.&XVd01Up9w (^O3&)9" Use of brackets in this text. You could pause the clip at various stages in order to ask pupils questions and check their understanding. Conditions. Also, I dont know if my school just does this, but we have a themes paper, and that whole subject isnt even on there. This is a collection of seven information sheets about the differences between fiction and non-fiction writing, emphasising the characteristics of several different genres in each, including prose, poetry and drama, and information, recount, instruction, explanation, persuasion and argument texts. BBC Bitesize: text types - revision - FUSE - Department of Education This is a collection of seven information sheets about the differences between fiction and non-fiction writing, emphasising the characteristics of several different genres in each, including prose, poetry and drama, and information, recount, instruction, explanation, persuasion and argument texts. Sometimes there may be animations An explanation of how tadpoles grow into frogs Introduction Frogs live in and around ditches and ponds. 0000006331 00000 n You may download, copy and communicate this material for free, and use it in digital and hardcopy format for non-commercial educational use in Australian schools and TAFE institutions, provided you retain all acknowledgements associated with the material. BBC Bitesize - Revision on the App Store They could even try including those bad boys of punctuation that even most adults struggle with: colons and semicolons. endobj PDF Lesson 4 Identify key features of an explanation text. Some parts are omitted however most activities are there. 6 0 obj %%EOF What was the video, I know there's cracking contraptions videos on youtube. Learning aims for KS2 Explanation Text Examples Looking for educational materials for younger learners? 2 0 obj Something went wrong, please try again later. BBC Teach > Primary Resources > KS1 English / KS2 English > The Facts About Non-Fiction. The main purpose of the PowerPoint is to influence children to write about information about something or to explain how something works. Grammarsaurus Gold Subscription To convey the logic and order effectively, pupils will need to include a good selection of conjunctions, adverbials (including fronted adverbials) and prepositions. Explanation Texts - Teaching tips for KS2 writing - Plazoom 4 0 obj 0000001593 00000 n Newsround presenter Leah Boleto explains how discursive writing requires an understanding of the difference between facts and opinions, and how to use connecting phrases and statistics. Hello, Thank you for your feedback. Report this resourceto let us know if it violates our terms and conditions. KS1 Explanation Texts Resources & Worksheets | Classroom Secrets An invoice will appear on your accounts page and be sent by email. BBC Bitesize revision resources give you the information you need for your GCSE exams. 0000000709 00000 n 0000002000 00000 n 10 0 obj The theme is Wallace and Gromit's Cracking Contraptions. As was mentioned earlier, one of the crucial elements of an explanation is the logical presentation of the material. However, instructions tend to have their own conventions, not least the use of imperative verbs, so it is probably best to consider them to be a separate genre. Yes This KS2 English quiz will challenge you on writing explanations. We offer this great resource pack that provides explanation text examples and specially designed planning sheets to help give KS2 students the best possible foundations for getting to grips with this genre. Links to free videos, guides and quizzes on the BBC Bitesize website will enrich and support your independant learning. Report this resourceto let us know if it violates our terms and conditions. 0000006988 00000 n Yes Therefore, this might be the perfect genre for peer marking, not just for identifying all the many features outlined above, but also for getting another perspective. 746 0 obj<> endobj He outlines how to use short, simple sentences, logical sequenced steps and technical vocabulary that may need explaining in a glossary. Why join Plazoom? Copy and paste pictures from internet if needed. In KS1, this could well involve commas for lists and question marks, especially when using question sentences as subheadings. I love the look of this resource but would love to know how to access the PowerPoints, Empty reply does not make any sense for the end user, Hi! 1 0 obj You could use this causal conjunctions KS2 PowerPoint to introduce the topic and the specific . Thank you. I hope they are useful for you. Pause it during the recap of explanation writing features from 1:12 to 1:29 and discuss what each of the points mean. KS2 Causal Conjunctions PowerPoint Pack | Primary Resource - Twinkl Update to the latest version for the best experience of FUSE. Features of explanation texts poster | Teaching Resources Conditions. This short film will be relevant for teaching English at KS1 and KS2 in England, Wales and Northern Ireland and 1st and 2nd Level in Scotland. This model text is an explanation of how bridges are made, based on the nursery rhyme, London Bridge is Falling Down. Can we invite you to try again and let us know what happens? The first thing youd want from your example is a full range of structural features you would expect your pupils to incorporate into their own efforts. The BBC Bitesize Revision app helps you study for your GCSEs, TGAU, Nationals or Highers with free flashcards and revision guides from the BBC. What should a Year 4 explanation text look like?&nbsp;Use this handy Information Report Example with Year 4 students to help you provide an ideal example for your class or moderate children's writing, according to the 2014 National Curriculum requirements for English.Featuring a specific example of an information report on the water cycle, this resource is a great reference for students to use . The life cycle of a frog goes through several . Children are given statements about the width, speed etc of a river and asked to identify which stage of a river's journey they belong to. Depending on the subject matter, you could even invite pupils to include diagrams, tables and charts, although you might want to avoid the emphasis of the lesson switching from writing to art. <> Resources now have two year groups attached as they provide suitable material to help young people transition between year groups and to surface learning lost due to school closures. I get it about the whole condense important stuff, but especially for subjects like RS/RE you really need to pack in the points and drench them in quotes. Writing Explanations. BBC Bitesize | Tes This download includes a fully interactive PowerPoint, lesson scheme of work and resources. You could argue that an instructional text is a form of explanation. Your rating is required to reflect your happiness. % Visit the BBC Bitesize website at FEATURES:- Sign in with your free BBC Account to set your subjects and exam board and youll only see the stuff thats relevant to you.- Revision Guides give you on-the-go access to the usual Bitesize life-savers: packed with the information you need for exam success. The BBC uses these for internal purposes to analyse and improve the app and its content. St Pauls Place, Norfolk Street, Sheffield, S1 2JE. St Pauls Place, Norfolk Street, Sheffield, S1 2JE. trailer endstream endobj 747 0 obj<>/OCGs[749 0 R]>>/PieceInfo<>>>/LastModified(D:20050411114940)/MarkInfo<>>> endobj 749 0 obj<>/PageElement<>>>>> endobj 750 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/ExtGState<>>>/StructParents 0/Tabs/S>> endobj 751 0 obj<> endobj 752 0 obj<> endobj 753 0 obj<> endobj 754 0 obj<> endobj 755 0 obj<> endobj 756 0 obj<>stream Our customer service team will review your report and will be in touch. Children invent their own machine then explain how it works. 0000013799 00000 n Here is all of the planning and resources I produced for an Explanation Texts topic for a Year 4 class. Some of the most popular non-fiction books in school libraries are the explanation books. This PowerPoint includes loads of great tips for writing explanation texts. Lesson Plan Included? Click 'Upgrade now' to activate your subscription. <> Are you a teacher?Go to ourschools page for BBC Bitesize GCSE Revision. What is the digestive system? - BBC Bitesize Diagrams - diagrams give information in a way that would be difficult with text alone. An explanation will typically give a step-by-step account of the stages or phases in a particular process. Explore below. Teaching Ideas. We are keen to keep improving our Bitesize app and its accessibility in order to make the content as useful as it can be, and user feedback helps us to achieve this. Conditions. <>>> You might notice a few other subtle changes to our branding too, including a new home screen icon, logo, colours and fonts. This is a series of organs that break down the food so it can be absorbed into our blood and travel around to where it is needed. Y4 Information Texts: Explanation Model/Example Text - Twinkl Exercise (Y1s/Y2e) Guided Reading Pack A Guided Reading Pack aimed at Y1s/Y2e readers in the form of an information text about exercise. 0000001284 00000 n We've been making improvements and fixing bugs. I'm sorry to have to ask you this. Resources Included? Year 4. Explanation texts include specific features, like text arranged into numbered points, time connectives, diagrams with labels and pictures with captions. It enables students to test their understanding about the purpose and audience of a text example and compare their answer with the one provided. Its always a good idea to provide pupils with high-quality examples of whichever text type you are teaching. 0000003502 00000 n Pupils could also create a success criteria for their own writing after watching the features be explained in this resource. FREE! - Y5 Information Texts: Explanation Model/Example Text - Twinkl I will certainly hand your suggestion across to the development team who can take your comments into consideration when discussing future developments of the app. This FREE lesson is the first of a 2-Week Unit on instructions and explanation texts. Copy or print out the explanation text and place the missing words from the table below into the right places. Often this is set out in a structure of the general statement, or logical steps into . The butterfly life cycle! - National Geographic Kids Making great literacy lessons easy. Explanation texts Spring term. You will not be able to complete your purchase until you either enable JavaScript in your browser, or switch to a browser that supports it. 0000007210 00000 n Digestion happens in the digestive system. 0000006486 00000 n Sitting opposite a Go board and a fierce competitor in the deep blue room, one of the best human Go players on the planet . stream 0000003579 00000 n It contains links to a teaching game about fiction and non-fiction, and a multiple-choice revision test. Features of explanation texts poster | Teaching Resources Features of explanation texts poster Subject: English Age range: 7-11 Resource type: Visual aid/Display 22 reviews File previews pdf, 459.41 KB Poster with key features of explanation texts included. This is an information text about forces and magnets. Follow us on Instagram for regular updates! stream 0000003273 00000 n <> Actors Shannon Flynn and Richard Wisker talk about using emotive language, the difference between facts and opinions, and how to use evidence to support persuasive writing. LearnMore. Theyre a fast way to get the most important info into your head: with summaries, glossaries, videos, infographics, quizzes and quotes. Explanation Writing Topic Guide for Teachers - Teaching Packs During this lesson, children will read and compare 3 different explanation texts as they identify and record their common features. Could you please point me in the right direction for these files as they are still showing up as notebook files? It was 9 March 2016 on the sixth floor of the Four Seasons hotel in Seoul. We've made some important changes to our Privacy and Cookies Policy and we want you to know what this means for you and your data. 746 20 It takes around 24 hours for your dinner to wind its way through the nine-metre-long digestive tract. Ask the children to make notes about the section of the video from 1:47 to 5:03. endstream #Year 1 WAGOLL #Primary 1 WAGOLL #Grade Kindergarten WAGOLL #Senior Infants Class WAGOLL Hello, Click here to download the complete unit! The human digestive system - National Geographic Kids Of course, you would have to explain that consistently does not mean exclusively, especially when dealing with historical information. To ensure quality for our reviews, only customers who have downloaded this resource can review it. 9 0 obj That means pupils need to be fully aware of the sequence in which things happen so that they can explain them in a logical order. The only problem I have with the app is that there just isnt enough detail when compared to the website itself. People love reading books that explain how, why, where, when and what. - Available on iPhone and iPad.- Best of all, its completely free and there are no in-app purchases.To give you the best experience, this app tracks your selected nation, language, subjects and exam specifications to provide you with customised revision content. The home of quality resources made by practising teachers and writing moderators. endobj